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I've spent most of the day sitting outside in the sun sipping ice cold beer. :happy: Perfect.


I have eaten too much, and drunk too much, and it has been amazing. Sat outside most of the day and managed to not get burnt! Bliss!


Did anyone else get the Christmas present from Muse email? I can play it but can't get video, anyone know if there is meant to be or is it just sound?

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i thought it was video but i don't have many video codecs so i assumed it didn't work. not that i tried after the half hour it took to download.


i've been drinking weird german beer - quite sweet. managed to be good and stop and played a game of trival pursuit. couldn't stop laughing over the question "why are camel haired paint brushes named that?" My sister said "Because they are made from camel hair" and the answer was that Mr Camel invented them. :LOL: Probably not so funny if you weren't there.

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i thought it was video but i don't have many video codecs so i assumed it didn't work. not that i tried after the half hour it took to download.


i've been drinking weird german beer - quite sweet. managed to be good and stop and played a game of trival pursuit. couldn't stop laughing over the question "why are camel haired paint brushes named that?" My sister said "Because they are made from camel hair" and the answer was that Mr Camel invented them. :LOL: Probably not so funny if you weren't there.


Maybe that's why it doesn't work for me. It didn't take that long to download either or I would have given up.


Hahahha I think your sister's logic makes more sense than the real answer!

We have been hammering the Taboo, hysterical game where you have to explain a word without being allowed to use any of the words you would normally use to explain it, and get your team to guess the answer.

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We have been hammering the Taboo, hysterical game where you have to explain a word without being allowed to use any of the words you would normally use to explain it, and get your team to guess the answer.

Sounds awesome! And quite challenging after a few drinks.

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if i don't know the answer, i'd usually say a stupid thing like the actual answer. :LOL: there were some trick questions in there. "why don't tigers eat smaller animals in the african game parks?"



Lol I have no idea!

Oh wait.



Sounds awesome! And quite challenging after a few drinks.


It is!

Mum: 'oh it's something I have, well I should have, Mary had one"


Team: "a baby, is it a baby? "

Mum: "it's round"

Team: "A CERVIX????"


It was a halo. Doh, but the crazy shit that comes out of your mouth under pressure!

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I so feel like just blobbing tomorrow and doing nothing, but I have my Godson's 2nd birthday party.

Must find energy...


My best friend came over with the kids today, they are 2 and 3, and I couldn't believe how well behaved they were!

Really polite and so good, I was so impressed! They were bloody cute!

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wish the same could be said about my brother's son! actually, he was pretty good most of the time. he was talking to me and even gave me a kiss when they picked me up from the airport. last time he saw me he burst into tears and wouldn't go near me.

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wish the same could be said about my brother's son! actually, he was pretty good most of the time. he was talking to me and even gave me a kiss when they picked me up from the airport. last time he saw me he burst into tears and wouldn't go near me.


Hahahha, small kids of any kind usually behave that way with me. I just don't know what to DO with them, and they know I don't know!

So it was just really nice to be adored by them!

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Oh you're making ice cream? Awesome!

My aunty made this beautiful chocolate and cherry ice cream last year.

Hate it when you get yolk in whites and have to do it all again though. Hope it works out!


Ooh, chocolate and cherry sounds delish. My maple syrup and walnut icecream was a hit yesterday, just about the whole container had gone.


Hahha, that smiley is SO inappropriate!


Your right :LOL: Wee need something half way between that and the other one :p for more general use.


I've only had one beer so far. Pacing myself.


I just had one shandy with my uncles home brew lager. There was some sherry in the triffle, but not really enough to taste.



Oh dear :chuckle:

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*strolls in looking for a nice cool shade*


its freaking hot out there i was in the shade reading my book when the sun came and stole my shade.... yes the sun stole the shade.


I had a good christmas yesterday when i went to my brothers house and lazed around most of the day and eating foods it was nice my brother made these mean ass barbie beef kebabs with beef,apple,onion and capsicums it was so yummy

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i've never been able to play mp4 videos on either of my laptops.


Hmm, it played in Nero for me. But then we also got this codec package from someone.


the house is quiet :happy: sister is taking me to sherlock holmes tonight - she's paying so i'll go and see if they play on the homoerotica with watson. she then talked about going to where the wild things are too. YES.


Nice! :D Let us know how they are, I want to them sometime.


*strolls in looking for a nice cool shade*


its freaking hot out there i was in the shade reading my book when the sun came and stole my shade.... yes the sun stole the shade.


I had a good christmas yesterday when i went to my brothers house and lazed around most of the day and eating foods it was nice my brother made these mean ass barbie beef kebabs with beef,apple,onion and capsicums it was so yummy




Yeah, it is damn hot out there.

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yup sure is hot out there i would walk to the beach but its too far away and its too hot to walk so i am going to prolly stay here i am contemplating wether i want a drink of sambuca and raspberry or wine now i wished i had the montieths apple cider i tried at my brothers place yesterday or a non alcoholic beverage???? all of them has one thing in commom they are cold.

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Oh and just watched the Christmas video :awesome: Video works for me, it needs something that plays mp4 videos if that helps, not sure if it needs any other codecs.


Yeah I figured I must need something else to play it. Will ask my brother to put something on.


Ooh, chocolate and cherry sounds delish. My maple syrup and walnut icecream was a hit yesterday, just about the whole container had gone.




I just had one shandy with my uncles home brew lager. There was some sherry in the triffle, but not really enough to taste.



Oh dear :chuckle:



Home brew?? Wow, awesome! :) I put enough sherry in the trifle to just taste it, but not enough to overpower it. I was so impressed, it tasted amazing and for once it actually looked like it could be in a book. Yay I found my dessert forte!:)



the house is quiet :happy: sister is taking me to sherlock holmes tonight - she's paying so i'll go and see if they play on the homoerotica with watson. she then talked about going to where the wild things are too. YES.




Ohhh I really want to see both of those, I don't remember the book being long or outstanding, but the movie looks fun.


Off to the birthday party now!

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