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I know! When those people in the temple were trying to shoot at Locke, and then he disappeared, and they were like 'huh?' 'cos they heard the monster coming, I was like 'ohhhh, no you did not' :LOL: I totally saw that coming. It's shit though. I think what happened is that when Locke left the island to get the other survivors to return, remember how he died and then his coffin was on the plane they took back? The Ajira flight? So I think he died, and then the island used his form as a way of communicating with the people on the island. So really Locke has been dead from whenever he died back in the real world. Its kinda stupid though. Why is the island only choosing now to use a human form?

I don't get what the whole 'this is what would have happened if we didn't crash' thing was about. We know they didn't go back to the very start, so what, have they created a parallel universe now? And why was the island underwater at that part?


According to the Wikipedia episode entry for Episode 16/17 of season 5 (the season finale of the season before this one), "Locke is revealed to be an impostor: an old acquaintance of Jacob who manipulates Ben into killing Jacob. In flashbacks, Jacob visits several of the main characters." Did I miss that entirely? :erm: And if Locke is the island, or at least the monster, why would he want to kill Jacob? And wouldn't Jacob know what he was?



There's the episode in the last season where Jacob and some unidentified guy were on the beach talking. This guy said to Jacob he wanted him dead and he would find a way, some loophole.




When Jacob sees Locke he recognises that it's his nemesis he says "You found your loophole."



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yeah they were training on the luge track earlier and one of the riders came off and died.


what's everyone up to this saturday night? i'm just having a beer and waiting for my stuffed chicken and roast potatoes and kumura to cook.


not a good start to the olympic..


I am recovering from work ready for the next day and i was looking forward to what i thought i would have mon/tue off oh hell no lol i dont get the next day off until fri/sat so that is 9days wooo.


I am having s,e,f,m for din din.


And those interested looks like a meeting at desch is the plan on my bday. All invited.

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I had liver for dinner. And broccoli.




My day was boring. Brief visit from a friend was nice though.


I'm thinking Brisbane/Gold Coast at the moment, I'm not one to limit my options though, so just see what happens. There are some potential job leads in Bris at the moment so that could work.


As for time not sure, could be a stepping stone before heading over to somewhere like Canada, but that is just a dream at this stage.

Ooh sounds awesome. Have fun!


My aunty has a microwave letterbox :awesome:


Hers is in Rangitukia though...

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I think he would say this to you Richard :p



I went out with friends for drinks tonight. Brew played fucking KOC (:D), but then things became quite interesting.


At Desh, this random guy decided to join us. He told us he was up from the Waikato for two days and had no other plans in Auckland apart from drinking. Apparently he'd had four bottles of wine. Kudos, I guess. :erm:


Then my friend kind of made friends with this other random guy in Father Ted's. Five minutes after I met him (never even heard his name), he fell asleep and was kicked out of the bar. The bouncers told us not to worry about him, and my friends headed home.


I was a bit worried though, and I went looking. After about half an hour of increasingly frantic searching, I found him comatose on a bench. I called a cab, but couldn't wake him and the taxi driver refused to take him in that condition. So I then asked for advice at a bar and they said, "It's your call, bro." So I called 111, and an ambulance and then police came and looked after him before I went home.


Feel a bit bad for choosing ambulance. The guys said they didn't want to take him to a hospital, and they got the police to come and take over. Felt like I was wasting their time a bit. But I was worried about leaving him there.

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Its nice that you went looking for him and stuff though. Otherwise he might have woken up with all his ID and money gone, or worse.

It does feel weird calling an ambulance for drunken people. But its better than risking alcohol poisoning I suppose.


Once when I went camping for New Years, we ended up calling an ambulance for our drunk friend. He had passed out on a grassy kerb, and we weren't sure if he had poisoning or not. We decided to also because a friend of mine punched a car (it was a really out-of-control night) and her hand was all fucked up. I ended up staying with both of them at the hospital, pulling an all-nighter. It does feel like you're wasting their time if they just say 'oh he's just really drunk' or 'we'll just get the cops', but then again your action could make all the difference to the condition they wake up in the next morning!

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Yeah, would have been $80 if I wasn't registered!


:stunned: That's a bit steep.



That is pretty good use of a dead microwave.



I know! When those people in the temple were trying to shoot at Locke, and then he disappeared, and they were like 'huh?' 'cos they heard the monster coming, I was like 'ohhhh, no you did not' :LOL: I totally saw that coming. It's shit though. I think what happened is that when Locke left the island to get the other survivors to return, remember how he died and then his coffin was on the plane they took back? The Ajira flight? So I think he died, and then the island used his form as a way of communicating with the people on the island. So really Locke has been dead from whenever he died back in the real world. Its kinda stupid though. Why is the island only choosing now to use a human form?

I don't get what the whole 'this is what would have happened if we didn't crash' thing was about. We know they didn't go back to the very start, so what, have they created a parallel universe now? And why was the island underwater at that part?


According to the Wikipedia episode entry for Episode 16/17 of season 5 (the season finale of the season before this one), "Locke is revealed to be an impostor: an old acquaintance of Jacob who manipulates Ben into killing Jacob. In flashbacks, Jacob visits several of the main characters." Did I miss that entirely? :erm: And if Locke is the island, or at least the monster, why would he want to kill Jacob? And wouldn't Jacob know what he was?



That sounds like a reasonable theory. The whole parallel universe thing is really weird, but surely they'll start explaining that throughout this season :erm:


The Jacob situation is weird too. He did visit many of the main characters, some of them as kids though...



There's the episode in the last season where Jacob and some unidentified guy were on the beach talking. This guy said to Jacob he wanted him dead and he would find a way, some loophole.




When Jacob sees Locke he recognises that it's his nemesis he says "You found your loophole."




Now that makes some sense, I had forgotten about that guy. Maybe I'll need to watch that episope again.



I had a movie day yesterday. Went to see Precious and The Wolfman, they were good viewing. Then I watched Wall-E when I got home and I loved it, so so cute :supersad:

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I went out with friends for drinks tonight. Brew played fucking KOC (:D), but then things became quite interesting.


At Desh, this random guy decided to join us. He told us he was up from the Waikato for two days and had no other plans in Auckland apart from drinking. Apparently he'd had four bottles of wine. Kudos, I guess. :erm:


Then my friend kind of made friends with this other random guy in Father Ted's. Five minutes after I met him (never even heard his name), he fell asleep and was kicked out of the bar. The bouncers told us not to worry about him, and my friends headed home.


I was a bit worried though, and I went looking. After about half an hour of increasingly frantic searching, I found him comatose on a bench. I called a cab, but couldn't wake him and the taxi driver refused to take him in that condition. So I then asked for advice at a bar and they said, "It's your call, bro." So I called 111, and an ambulance and then police came and looked after him before I went home.


Feel a bit bad for choosing ambulance. The guys said they didn't want to take him to a hospital, and they got the police to come and take over. Felt like I was wasting their time a bit. But I was worried about leaving him there.



You SO did the right thing, I am so proud of you. It's not just the alcohol poisoning and the rest of it, the airway is extremely vunerable when drunk, especially when you coma out, and you had no way of knowing if he'd be ok or not.

Well done, and it's his own fault if he got taken in by the police, but at least he isn't dead!

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I had a movie day yesterday. Went to see Precious and The Wolfman, they were good viewing. Then I watched Wall-E when I got home and I loved it, so so cute :supersad:

Oh I want to see The Wolfman. I've heard Precious is really depressing though - is that true?


You SO did the right thing, I am so proud of you. It's not just the alcohol poisoning and the rest of it, the airway is extremely vunerable when drunk, especially when you coma out, and you had no way of knowing if he'd be ok or not.

Well done, and it's his own fault if he got taken in by the police, but at least he isn't dead!

Thanks for saying that. :) Means a lot coming from a medical professional!

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arrrrrgghhhhh i had a rough day at work and make matters worse i cant drink the wine to forget it coz if i do i wont go in tommorow and i want the money, and if i want the dm job then i am going to need to show them i can do it.


Make matters worse when i got to work i felt a pain in my hip like muscles going tight on me so i thought right i am gunna keep going luckily it settled down but hell it was annoyang.


And rich that was good how you looked after the person you will prolly find the person is amazed that someone looked out for the bugga i'd be the same even if it was the police getting involved.

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He may not know. I know when I've been like that myself I don't remember much! And if he doesn't know, I'd like to keep it that way.


Why was it a rough day at work?


Rude people some of them stopping in front of you and talking to someone and when you said excuse me so you can take the plates to the kitchen look at you like you sprouted a third eye ball.


The dm was in a bitchy mood and was interferring with my job when i was well organised a head of her and she just distracted me it was one of those days if you get what i mean and i have another 4days of this *sighs* oh well the pay will be good.


I can recall a drinking binge my flatmates found me asleep outside by the letterbox the next morning what i had to drink in the mean time i have no idea..... or how much not a clue but yes i woke up by the letterbox :D i shouldnt be proud of it but it was a random thing i did

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