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Thanks :)


Yip I sure am, Its going to be my first BDO, so im kind of nervous/exicted all at once. What about you? Are you going?

Definitely. :)


I think the second announcement is next week - hope there might be a few more bands I want to see.

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The cosplayers are amazing. My outfit was super cheap, since I'd had it for a 90s themed party ages ago. Just a top and shorts, and then some red braces and a wig, and sneakers. But some people do really amazing ones where they stitch everything themselves and make all the accessories and stuff. It must take them so long!


Omg Ludo toy! Awesome! Pic plz? And what does it say? How much was it? :D


Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! :kiss: for all of you. I had a pretty good day- finished that assignment, went over to a friends and she gave me a gift which included an itunes voucher so yay! And then out to dinner with my sister and mum. The place we went to was reeeeally good :happy:


Edit: Rich, there's a new Marian Keyes book out now I think if she likes her :erm:



Oh he is awesome! I totally got ripped for him though!

I Can't believe I spent 40 bucks on him:eek:

but I am reaaallly really glad I did!


He says "Sarah friend" Or so I think anyway, and "Smellllll baaaaad!" Which is so cute :awesome:




Found a 2009 book by one of the authors I know my mum likes. :happy: And I got a JB gift card for my sister's husband (his birthday is Saturday).


Oh that's awesome, sounds like you have it sussed. Did you get your hair cut?


Hey guys, How are we all doing?

Im new around here. Im from New Zealand, Im from up north live in a small town by Whangarei. Love Muse, have for a while now.


Helloooooo, I'm fairly newbie too, :)


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the being paid for walking along the river and texting people in the warm sun this morning was a highlight.


got an special announcement email from our ceo and first thought was "BONUS!" then it turned out it was just because we're finalist for the best place to work. lame.

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I did! So I did everything I planned to do...except the essay-writing part. :erm:


Went out to dinner tonight. :happy:


How is everyone?



Hhahaah awesome, except maybe the no essay part!

I'm good, I had two cases the entire day that finished by 10am so the rest of the day I kind of hid from my bosses and didn't get roped into doing anything else, so got some study done. The other trainees often hide out when they have finished lists but I usually go and find out what needs doing, so it was kind of nice to be naughty.




i'm good. the whole day i kept saying to myself "this is such a good day!" expecting something bad to happen and it never did. :awesome:



WIN!!!! =)

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i was at the supermarket at lunchtime, just perusing bread as you do and there was this little old lady who was about a head shorter than me (me, being what...5'2) trying to get bread off the top tray with her cane. she was very unsteady and only succeeding in squishing the bread. this woman just walked past, looked at her and kept walking!


so i asked if i could help and got two of the loaves down for her. she then told me her favourite bread was $4 and there was no way in hell she was going to pay for it so she got this bread instead. she was so wee and adorable. hope if she needed anything else someone would have been nice enough to help too!


so...any speculation on who the top entertainer is in courts at the moment? only clues are he's in his thirties, a musician, performed in wellington at the time and 16 year old girls would want to kiss him in the street.

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i was at the supermarket at lunchtime, just perusing bread as you do and there was this little old lady who was about a head shorter than me (me, being what...5'2) trying to get bread off the top tray with her cane. she was very unsteady and only succeeding in squishing the bread. this woman just walked past, looked at her and kept walking!


so i asked if i could help and got two of the loaves down for her. she then told me her favourite bread was $4 and there was no way in hell she was going to pay for it so she got this bread instead. she was so wee and adorable. hope if she needed anything else someone would have been nice enough to help too!


so...any speculation on who the top entertainer is in courts at the moment? only clues are he's in his thirties, a musician, performed in wellington at the time and 16 year old girls would want to kiss him in the street.


Awwwww, that's so sweet, and sad. I can't understand some people.

The other day when I was walking to the bus stop I saw an old lady waiting there with a couple of other people, she had a bag/trolley thing on wheels and the ewind had blown it over and she couldn't bend to pick it up off the grass.

The other two people just stood and watched her struggle, and so by the time I got to the stop she had been struggling a while, I picked it up for her and she just BEAMED at me and patted my hand. :(

How could they just stand there? Meanies.


Ummm I have no idea who it could be, there are so many to choose from :p

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my new branch has sliding doors, but my old one didn't. in fact they were REALLY heavy doors. the receptionist would sit there and just watch elderly people struggle to come in and my workmate beside me would have to walk across the room to open the doors. its not that fucking hard!


i was trying to find the video of him outside court to get a better idea, but doesn't seem to be on tv3. will have to watch the late news. i love speculating! i have no life. i mean today was made really good by the fact i found a place that had a chicken roll for a really good price (with real chicken) with 10 minutes left on my lunch break. it was so amazing. i so will be a repeat customer. and then i avoided the temptation of the donut man.

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That is brilliant!

I can't resist donuts. Especially those mini hot ones in the bags that you get at events. Nom nom nom :rolleyes:

yeah this is a donut van. he makes the mini donuts while you wait and then sprinkles ridiculous amounts of cinnamon and sugar on them. $2.50 for eight. i thought the city council had got rid of him so i was delighted to see him last week and splurged accordingly.

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