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[spoiler= cricket talk]














It's not necessary to have that much depth in the batting but Oram and Cairns are both far better options than Stuffey, Adams, Franklin etc. And sorry Angus, but Lou Vincent really was a very shit player.


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I'm now an editor. I used to be a producer, which meant I typed up captions from scratch for TV programmes, as well as doing the news; now my job is to edit the captions others have done, as well as still doing the news. And I'm meant to be the guy to answer people's questions and solve problems in the weeknight/weekend shifts now. It's just a bit more seniority, really.


Congratulations! :)


just noticed the hobbits>unions tag :LOL:



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i think these ads are relevant at this time of year to be brought up again





I'd almost forgotten about those! That guy was my hero.


Drank so much coffee at work this morning. Will probably be up for 2 days.


Know that feeling.


Ugh, hate this weather! It's 25 degrees-plus and a million percent humidity. On top of that, rain decides to randomly piss down from time to time. I am most displeased.

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Hey Michelle, how's it going?


Check this place out: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunbears/ Borneo Sunbear Conservation Centre. I so want to go.


Good thanks! But my data analysis is going so slow, so much more to do and the thesis is suppose to be in by the end of February :erm:


How about yourself?


The sunbears are so cute! Love the high five one :chuckle:


i think these ads are relevant at this time of year to be brought up again






Aww, he needs to come back for our viewing pleasure.


Ugh, hate this weather! It's 25 degrees-plus and a million percent humidity. On top of that, rain decides to randomly piss down from time to time. I am most displeased.


And the showers occur when walking between buildings of course. We have the fire exit door open for a nice refreshing breeze.

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Unbelievable rain here today. Surface water on the harbour bridge! It's raining so hard the water's not even getting enough time to slide downhill.


Yeah the rain just did not stop nearly all day. But it's good though to fill up the water supplies and prevent or lessen the effects of this summers drought. The little pateke pond on Tiritiri was already pretty low when I last went, this rain hopefully filled it back up for the little ducks :happy:


this was today:



Wow. I'm a little jealous though since I still haven't had much experience with snow. Is that a random person or Oren? :chuckle:

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