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Just had an awkward incident. Warning - long-winded story about largely insignificant event follows!


So I was at the bus stop all by myself for a few minutes, and then a lady turns up with a pram. The baby in the pram starts staring at me intensely. I could tell I had already not made a good impression. But seriously, it's so disconcerting having a little baby stare at you all wide-eyed and not-blinkingly for several minutes. You look away for a bit, then look back, and the bloody thing is still watching you! I felt highly uncomfortable.


Then the bus shows up, and I could tell that the woman's two arms were going to be nowhere near sufficient to carry out the manouevre she was about to attempt. So I offer to help, thinking I could fold up the pram and carry it for her or something. But no, she says, "It would be great if you could just hold her for a second." She trusted me with her baby more than her pram...interesting. But I'd offered, so I couldn't say no.


Whoa, holding a baby, didn't expect I'd be doing that today when I got out of bed this morning. And as she thrust the baby towards me, the mortified look on that little face told me this was not going to end well. Sure enough, the baby starts bawling her eyes out. I look up and notice people along the entire side of the bus are watching me. Awesome.


So then the bus starts to leave, but the pram is so difficult to fold up that the woman is completely oblivious. Seeing as my hands were rather occupied, I couldn't wave to attract the driver's attention. Also, I didn't particularly want to shout and make the baby even more upset, or run after the bus and make it look like this was all part of an ingenious plan for a baby heist. So I had to just hope one of the passengers would stop enjoying the show and tell the driver to wait for us, and I think one must have. Crisis averted.


The rest of my day's been fairly uninteresting. I'm at uni now and I've found some really useful-looking books for my dissertation. I'm doing it on Hawaiian domestic politics. Random, maybe, but I think it's really interesting. I wonder if going there for a week for "research purposes" might be justified.


How's everyone else's Monday?

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that's unusual she gave you the baby! i remember at paddington station in london this woman had a pram with a baby in it and a toddler and the toddler was too scared to go down the escalator. in true london fashion, she tried to ask some people for help but they all ignored her. i ended up offering and holding her little girl's hand to take her down the escalator when i had already come up the other way.


my brother's baby just stared at me all yesterday and today and cried if i got too close.


what a tedious drive. it was so hot. i stopped to feed some salmon though. now i've got the choice of blue cod, jimmys pies or salmon for dinner.

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well if i was the mother of the baby i would rather give you the pram and me take the baby i mean its a risk to hand a stranger your baby these days.


my monday is rather interesting i am going back to work in about half an hr to do an evening shift and then there again 6.30am.. now i am eyeing up the d/m position i feel the place is gunna place more on me and also its up to me to step up and work like a bitch.


And those of you who are interested in coming to a bday do its looking like a fri night possibly and def in the evening or something like that.

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i stopped to feed some salmon though. now i've got the choice of blue cod, jimmys pies or salmon for dinner.

For some reason that made me laugh. Was feeding them all you did to the salmon?


Driving in heat isn't fun. :( Nor is queuing in heat, which I had to do today when it turned out my uni ID card has expired. Not surprising, I guess, since I've had it since 2004! Had a nice beer at Shads afterwards though. That made my world a better place. :happy:

Edited by _Ed_
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For some reason that made me laugh. Was feeding them all you did to the salmon?


Driving in heat isn't fun. :( Nor is queuing in heat, which I had to do today when it turned out my uni ID card has expired. Not surprising, I guess, since I've had it since 2004! Had a nice beer at Shads afterwards though. That made my world a better place. :happy:

well other than buying half of one of their friends! never cooked salmon but i felt it was the time to learn. although i'm just crumbed the blue cod for tonight.

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Mmm, blue cod.


I'm looking at ads for flats. Some are quite specific in their ideal flatmate criteria - "European female; Christian; 25-28 years old; not student; left-handed; blonde; favourite colour: blue; sometimes enjoys sushi, but not too often; must like <band name>. but prefer their old stuff; must like Lost and think <controversial opinion on the show>; must prefer winter to summer and like strawberry milkshakes more than chocolate..." Only a slight exaggeration.


And many stress the importance of cleanliness and hygiene, which they seem so obsessed about that I'm worried they'd insist on putting plastic sheets on the furniture before anyone could sit down. God forbid anyone actually using the toilet.


And then there's the ones where they point out they're a single male, and that their ideal flatmate "MUST BE FEMALE". I'd be a bit tentative about those ones if I was female.


"Not a serial killer please!" That's more like it.

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Awesome! You'll do brilliantly.


I just heard an ad for 'The Great Picnic Challenge'. I thought it would be some sort of competitive picnicking event, but it turns out it's something completely unrelated to picnics but sponsored by Picnic. Disappointing. :(

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So I was at the bus stop all by myself for a few minutes, and then a lady turns up with a pram. The baby in the pram starts staring at me intensely. I could tell I had already not made a good impression. But seriously, it's so disconcerting having a little baby stare at you all wide-eyed and not-blinkingly for several minutes. You look away for a bit, then look back, and the bloody thing is still watching you! I felt highly uncomfortable.


Then the bus shows up, and I could tell that the woman's two arms were going to be nowhere near sufficient to carry out the manouevre she was about to attempt. So I offer to help, thinking I could fold up the pram and carry it for her or something. But no, she says, "It would be great if you could just hold her for a second." She trusted me with her baby more than her pram...interesting. But I'd offered, so I couldn't say no.


I wouldn't even know how to hold a baby. I'd probably say no just because it would be awkward. This made me think of a story from GMH:

"I like to dress up like Marilyn Manson, so this often gets me stares from strangers on the street, and not in the good way. While waiting on the bus stop, this woman asks me to carry her baby for her while she was looked for something. I was surprised that she wasn't openly avoiding me, much more let me carry her baby. Looking past stereotypes GMH." http://www.givesmehope.com/view/Random%20acts%20of%20kindness/11319

Obviously you weren't dressed as Marilyn Manson but still, isn't that nice?


I'm looking at ads for flats. Some are quite specific in their ideal flatmate criteria - "European female; Christian; 25-28 years old; not student; left-handed; blonde; favourite colour: blue; sometimes enjoys sushi, but not too often; must like <band name>. but prefer their old stuff; must like Lost and think <controversial opinion on the show>; must prefer winter to summer and like strawberry milkshakes more than chocolate..." Only a slight exaggeration.


And many stress the importance of cleanliness and hygiene, which they seem so obsessed about that I'm worried they'd insist on putting plastic sheets on the furniture before anyone could sit down. God forbid anyone actually using the toilet.


And then there's the ones where they point out they're a single male, and that their ideal flatmate "MUST BE FEMALE". I'd be a bit tentative about those ones if I was female.


"Not a serial killer please!" That's more like it.


Oh, you're looking for a flat? Where abouts are you thinking of moving to?

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I wouldn't even know how to hold a baby. I'd probably say no just because it would be awkward. This made me think of a story from GMH:

"I like to dress up like Marilyn Manson, so this often gets me stares from strangers on the street, and not in the good way. While waiting on the bus stop, this woman asks me to carry her baby for her while she was looked for something. I was surprised that she wasn't openly avoiding me, much more let me carry her baby. Looking past stereotypes GMH." http://www.givesmehope.com/view/Random%20acts%20of%20kindness/11319

Obviously you weren't dressed as Marilyn Manson but still, isn't that nice?

That's really nice!


And yeah, I was really unsure how to do it. I'm not a seasoned baby-holding professional. In fact, I'm fairly sure it was my first time.


Oh, you're looking for a flat? Where abouts are you thinking of moving to?

I'm not really sure yet. I'd like something in Newton/Mt Eden area or CBD, because I love the idea of walking to uni. But if I find something awesome further away I'll consider it.


How's your day been?

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morning guys... i havent left the house and the start to the day isnt too good, i got up too early on the back of a 2am finished and i think i am working till late today again.


My pay isnt in the bank so i have to chase that up, and i am tired as hell in a shitty mood meh.. thats life lol

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With a job like that it would be often hard not to take great photos, because they see some amazing sights.



On the natgeo website there's this section where people upload photos they've taken and one of the editors picks their favourite shots of the day/week and the ones they like most each month actually end up in the magazine. If only I had a camera I would totally go for that, I think.


i have one of those, got it at a gig sponsored by smokefree. sam scott then starting talking about smoking pot at said gig.
Lol. That reminded me of when my aunt had 3 heart attacks and had to quit smoking. She existed in a state of permanent stonedness for like a year and a half :facepalm::LOL:


Just had an awkward incident. Warning - long-winded story about largely insignificant event follows!
Oh that baby stare! Did you try smiling at it?


That sometimes works.


I'm good at holding babies though. My cousins procreate all the time.


Found out last week that two - 17 and 18 - are both pregnant :facepalm:


I wouldn't even know how to hold a baby. I'd probably say no just because it would be awkward. This made me think of a story from GMH:

"I like to dress up like Marilyn Manson, so this often gets me stares from strangers on the street, and not in the good way. While waiting on the bus stop, this woman asks me to carry her baby for her while she was looked for something. I was surprised that she wasn't openly avoiding me, much more let me carry her baby. Looking past stereotypes GMH." http://www.givesmehope.com/view/Random%20acts%20of%20kindness/11319

Obviously you weren't dressed as Marilyn Manson but still, isn't that nice?

How lovely :)



So I moved.


Life is beautiful.

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Oh that baby stare! Did you try smiling at it?


That sometimes works.

I did, but the baby didn't appear convinced of the smile's genuineness.


So I moved.


Life is beautiful.

Yeah? Liking your new abode?


Hope the move went nice and smoothly.

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I did, but the baby didn't appear convinced of the smile's genuineness.



Yeah? Liking your new abode?


Hope the move went nice and smoothly.

Damn, that always makes me feel worse when they don't smile back.


I really truly am, and it did :happy:

2 suitcases and a hessian bag with my (3rd hand desktop) computer in it are nice and easy to transport. And my room is ENORMOUS.


I even have one of those beautiful old dressing tables with all the drawers and the big circular mirror on it.

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... I do :$










Oh and I heard the worst pun ever at work tonight. It was a story about some new kids' craze, and apparently there's a line of pencil cases and stuff relating to it. The reporter says, "although these are stationery, they're quickly moving out of the shops." I honestly can't believe they went there.

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Lol. Don't worry. I'm not actually embarrassed ;) I just feel like I don't air that smilie enough.


Urgh gross there's a cat I don't like sitting on my lap. I'm so biased. My cat's really beautiful so I judge all cats by her standard.


That pun is truly terrible :facepalm::LOL:


Grosss. Cat breath.

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I really truly am, and it did :happy:

2 suitcases and a hessian bag with my (3rd hand desktop) computer in it are nice and easy to transport. And my room is ENORMOUS.


I even have one of those beautiful old dressing tables with all the drawers and the big circular mirror on it.


Wow sounds lovely! I'm glad its looking good! Living the high life now.


Omg I just realised what a horrible pun that was :facepalm::LOL:


Oh and I heard the worst pun ever at work tonight. It was a story about some new kids' craze, and apparently there's a line of pencil cases and stuff relating to it. The reporter says, "although these are stationery, they're quickly moving out of the shops." I honestly can't believe they went there.


:LOL: that's a good one!

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