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But also a tiny bit funny.


Yeah, but SO GROSS!!!


How are ya? Any ideas? I am actually stumped, I can't think of a single one yet that sticks out!


Ooh except that daft punk one ages ago, it was like a dog with a ghetto blaster or something, that's the only thing I can think of right now. Hmmmm.

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Yeah I think I know the one you're talking about. That could work. I've still got more than a week to figure it out, so I'll think some more.


I'm really tired today. Only an hour left of work at least. Looking forward to margaritas on Sunday!


How are you?

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Hahha you could be MJ in Thriller, he does look pretty damn cool in that vid. :) The videos that spring to mind don't have very fun outfits, like that fat boy slim one with the dude in the suit how goes dancing round a mall or office? And then he starts flying, haha, awesome vid but boring suit.


My day was good, started at one and just finished, spent most of the night in resus so it was busy but awesome.


Yay for magaritas! What time are we aiming for?

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Hahha you could be MJ in Thriller, he does look pretty damn cool in that vid. :) The videos that spring to mind don't have very fun outfits, like that fat boy slim one with the dude in the suit how goes dancing round a mall or office? And then he starts flying, haha, awesome vid but boring suit.


My day was good, started at one and just finished, spent most of the night in resus so it was busy but awesome.

Haha, awesome, but I don't think I could pull off the MJ look. I did think of that other one, but yeah, boring suit. Hmm...


Good to hear you had a good day!


Yay for magaritas! What time are we aiming for?

I officially finish work at 7, but if I'm not doing the news I could sneak out early. You, Michelle and Kitty (if we can coerce her into joining us!) could aim for 6:30 or so maybe? And I could come and join you whenever I get away - my work is only about a 5 min walk away.

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Haha, awesome, but I don't think I could pull off the MJ look. I did think of that other one, but yeah, boring suit. Hmm...


Good to hear you had a good day!



I officially finish work at 7, but if I'm not doing the news I could sneak out early. You, Michelle and Kitty (if we can coerce her into joining us!) could aim for 6:30 or so maybe? And I could come and join you whenever I get away - my work is only about a 5 min walk away.


Heh, you could spray your hair into bright red spikes...... hahahahhaha! ;)


Yay I hope we can get eveyone to come, it should be good fun!

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*sulks/ignores aucklanders' margarita talk*


Amy : ...walking into the study to watch my beautiful naked son playing dadda's guitar after his bath... how did he get his hands on the brownies he is stuffing his face with? Hang on, i havn't made brownies... gross.





So I'm going to a party next week with a music videos theme. That should provide loads of possibilities, but I'm really struggling to come up with good ideas. Any suggestions?
Ooh cool theme!


Um... worst comes to worst go naked and say you're being Blink 182 in the What's My Age Again? video :yesey:


In the meantime... Andre 3000 in the Hey Ya video as one of the guys in green?


Um... David Bowie in the Space Oddity vid with the make up and epic clothes?







You know it ;)
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Um... worst comes to worst go naked and say you're being Blink 182 in the What's My Age Again? video :yesey:



Um... David Bowie in the Space Oddity vid with the make up and epic clothes?




Both worthy of consideration.

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Why not?


Hahah you would need some seriously tight, leather look pants. :awesome:


*sulks/ignores aucklanders' margarita talk*




Ooh cool theme!


Um... worst comes to worst go naked and say you're being Blink 182 in the What's My Age Again? video :yesey:


In the meantime... Andre 3000 in the Hey Ya video as one of the guys in green?


Um... David Bowie in the Space Oddity vid with the make up and epic clothes?





You know it ;)



You're invited! Boooo that you live on the other side of the country.


You have mint ideas! I like the Men in Black idea!!!!

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I looove fancy dress parties :D


The last one I went to I was a Pot-smoking hippie. I looked pretty epic, but everybody decided I was Pocahontas instead :noey::LOL:


Freddie Mercury in some guise or other could also be cool...


Hmm. I'll think of more :p


Bahahha that's awesome! Pocahontas is just as cool! I love them too, I've had a fancy dress theme for my birthday every year since I was 18.

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Bahahha that's awesome! Pocahontas is just as cool! I love them too, I've had a fancy dress theme for my birthday every year since I was 18.
:eek: That is just about the coolest thing I've ever heard of! :awesome:


I don't generally celebrate my birthdays because bad stuff usually happens around that time of year :chuckle: Plus I haaate the organisation that has to go into entertaining other people.

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Yeah, I totally understand that.
Yeah, my cousin's got really militant about christmas this year :facepalm: every day she's calling or texting to say that I need to get on the internet to book plane tickets to auckland so I can camp on someone's floor to spend a day with the family at large who I don't really like and will try to harrass my mum while I'm in the kitchen cooking them mountains of food.


Whereas Mum and I are planning on hop/skip/jumping over to Hawke's Bay to hang out with family friends who a)have room for us b)understand mum's illness and c)are generally higher up on our list of loved ones than those we're meant to love.

When I was 15 my brother told me to "be nicer" to my aunts because I upset them when I was a bitch to them. If they weren't so horrible to my mum, I wouldn't be a bitch though. Seriously, Goneril and Regan comparisons have been made by outside observers. And I'm so over family.


Last night my brother announced he never wants to hear from any of us ever again. He's suffering from illusions of Stepford suburban grandeur now that he's all grown up and has a girlfriend who plays bagpipes :rolleyes:


Blah. Sorry for the rant! I kinda went on an organisation/holiday tangent...

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The Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow! :awesome:


So I'm going to a party next week with a music videos theme. That should provide loads of possibilities, but I'm really struggling to come up with good ideas. Any suggestions?


Kanye West in any of his videos? :erm:


Seriously, Goneril and Regan comparisons have been made by outside observers. And I'm so over family.


Goneril is such an ugly name. We had to study that play in 7th form and seriously every time someone in class would be like 'that name is ugly'.

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That's fine!


It's probably the least significant thing you mentioned there, but...his girlfriend plays bagpipes? :erm:

So well she goes to Australia to... pipe dem bags...


My brother's very proud of her for it :erm:

Goneril is such an ugly name. We had to study that play in 7th form and seriously every time someone in class would be like 'that name is ugly'.
Yeah, 'tis. Cordelia is pretty though :yesey:


We went to King Lear when the Royal Shakespeare Comp came to NZ in like 2008. It was pretty damn epic, though given the startled barks of laughter the audience gave when they recognised something familiar - yet completely out of context with what was happening in the story - I kinda think most people just went to see Ian McKellen in the buff :facepalm:


A penis costume, then?


Damn it I'm tired. But I only managed to sleep between 7 and 11 this morning, so...

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So I'm going to a party next week with a music videos theme. That should provide loads of possibilities, but I'm really struggling to come up with good ideas. Any suggestions?





I officially finish work at 7, but if I'm not doing the news I could sneak out early. You, Michelle and Kitty (if we can coerce her into joining us!) could aim for 6:30 or so maybe? And I could come and join you whenever I get away - my work is only about a 5 min walk away.


Sounds good to me. Just looking at train timetable again I realised the train doesn't come out my way on Sunday's. I asked my mum if they'll take me and she didn't say no, so I'll just take that as a yes.


I made maple walnut icecream (technically a frozen parfait though...) and meringues with the left over egg whites this afternoon. There are so many meringues though.

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Ooh, interesting. Wish I had Discovery Channel. It's been a quiet night of tv for myself too. Rove was a bit sad though since it was the last one. Tv got dull though so came to the computer but I'm not making much progress with slow internet.


My ankle pain became more defined after walking around yesterday so I better use it as an excuse to sit down and do my assignment this weekend :rolleyes: Good thing I bandaged it today though else it would be covered in teeth and claw marks from my mum provoking the cat at my grandma's resthome with my shoe laces.


And meringue fail. Recipe said to take them out before going brown but they weren't cooked properly and stuck to the baking paper. I put them back in on a lower temermature for ages so hopefully when I get them out of the oven tomorrow they'll be better..

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