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Migraines are awful. Good to hear it's gone!


Nope, I'm still in Christchurch - get home on Sunday. Just filling time until Jo and Oren finish work. We're Mexican Cafe-ing tonight, but I'd be keen for another Mexican Cafe night with Auckland moas soon after I get back. :)


Oh yuss that's right Jo did say that, excuse my befuddled brain!


YAAAAAY Mexican Moas Do Margaritas =)

It will be great!


Just enjoying the day atm. And then having a party with friends on Friday :awesome:




Thank you! Just got an email from Bond+Bond turning down my application. Which is crazy because they've been hard out advertising for Christmas temps on bus stops, websites, even stencils on the footpath! But I still have an application at Farmers that is being processed.


Ohhhhh good luck, my friend works at Farmers, she gets loads of make up testers :D

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I have been out in the sun today too, just the backyard though :rolleyes: It was too nice to stay inside. I at least looked at my assignment stuff yesterday afternoon though.


I hope the weather will be good next week so I can go look for the Kokako released in the Waitaks.

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well the usual instructor fucked up her knee so can't take the high impact classes at the moment so we've had a different one for two of my classes. but i think its all getting easier the more i do it, i remember couple of classes i had trouble walking the next day!


it was good. too much food though! delicious margaritas. :)

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Ohhhhh good luck, my friend works at Farmers, she gets loads of make up testers :D


Oh reeeeeally? That would be awesome for me because I don't buy a lot of make-up.


well the usual instructor fucked up her knee so can't take the high impact classes at the moment so we've had a different one for two of my classes. but i think its all getting easier the more i do it, i remember couple of classes i had trouble walking the next day!


it was good. too much food though! delicious margaritas. :)


The food there is sooooo good.


Sad times, I realised today that I only have 40 bucks of my birthday money left. I have no idea where the rest of it went- I didn't even spend anything on clothes like I was intending too. Somehow my life is a black hole when it comes to money.

On the plus side, I'm playing Scribblenauts :happy:

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nah i've only played nintendogs, gta and sonic rush adventure on my DS. saw sim 2 was on special at the warehouse for it and keep meaning to look up reviews...which i will do right now.


Jo, I am telling you this as a friend and someone who cares about the quality of the gaming you enjoy... you must play Professor Layton! If you like puzzle solving and thinking things through then the activities are perfect, and the animation and sound is really top notch. It's probably the best animation I've ever seen on a Nintendo handheld.

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i really want games that really use the touch screen, since that's the whole point of the DS. but after i finished GTA and loved that so much, not sure any other game could live up to that.


Professor Layton is pretty touch screen based. It uses the touch screen to move around, enter answers, draw on screens to work out things, and use the stylus to move things around within a puzzle or to select choices. It definitely uses the touch screen a lot. But if you want something really touch screen based, you should try The World Ends With You. That uses the touch screen for everything, and even the battle system is touch screen. I don't know if you know much about it but basically you do different action on the touch screen such as swiping sideways, swiping up and down, tapping or even drawing circles, and it does different attacks. But I recommend investing in a screen protector before you play it :LOL:. I got mine from JB Hi Fi and it came with 3 styluses, and they made playing it much more enjoyable because you do use the touch screen frantically. The art for that game is also incredible as its set in a very hip area of Tokyo, and the soundtrack is excellent, with full real-life pop songs rather than polyphonic songs. Have a look at it on Gamespot.com :happy:

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i was looking at it on metacritic just yesterday actually as its one of the top 5 games.


Yeah you should definitely give that one a go- it's really fun and the storyline is good, and it will take you a while to finish it.


oh man did I love to play with the computer and the drug machine (it's a fingerprint system) :awesome:


This machine sounds intriguing

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I just did on delayed coverage.


I saw my brother in a close up in the crowd, so I taped the final moments to tease him about later.


Aw that's awesome! I love unexpectedly seeing people you know on tv!


I didn't watch it, had a family outing to the movies (always a palavar) and saw 2012. It was the most cheesy over the top thing I have ever seen. At one point it was so so ridiculous that I had tears of laughter runnning down my cheeks and the whole theatre was in an uproar.

The effects were incredible, so I would reccommend it but not with too high expectations or anything! It was very funny!

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I didn't watch it, had a family outing to the movies (always a palavar) and saw 2012. It was the most cheesy over the top thing I have ever seen. At one point it was so so ridiculous that I had tears of laughter runnning down my cheeks and the whole theatre was in an uproar.

The effects were incredible, so I would reccommend it but not with too high expectations or anything! It was very funny!


:LOL: Sounds entertaining. The review I saw gave it 4/5 stars and said it had everything a blockbuster disaster movie should have, were they right?


I watched 'the boat that rocked' last night. It wasn't bad, got a few giggles out of it.

Edited by Michelle
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