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I don't know if anyone here watches Lost, but I do, and I'm beginning to get annoyed with the 'lets not ask any questions at opportune moments' scriptwriting. Let me give you an example: (contains spoilers)



Why does no one question that Locke is the black smoke monster? At least 3 people know it, if not more. And yet no one thinks to ask him anything! Even when they have the chance. They just go along with his plans because he's going to "get them off the island" apparently. Here's some questions I would be asking:

How did he get Locke's form? Why Locke? What is the smoke actually made of? Why does it make that weird noise? How come he's stuck on the island? How long has he been there for? How did her get there? Why can't he just get on the plane/sub himself? Why not just float over to the other island and kill everyone there, then take the plane/sub? How does he know Jacob? Who was on the island first? How does he know Richard? Why is he trying to get others off the island too? How can you kill him? (granted, he might not want to answer that one).

SERIOUSLY. ASK HIM SOMETHING. Instead its just "I know you all have questions, and I promise to make myself available to answer them... but for now, we have to keep moving." FUCK OFF. NO YOU DON'T. WALK AND ANSWER QUESTIONS AT THE SAME TIME. YOU SAT DOWN FOR A CHAT WITH KATE FFS.



Now I don't actually want to be told any of these things by people- I want to see the answers revealed for myself in the show. So don't spoil them :LOL: I just wanted to rant.


+1 I'm with you there. They all seem so 'who the f cares, I'm stuck on this crazy shit island and can't be bothered asking what the hell is really going on anymore.' They better start answering some questions soon :rolleyes:


Very true.


Being bored, I searched for that phrase in Google image search. The result baffles me.





I'd happily go along with Hyper Music. :yesey: Showbiz? Uno? Spiral Static? Oooh decisions, decisions.


Micro Cuts would be a tad harsh. Listening to it on HAARP and comparing it to the OOS tour ones, poor old Bells doesn't seem to have the voice box for it anymore.


It will be a hard decision just choosing 3. I'd be trying to choose out of those above plus space dementia, sunburn and bliss. At least one would have to be from showbiz.


Anyway, going to the easter show soon for something to do. I went to Motuihe Is on wednesday and it has a nice view of the city plus good cell coverage :awesome::LOL:

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with this thread i feel like i am a bouyancy bob that you see in the ferry lanes. Every now and then you see me and then you dont see me for awhile.


I have been painting lately and also went to my brothers yesterday which was cool and i was reading but ended up stuck on the net for a bit and having a good old general rest. Its good but it can be boring, my cat got into a fight so been keeping an eye on him but its all good

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+1 I'm with you there. They all seem so 'who the f cares, I'm stuck on this crazy shit island and can't be bothered asking what the hell is really going on anymore.' They better start answering some questions soon :rolleyes:


I know, right? They should just sit down and refuse to move and go 'I'm not fucking going anywhere or doing anything until you tell me what the shit is going on'.

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what you planning to do at uni angus?


I'm really unsure of what I want to do. First it was physics, then I got sick of science all together, then I wanted to do design, then media studies, now I'm thinking that I might do psychology. :erm:

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I was pretty indecisive as well. At least you can change what you're doing if you don't like it. I did that...several times.



That's some scary shit.


Of course, I'm referring to the guy in the yellow helmet menacingly brandishing the umbrella, not the bird.

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The whole "extra hour in bed" theory around the end of daylight savings is a bit moot when you're still not in bed when the change happens. Ah well.


I enjoyed Napoleon Dynamite earlier this evening. Particularly liked the scene in which he gets struck by a flying steak. Nothing like a bit of slapsteak humour.


Wow, that was bad. My sincerest apologies.

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i have never seen that movie.


i went to university going to major in history and minor in communication studies. in my first semester i did a politics and sociology paper for interest only. i liked the gender part of sociology so much, i ended up doing a major in that. history was so poor at otago and politics so good, i swapped that as well. graduated with a double major in politics and gender studies.


if hadn't taken history or communication studies, i could've finished my degree in 2 and 1/2 years. :awesome: communication studies was the worse paper i took at university. what a waste of a semester.

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I know, right? They should just sit down and refuse to move and go 'I'm not fucking going anywhere or doing anything until you tell me what the shit is going on'.


Exactly :LOL: Ah well, they said the questions will be answered so they better deliver. Oh and I saw a short for Doctor Who on prime today :awesome: So looks like we won't have to wait too long for the new episodes on tv. I'm still downloading the first episode now though, but it'll be good if I can wait for the rest on tele.



That's some scary shit.


Of course, I'm referring to the guy in the yellow helmet menacingly brandishing the umbrella, not the bird.



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Exactly :LOL: Ah well, they said the questions will be answered so they better deliver. Oh and I saw a short for Doctor Who on prime today :awesome: So looks like we won't have to wait too long for the new episodes on tv. I'm still downloading the first episode now though, but it'll be good if I can wait for the rest on tele.


I'm waiting until they come on TV so no spoilers please! :happy:

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Exactly :LOL: Ah well, they said the questions will be answered so they better deliver. Oh and I saw a short for Doctor Who on prime today :awesome: So looks like we won't have to wait too long for the new episodes on tv. I'm still downloading the first episode now though, but it'll be good if I can wait for the rest on tele.





Is that where the ground falls from underneath them and they do the time warp?

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i called vodafone to cancel my contract and she goes "your 12 month contract ended in september 2009" so i said "yeah, but i still pay for it each month and i don't want to anymore." "oh but you're not on a contract anymore, you can cancel anytime."


UGH. but apparently it will be cancelled from 2 may after speaking to someone else and revert to prepaid.

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i called vodafone to cancel my contract and she goes "your 12 month contract ended in september 2009" so i said "yeah, but i still pay for it each month and i don't want to anymore." "oh but you're not on a contract anymore, you can cancel anytime."



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