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Heh board is so tiny on my phone! But had to report that at the dogs one of the cats brought a mouse into the house! They were toying with it and it was squeaking...i wanted my dad he always deals with these things! I threw a container at it and by luck caught it. Oren got a lid under and we took it far away as possible! It was so horrible :(

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Heh board is so tiny on my phone! But had to report that at the dogs one of the cats brought a mouse into the house! They were toying with it and it was squeaking...i wanted my dad he always deals with these things! I threw a container at it and by luck caught it. Oren got a lid under and we took it far away as possible! It was so horrible :(


That's sad, but at least you managed to get it away. I had to laugh at bit at the image of just tossing a container at it in the hopes of snaring it :LOL:

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Suppose I should make a post here and say hi, always good to see Kiwi Muse fans.


Really enjoying this warmer weather after spending 2 years in the UK, and I can't wait for the Big Day Out. I have been a huge Muse fan for about 9 years but only saw them live for the first time last year for various reasons, picked a couple of good ones though with the Royal Albert Hall TCT Show and V Festival.

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For my fact I decided to go with my possibly fractured tailbone (never found out for sure - not easy to x-ray, I guess) on 4th form camp. It's quite a funny story - I was walking down some steps with a full bowl of cornflakes, and the morning dew on the steps made them slippery. You can imagine the rest.


There were cornflakes in my hair!

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I like the back of the second one. I think just having that as the front and a plain back would be cool. Or the same Muse-Moa design on the front, and the 'united states of Moatearoa' on the back :happy:


I like the back of the second one too, maybe put a tiny moa picture to go with it too :LOL: We may need a vote on this.


Heh board is so tiny on my phone! But had to report that at the dogs one of the cats brought a mouse into the house! They were toying with it and it was squeaking...i wanted my dad he always deals with these things! I threw a container at it and by luck caught it. Oren got a lid under and we took it far away as possible! It was so horrible :(


:( Good job on catching it though!


For my fact I decided to go with my possibly fractured tailbone (never found out for sure - not easy to x-ray, I guess) on 4th form camp. It's quite a funny story - I was walking down some steps with a full bowl of cornflakes, and the morning dew on the steps made them slippery. You can imagine the rest.


There were cornflakes in my hair!


Oh dear. I imagine it would have looked like you were attcked by cornflakes! :LOL:


I finally got my BDO ticket yesterday and got my hair done today :happy:

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For my fact I decided to go with my possibly fractured tailbone (never found out for sure - not easy to x-ray, I guess) on 4th form camp. It's quite a funny story - I was walking down some steps with a full bowl of cornflakes, and the morning dew on the steps made them slippery. You can imagine the rest.


There were cornflakes in my hair!



Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I bet cornflakes were the least of your worries! Argggh that must have been beyond painful!!

Hah did you have to sit on a doughnut pillow?



I like the back of the second one too, maybe put a tiny moa picture to go with it too :LOL: We may need a vote on this.




:( Good job on catching it though!




Oh dear. I imagine it would have looked like you were attcked by cornflakes! :LOL:


I finally got my BDO ticket yesterday and got my hair done today :happy:



Aww I still like the first one!


Yay for tickets, omg pics of your hair???

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Ooooh poor thing! :( I literally can't think of anything worse. When I went snowboarding I had this epic bail where I flew through the air for a few metres and landed on my tailbone.

Could have angled it better and gone for all the padding, but no, the bony bit won.


Thought I was going to die! :) I just lay in the snow for about 15 minutes after til I couldn't feel my body anymore, hahaha.


And I've never been back! :$

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Aww I still like the first one!


Yay for tickets, omg pics of your hair???


Yeah, I like the first one too, but I also like the mingled logo.


I took some pics, but they're not the best been taken at night.



First one demonstrates darkness:



Second shows the redness more.




It will wash out slowly though to leave me with a nice brown with red shine rather than just looking dark red. Well I hope it does that again, I think I chose a lighter red, but it is an 'intense' colour which should last longer, not sure if I had an 'intense red last time :erm:


Oh, here's a picture from my last colour.


Hmm, new hair seems shinier and darker than last time.



I didn't get a special doughnut pillow. :( I did sit on a normal pillow though.


Aww :(


Ooooh poor thing! :( I literally can't think of anything worse. When I went snowboarding I had this epic bail where I flew through the air for a few metres and landed on my tailbone.

Could have angled it better and gone for all the padding, but no, the bony bit won.


Thought I was going to die! :) I just lay in the snow for about 15 minutes after til I couldn't feel my body anymore, hahaha.


And I've never been back! :$


Ow :stunned: I'm glad I've never hurt my tailbone with all the times I've landed on it.

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Yeah, I like the first one too, but I also like the mingled logo.


I took some pics, but they're not the best been taken at night.



First one demonstrates darkness:IMG_0987.jpg


Second shows the redness more.




It will wash out slowly though to leave me with a nice brown with red shine rather than just looking dark red. Well I hope it does that again, I think I chose a lighter red, but it is an 'intense' colour which should last longer, not sure if I had an 'intense red last time :erm:


Oh, here's a picture from my last colour.


Hmm, new hair seems shinier and darker than last time.





Aww :(




Ow :stunned: I'm glad I've never hurt my tailbone with all the times I've landed on it.




Seriously, that shade is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what it looks like outside!

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Mine was OK, thanks. I'm looking forward to meeting my friend for a drink on Saturday - been friends with him since high school and he's about half way through a 4-year PhD in Germany. He's back here for two weeks. Been a long time since I've seen him!

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Yeah, I like the first one too, but I also like the mingled logo.


I took some pics, but they're not the best been taken at night.



First one demonstrates darkness:



Second shows the redness more.




It will wash out slowly though to leave me with a nice brown with red shine rather than just looking dark red. Well I hope it does that again, I think I chose a lighter red, but it is an 'intense' colour which should last longer, not sure if I had an 'intense red last time :erm:


Oh, here's a picture from my last colour.


Hmm, new hair seems shinier and darker than last time.



Looks great!


Mine was OK, thanks. I'm looking forward to meeting my friend for a drink on Saturday - been friends with him since high school and he's about half way through a 4-year PhD in Germany. He's back here for two weeks. Been a long time since I've seen him!


Fuck yeah, Germany! Where abouts?


I have an appointment with an osteopath tomorrow for a massage. The doctor prescribed them for my tension headaches. We are getting it for $20 cheaper since we can't afford them really atm. Should be interesting, but the only thing that's a little off-putting is that my mum is coming along :stunned: She wants to see some of the tricks and exercises that they will show me so we can do them at home for free. I think its going to be a bit weird getting a massage while my mum is staring :stunned:


Also, we sold the saxophone today which means Christmas food :awesome: Could have gotten $600 for it, but the lady I contacted saw our listing on Trade and Exchange for $500 negotiable so we kind of had to bring it down to that. My mum gave me $100 of it as Christmas time money though which is great.


My friend's dad was also having a huge clean out of their DVD collection, and today I got to go through a big bag and take any DVDs I wanted! :happy: I took about 20 or something :LOL: They had one of those green eco bags full for me to look through, and apparently had taken another 4 of those to Real Groovy :stunned: They have a lot of DVDs. It was like early Christmas presents! :awesome:

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Fuck yeah, Germany! Where abouts?

Potsdam. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure where that is.


I think its going to be a bit weird getting a massage while my mum is staring :stunned:

Yeah, awkward!


Also, we sold the saxophone today which means Christmas food :awesome: Could have gotten $600 for it, but the lady I contacted saw our listing on Trade and Exchange for $500 negotiable so we kind of had to bring it down to that. My mum gave me $100 of it as Christmas time money though which is great.


My friend's dad was also having a huge clean out of their DVD collection, and today I got to go through a big bag and take any DVDs I wanted! :happy: I took about 20 or something :LOL: They had one of those green eco bags full for me to look through, and apparently had taken another 4 of those to Real Groovy :stunned: They have a lot of DVDs. It was like early Christmas presents! :awesome:

That's awesome. :happy:

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Mine was OK, thanks. I'm looking forward to meeting my friend for a drink on Saturday - been friends with him since high school and he's about half way through a 4-year PhD in Germany. He's back here for two weeks. Been a long time since I've seen him!


Yay, fun!


Looks great!




Fuck yeah, Germany! Where abouts?


I have an appointment with an osteopath tomorrow for a massage. The doctor prescribed them for my tension headaches. We are getting it for $20 cheaper since we can't afford them really atm. Should be interesting, but the only thing that's a little off-putting is that my mum is coming along :stunned: She wants to see some of the tricks and exercises that they will show me so we can do them at home for free. I think its going to be a bit weird getting a massage while my mum is staring :stunned:


Also, we sold the saxophone today which means Christmas food :awesome: Could have gotten $600 for it, but the lady I contacted saw our listing on Trade and Exchange for $500 negotiable so we kind of had to bring it down to that. My mum gave me $100 of it as Christmas time money though which is great.


My friend's dad was also having a huge clean out of their DVD collection, and today I got to go through a big bag and take any DVDs I wanted! :happy: I took about 20 or something :LOL: They had one of those green eco bags full for me to look through, and apparently had taken another 4 of those to Real Groovy :stunned: They have a lot of DVDs. It was like early Christmas presents! :awesome:


Good luck with the osteopath! I used one a lot for my jaw, and it worked well for me so I hope this one works for you so you can kick those headaches to the curb!

They usually use really gentle manipulation so your Mum might not be able to see what to do anyway, but I think that it so nice that she wants to come along!

Just close your eyes and you'll probably forget she's there anyway!


Gutted that you had to sell your sax, but it's also really nice that you did so you can feel a bit more Christmassy.


And wow, you scored big time on the dvds!!!!! Movie night at your place in the new year then is it? ;):D


I am about to head to work, it's my last shift for 09. :dance: And then I'm off til the 4th!!

And I'm on tonight with the boys, so that could either make my shift really cruisy and awesome, or insane because I'm the only one doing any work!

Hopefully it will be nice and steady!!!!!

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