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Yay for your birthday! Are you doing anything special?


Doing my assignment :awesome:

No really, I have an assignment due tomorrow that I need to finish :(. It's my creative writing portfolio, so that's okay, but I have to do the multimedia part and I really hate the idea that I've come up with but it's far too late to change. So I'm just going for a pass mark on that bit and then to knock 'em dead with my screenplay :awesome:


[spoiler=armageddon]Woo, went to Armageddon yesterday! It was totally cool- met up with a bunch of friends and we saw the Robot Chicken panel. Seth Green is so cute and short. One guy asked if he could hug everyone and he was so excited when they said yes. He hugged Seth Green and literally lifted him up off the ground, so Seth wrapped his legs around his waist and the guy was suddenly holding his whole weight :LOL:

I saw heaps of cosplayers too and got photos with them :awesome: I was stupidly excited when I saw people cosplaying as my favourite anime :D I went dressed as Misty from Pokemon and a few people liked my outfit. I didn't buy anything other than food and drink but it was still fun to look around. We also saw an icecream eating contest, and part of a Tekken tournament. Usually I'm not that huge of a Tekken fan but seeing top international players battle it out on huge screens is pretty exciting, especially with the crowd booing and cheering :LOL: Fun day overall, and my friends and I are now totally itching to do a hard out group cosplay next year :happy:



Thanks Lenny :happy::kiss:


Edit: Okay I just checked out of curiosity, and apparently Seth Green is 5' 4' :stunned:

To put that in perspective, Bells is an average 5' 7', while our often-teased friend from over the Tasman Rove is just under him at 5' 6'

Edited by darkshineskitty
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yeah when he was on rove on friday i looked up how tall he was as he was way shorter than rove. he's just taller than me!


i should be doing my assignment too but i'm helping oren bake.


don't want to do anything work related as i know i'm going to get told off at work tomorrow for some underwriting i did.

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I wish I was shorter. Being tall makes me feel so self-conscious because I stick out. Literally :noey:



I have officially overstayed my welcome at Mum's. Turns out she thought that my coming with her this weekend was a statement of me moving back in. No no no no no no no no no.


I can't live here. I eat like crap and muck around in a kind of haze of tv watching and internet surfing because there is absolutely nothing to do, unless you feel like walking through farmland for hours, and I've been there and done that.

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Doing my assignment :awesome:

No really, I have an assignment due tomorrow that I need to finish :(. It's my creative writing portfolio, so that's okay, but I have to do the multimedia part and I really hate the idea that I've come up with but it's far too late to change. So I'm just going for a pass mark on that bit and then to knock 'em dead with my screenplay :awesome:


[spoiler=armageddon]Woo, went to Armageddon yesterday! It was totally cool- met up with a bunch of friends and we saw the Robot Chicken panel. Seth Green is so cute and short. One guy asked if he could hug everyone and he was so excited when they said yes. He hugged Seth Green and literally lifted him up off the ground, so Seth wrapped his legs around his waist and the guy was suddenly holding his whole weight :LOL:

I saw heaps of cosplayers too and got photos with them :awesome: I was stupidly excited when I saw people cosplaying as my favourite anime :D I went dressed as Misty from Pokemon and a few people liked my outfit. I didn't buy anything other than food and drink but it was still fun to look around. We also saw an icecream eating contest, and part of a Tekken tournament. Usually I'm not that huge of a Tekken fan but seeing top international players battle it out on huge screens is pretty exciting, especially with the crowd booing and cheering :LOL: Fun day overall, and my friends and I are now totally itching to do a hard out group cosplay next year :happy:



Thanks Lenny :happy::kiss:


Edit: Okay I just checked out of curiosity, and apparently Seth Green is 5' 4' :stunned:

To put that in perspective, Bells is an average 5' 7', while our often-teased friend from over the Tasman Rove is just under him at 5' 6'


YUS! I went to Armageddon today, it was great!!! So much fun, I love all the people dressed up in costumes and milling around, I just admire them and think those cosplayers are so brave to get up on stage and do those skits and stuff. I didn't realise that their cotumes are nearly all hand made, hand painted and hand stiched, that it pretty amazing!


I got a picture taken with some storm troopers :D and got chased by some zombies from spookers which was freeaaakkky!


Oh and came home and watched Speed :awesome: What a great day! Hope everyone elses was great too!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a fantastic day! xoxox

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Armageddon sure sounds fun. I've always wanted to go to one, especially back in the days when Buffy actors were there :LOL: Ah well, one day maybe.


I haven't watched Speed in ages! Loved it back in the day.



Happy Birthday Kitty! :party: Hope you have a great day despite the assignment! :D


I'm still working on my snail assignment. I was hoping to have it finished today to cruise through studying for my quiz tomorrow, but argh, so many statistics to do for this one!


Tired eyes means bedtime though. Good night moas.

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he would never turn off his blackberry even though the lecturer said everyone had to. apparently MPs have different rules!



I need to buy something tomorrow for my mum's birthday...really don't know what to get! I'll look in some book shops and hope I see something new by an author I know she likes. There are only four or five that I could name though, so I don't like my chances. :erm:

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YUS! I went to Armageddon today, it was great!!! So much fun, I love all the people dressed up in costumes and milling around, I just admire them and think those cosplayers are so brave to get up on stage and do those skits and stuff. I didn't realise that their cotumes are nearly all hand made, hand painted and hand stiched, that it pretty amazing!


OMG I forgot,the BEST thing about today was that I found a random LUDO cuddly toy :D He was the only one there, there were no other things from Labyrinth there but that and he TALKS!!!!!



The cosplayers are amazing. My outfit was super cheap, since I'd had it for a 90s themed party ages ago. Just a top and shorts, and then some red braces and a wig, and sneakers. But some people do really amazing ones where they stitch everything themselves and make all the accessories and stuff. It must take them so long!


Omg Ludo toy! Awesome! Pic plz? And what does it say? How much was it? :D


Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! :kiss: for all of you. I had a pretty good day- finished that assignment, went over to a friends and she gave me a gift which included an itunes voucher so yay! And then out to dinner with my sister and mum. The place we went to was reeeeally good :happy:


Edit: Rich, there's a new Marian Keyes book out now I think if she likes her :erm:

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Time for bed for me now, I have a big day ahead tomorrow - essay-writing, hair-cutting (although that doesn't require much effort on my part) and frantic present-searching.


Hope you have a good day. :) Night!

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