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Exactly :LOL:


It sure is annoying when you can't concentrate. I haven't been able to concentrate well for the past week, lol.




Don't think I'll be selling any of mine. Took too much effort getting them and their pretty. Even though I need money to get a car, I don't think I'll be able to get back what I paid for them because of postage prices, unless they got a good bidding war on ebay :LOL:

Dang. Well if you chane your mind...

Anyone else?

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Awkwardness. Makes Friday's send off feel like a waste, doesn't it. How was the first 20 minutes then?

it was alright, was told that i can start at 9am everyday if i want so probably will be doing that so i don't have to get up so early!


the branch is massive, there's a wee gym upstairs and a storage room that is twice the size of my old branch staffroom (which was for nine people - their branch is 4 people at most). also the manager said he trusted me to make my own decisions - which is awesome.

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No, but that's not surprising. I don't remember a BDO headliner ever doing a sideshow in Auckland. Not much point when they're doing a full-length set at BDO I guess.


They'll hopefully come back later in the tour.

thats the normal pattern anyway, come back in the winter.

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it was alright, was told that i can start at 9am everyday if i want so probably will be doing that so i don't have to get up so early!


the branch is massive, there's a wee gym upstairs and a storage room that is twice the size of my old branch staffroom (which was for nine people - their branch is 4 people at most). also the manager said he trusted me to make my own decisions - which is awesome.


Sounds like it should be pretty nice there.


My sister went last year, she said she spent $60+ on food and drinks alone. I know I need a fair bit anyway... I didn't wanna have to use an eftpos card anyway :p


Woah, that's a bit excessive :LOL: I've never spent that much at a BDO. Might this time though if I get to buying a Muse tour date t-shirt.


So police are digging in the backyard of the house that toddler went missing from.


Yeah, and digging around septic tanks in the bush or something like that. My mum said the helicopters have been flying around again too.




:( Hungry dingo is hungry.

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