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And yeah, it's a perfectly good reason, but my mum is something of a drama queen. And things kind of need to be about her always, so the fact that she drove to Wellington that day and then had to do the dishes when she got home is meant to outweigh the fact that I was curled up and couldn't move for a couple of days.


Obviously :p


I usually point-blank refuse to do housework on days like that. Usually I'll be like 'awwww' and mum will be like 'I do everything! it won't take long!' and finally I cave, but on those occasions she'll be like 'you've got to do a bit of a clean-up job in the kitchen' (her phrase for 'do the dishes') and I'll just go 'nah' and go upstairs.

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My mum isn't a very self-reliant person. When I left for uni last year she hadn't lived alone in 30 years.She kind of can't do normal things like cook or clean. She can't use the dishwasher properly, or the tv that we've had since 2003 (I'd get calls during my lectures asking how to turn it on because "it wasn't working" - she'd forget to turn it on at the box and try to turn it on with the remote and freak out when it didn't flicker into shortland street)


Don't get me wrong, she's like, insanely super brainy. But the logic of ordinary life escapes her, so she tends to think she's amazing if she does for one day what I usually do every day because it's sensible to do so, rather than because I think I'm some kind of a domestic goddess.


I will be hearing about the dishes she washed on Tuesday for the next year.

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My mum isn't a very self-reliant person. When I left for uni last year she hadn't lived alone in 30 years.She kind of can't do normal things like cook or clean. She can't use the dishwasher properly, or the tv that we've had since 2003 (I'd get calls during my lectures asking how to turn it on because "it wasn't working" - she'd forget to turn it on at the box and try to turn it on with the remote and freak out when it didn't flicker into shortland street)


Don't get me wrong, she's like, insanely super brainy. But the logic of ordinary life escapes her, so she tends to think she's amazing if she does for one day what I usually do every day because it's sensible to do so, rather than because I think I'm some kind of a domestic goddess.


I will be hearing about the dishes she washed on Tuesday for the next year.


My mum also fails a bit at technology. She can't get the Sky remote to work half the time, and never ever uses her phone except to text me to pick up stuff :rolleyes: And she worked at Vodafone!

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So after my first attempt at baking a focaccia the other day was a bit of a fail, I'm glad to say I learnt from my mistakes and made a pretty awesome one for the international lunch at work yesterday. Gratifying.

Well done! That's excellent to hear.

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What the heck are lock socks?


My mum made Russian fudge today, and its a really good consistency. Smooth and fine.


I went over to my friend's and we spend ages just laughing at silly things on the internet and then did two of those Codefinders you get in the newspaper and magazines. It started off with her being like 'how do you even do these?' and I explained, and then I was like 'see, what would this word be?' and then we just started doing it and kept going till we were done :LOL: It was so addictive. I was only supposed to say for a while so she could study, but ended up saying until evening :awesome:

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There are rats in the ceiling.


/off topic

i want to make some boring comment like "insurance doesn't cover damage by pests" although on cars we don't have that exclusion and a bunch of rats ate through an engine loom and cost us like $8000. apparently they love antifreeze.

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i want to make some boring comment like "insurance doesn't cover damage by pests" although on cars we don't have that exclusion and a bunch of rats ate through an engine loom and cost us like $8000. apparently they love antifreeze.


Ew, isn't anti-freeze poisonous?

I wish they would GTFO and go to another house though.

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