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Went to the King's Arms tonight to see five bands for $10.


The first band, Litvak Attack, was absolutely fantastic. Worth the $10 alone. Those are some very talented musicians who I doubt will be the opening act on a bill like that for much longer.


So when they finished, I thought that since they were only first up, I would be in for a stunning night. It was not to be - the rest of the bands were AWFUL! At least Snakes Of Iron were entertainingly bad - my friend and I were pissing ourselves laughing through most of their set. But the others were just painful. On top of being musically poor, The Rabble were unbearably preachy.

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Um...The Outsiders and Lungs. The latter had an excuse for being bad - the singer had lost his voice. :stunned: They learnt a valuable lesson tonight. CANCEL THE SHOW WHEN YOUR SINGER HAS LOST HIS VOICE.


How was your day?

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Solo news-age is hard work! So exhausted.


Turns out the person who was meant to be on Tonight with me is off sick today, and it was never re-allocated. I should have gone and asked someone else, but by the time I realised, it had reached a point where it was so late it's a bit awkward to ask anyone to help.

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Yeah, I'm not a fan.


I agree with Matt McCarten's point that it'll make new employees spend all their time sucking up to their bosses in those first 90 days.

basically if you end up with a personality clash with someone at the start of a job, they can just get rid of you instead of having to work through it.


sounds like maybe a chest infection? haven't had a cold or anything have you?

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I've had a weird slight shortness of breath since yesterday. It hurts a bit when I try to take a deep breath. Not sure why, but it's annoying, so I hope it clears soon.


I've gotten something like that too!


Last week on Tiri it felt like my asthma was coming back and it got more persitant when I came home. So I saw a dr yesterday and he said it must be an infection triggering it as my temperature was 38.6!! I have no other symptoms and he said I didn't have a chest infection, so it is still asthma but potentially could be influenza... So I'm not allowed to go to uni or anywhere until it it has cleared up in hopefully a few days. If not, I have to go see the dr again.


I'm not sure if you have a history of asthma Rich, but if it starts getting too uncomfortable and makes you cough, you might want to go to the dr to get checked out.

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sounds like maybe a chest infection? haven't had a cold or anything have you?

I had a cold a couple of weeks ago, but thought it had cleared. Random.


I'm not sure if you have a history of asthma Rich, but if it starts getting too uncomfortable and makes you cough, you might want to go to the dr to get checked out.

No history of asthma, but it is uncomfortable and making me cough, so maybe I will go see someone about it. Bit wary of getting too much medical attention at the moment though - having the cyst thing on my face cut off tomorrow. It's covered by insurance, but it's about $1900! :stunned:


Hope your infection clears up Michelle!

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No history of asthma, but it is uncomfortable and making me cough, so maybe I will go see someone about it. Bit wary of getting too much medical attention at the moment though - having the cyst thing on my face cut off tomorrow. It's covered by insurance, but it's about $1900! :stunned:


Hope your infection clears up Michelle!


Wow :stunned: Are you getting full anaesthetic or just a local while they remove it? I hope that goes all smoothly for you too!

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I see, hopefully you'll get your mark soon!


I'm just on and off Tiri still, haven't been to Motuihe as much but there are about 20 bellbirds still there which isn't too bad. And while at home, I have to sort out my data. Today I watched some more of my camera footage and I got 334 male bellbirds coming into a feeder in just one hour. They are hungry little sauages :chuckle:

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Indeed. But not so much action when a tui is around. They can't get into the feeder but they sure like to find a way. One tui spent maybe 20 minutes coming back and forth, climbing all around the feeder (even under it!) and just stood outside the entrance as if thinking of what to try next.

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