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Had a bit of a mismatched day today involving driving to wrong places and forgetting things, coupled with a strange sense of detachment due to very little sleep. Then Mum was all grumpy when she got home, going on about how I wasn't prepared for the day and stuff, even though one of the things I forgot I didn't even know I would need. She then went on about leaving rubbish around, because I left one small label stuck to the kitchen counter and it left paper residue behind, which is totally not my fault.




At least I watched Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog when I got home :awesome:

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depends what new zealand music you're listening to i suppose...


lawrence arabia is well worth a listen and definitely a must see live. as is samuel flynn scott doing his solo stuff.


i am looking forward to the new phoenix foundation album...too bad it's released the day we fly out of new zealand i guess marbecks won't be open that early.


i still think neil finn is amazing, despite my feelings on crowded house reforming. i wish he'd stick to his solo stuff, try whistling is one of his best works because he took risks with it and didn't seem to care what the record company said.


and then paul mclaney...that voice and his lyrics. i just wish he stayed miserable instead of getting married and having a kid, as his more tortured songs were the best (like stay ah richard?).


but i suppose if you like the new muse stuff, maybe good new zealand music isn't to your tastes?

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but i suppose if you like the new muse stuff, maybe good new zealand music isn't to your tastes?


Oh, zing.


I guess I just don't pick up New Zealand albums. I don't really buy a lot of music, I usually listen on youtube, so generally its just whatever I can think of at the time. And I don't watch the charts either. I don't listen to the radio, because my car doesn't have one. So really I don't get exposed to New Zealand music all that often :LOL: I do like bands like Fat Freddy's Drop, Shapeshifter, The Veils, The Mint Chicks, and all them, but usually I only listen to their singles, or I hear another song from them that I don't really like so I never feel intrigued enough to listen to a whole album.

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Haha, The Daily Show just had a series of new clips talking about all the things that have gone wrong for the chairman of the Republican party, and the last one was "and then there was the lesbian bondage fiasco." :LOL: I was not expecting that. And so nicely worded.

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Haha, The Daily Show just had a series of new clips talking about all the things that have gone wrong for the chairman of the Republican party, and the last one was "and then there was the lesbian bondage fiasco." :LOL: I was not expecting that. And so nicely worded.


Heh, I saw that one. "If there isn't a new indie band with that name by tomorrow, I'm going... to be disappointed."

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I just watched Adventureland twice in a row. As you do! I watched it, and then decided I felt like watching it again.


Highly recommend it, by the way - in case you hadn't guessed that from the fact that I watched it twice in one night.

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Amaze and Amazement - The Enright House (okay okay, so he's like part NZer, German, American whatever...but we'll claim him)



And I really liked Pegasus by Phoenix Foundation too when I first heard it in Benneydale (:LOL:) but I still haven't got round to buying it :rolleyes:


I'll Be Lightning by Liam Finn is fantastic too.




What's the Scream Machine?




I just watched Adventureland twice in a row. As you do! I watched it, and then decided I felt like watching it again.


Highly recommend it, by the way - in case you hadn't guessed that from the fact that I watched it twice in one night.


Wow, I should put more priority in getting that to watch then. The movie I've watched twice recently is Moon :happy:

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That's one I definitely have to see.


I'm probably having friends over for DVDs and drinks one night next weekend, and I've decided I'm going to do some baking for it. :eek: I believe I can do it! I found an easy-looking and extremely chocolatey recipe. :happy:


But I still won't tell them about it until the actual night, for many reasons - in case it goes disastrously wrong, in case my uninspiring culinary history puts them off coming, and to have the comedic effect of welcoming them all to my house and announcing, "oh, and I baked some fucking brownies!" :D

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Can't go wrong with an easy brownie recipe. Just remember to use a timer so you don't burn them :chuckle: With my baking I usually set the timer 5 minutes less than what they say to check it as sometimes it can be cooked before the stated time [/baking tip]

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I just watched Adventureland twice in a row. As you do! I watched it, and then decided I felt like watching it again.


Highly recommend it, by the way - in case you hadn't guessed that from the fact that I watched it twice in one night.


That's the one with Ryan Reynolds, right? *rubs chin*




Wow, I should put more priority in getting that to watch then. The movie I've watched twice recently is Moon :happy:


Oh. That looks like it could be quite unexpected in its movements.


Ooh I want to see Moon!


I did some baking today :awesome: Well, it was less baking and more like putting milk into pre-mixed powder and baking it. I don't really know if the cookies are done or not though, because they're brown on the bottom, and they have a cooked texture, but they're really soft. That might be because I added a bit more milk than the recipe stated though.

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Alright thanks, just went to uni to read papers. Yesterday my supervisor told me about all the things I can do on Tiritiri Matangi so I'll have a good lot of data even the translocated birds all bugger off. Might be going to tiri next Friday to check out where we want to do everything.


How was your day?

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Heh, look at this auction on Trade Me:



Some of the questions are quite funny.


Q: "any chance theres a leprechaun or two in the patch aswell, you could ask them if they know where the rainbow ends and where the pot of gold is located. ...lucky sod indeed!"


A: Quite possibly as we have heard someone running around shouting "fiddly dee potatoes!"


The current bid is $114.

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Oh. That looks like it could be quite unexpected in its movements.


Ooh I want to see Moon!


I did some baking today :awesome: Well, it was less baking and more like putting milk into pre-mixed powder and baking it. I don't really know if the cookies are done or not though, because they're brown on the bottom, and they have a cooked texture, but they're really soft. That might be because I added a bit more milk than the recipe stated though.


Yeah the ride changed directions which is good as you get use to one way after a while.


Yes, you must see Moon. It wasn't quite what I was expecting but I loved it :happy:


Those cookies might just meant to be soft inside. I should do some baking this weekend, haven't done any for a while.

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Heh, look at this auction on Trade Me:



Some of the questions are quite funny.


Q: "any chance theres a leprechaun or two in the patch aswell, you could ask them if they know where the rainbow ends and where the pot of gold is located. ...lucky sod indeed!"


A: Quite possibly as we have heard someone running around shouting "fiddly dee potatoes!"


The current bid is $114.


:LOL: I think it'll need a bit more than luck to survive this dry weather.

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Alright thanks, just went to uni to read papers. Yesterday my supervisor told me about all the things I can do on Tiritiri Matangi so I'll have a good lot of data even the translocated birds all bugger off. Might be going to tiri next Friday to check out where we want to do everything.


How was your day?

That's cool. I've never been there! I've been thinking about going for ages. I really should.


My day's been alright. Thought about going to uni...but didn't. Oops.


:LOL: Those Trademe questions are awesome.

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Yeah the ride changed directions which is good as you get use to one way after a while.


Yes, you must see Moon. It wasn't quite what I was expecting but I loved it :happy:


Those cookies might just meant to be soft inside. I should do some baking this weekend, haven't done any for a while.


They seem suspiciously soft.

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