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it got quite busy and i got a burglary. also got this dickhead guy who kept going to me "i want to buy the insurance" and it was cancelled and in his uncle's name and he kept going "i want to buy the insurance" despite telling him no about 20 times.


read the notes when he left and saw he had an accident when it was uninsured. what a dick.


also i nearly got hit by a car which made me both upset and angry. christchurch drivers suck so bad.

You definitely earned that beer then! Sounds exhausting, frustrating and exasperating. And near-misses when you're driving are so traumatic.

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You definitely earned that beer then! Sounds exhausting, frustrating and exasperating. And near-misses when you're driving are so traumatic.

oh i was walking on a fucking crossing with the green man. this dick in a crap old honda civic just put his foot down turning right. i just heard the car and suddenly it was right there braking hard. :mad:

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the fact i was wearing huge heeled boots didn't help as i couldn't get out of the way.


just realised they cleaned my car and have no fucking clue where they put all the paper that was in the passenger footwell. :LOL: glovebox maybe?

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Hopefully i am so looking forward to seeing them come back. I got my replica manson guitar that matt plays today i will take a pic of it, its cool now imagine if matt signed it or the band how much in value it would go up in.


Nice, I have been looking at those too. I would be more tempted to get one if they ever get shiny bomber replicas.


I know michelle but yeah the fam has something on the quiet planned cheesecake,sponge cake and barbie or roast pork so it should be cool.


Yum! :D


Also whose staying to watch leigh harts mysterious planets there is something on there about aliens which is something i am keen to watch.


I've been watching the series. It's pretty stupid but the places they go are really nice and some of the things they say are interesting. Egypt next week! :awesome:

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Derby day = :awesome:. Even though it's the one day every year I really want to be a beautiful fine, sunny day, and it's now rained on it four years in a row. :facepalm:


And it wasn't Katie's day today. :( I'm a really huge fan of her (I love how when she's in the lead and another horse comes up beside her she swishes her tail and speeds up, all like "fuck off!"), and wanted to see her do well again, but it wasn't to be. Never mind! Everyone has an off day sometimes. And the winner was awesome.


How's everyone else's day been?

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day's been alright, our two couches were picked up so we're spent our time on the floor watching the cricket or half ass packing. we also just home from the lantern festival here, it was much the same as the auckland one but not as big.

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Derby day = :awesome:. Even though it's the one day every year I really want to be a beautiful fine, sunny day, and it's now rained on it four years in a row. :facepalm:


And it wasn't Katie's day today. :( I'm a really huge fan of her (I love how when she's in the lead and another horse comes up beside her she swishes her tail and speeds up, all like "fuck off!"), and wanted to see her do well again, but it wasn't to be. Never mind! Everyone has an off day sometimes. And the winner was awesome.


How's everyone else's day been?


I wish i was able to watch the races, I was at work, thing i find stupid at those races are the women who dresses up i am one of those that is like who cares... as long the horse i bet on isnt a donkey.


Nice, I have been looking at those too. I would be more tempted to get one if they ever get shiny bomber replicas.




Yum! :D




I've been watching the series. It's pretty stupid but the places they go are really nice and some of the things they say are interesting. Egypt next week! :awesome:


I havent been watching the series now after seeing that i am going to try and watch the rest of it if my eyes allow me to lol. And the replica guitar i got is the silver one with the scratch marks all over i will when i get home today take a pic of it. I know it sounds yum i thought the supermarket would have pork on special but it doesnt so i will make do with the second fave lamb.


Now guys how annoyang is this you go to bed with the intentions of having a longer night sleep as your tired and so on but it ends up being the worst night, which is bizarre when the night is cool i sleep like a log but not last night. And there is nothing stressing me out either weird.

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My hated word for the day is BURGLARISE. Actually, I refuse to give it the honour of acknowledging it as even being a word. It's a crime. A deplorable crime against the English language.


The correct word is burgle. Not bloody burglarise.


You don't driverise a car, you fucking drive it. You don't cleanerise your room, you fucking clean it. You don't go to uni lecture theatres to be lecturerised, you go there to be fucking lectured. That's fucking as emphasis, not as in being lectured about...yeah.


If we're not careful, they'll start saying the burglary was done by a fucking burglariser. And then the verb will come burglariserise, and my sanity will forever be lost. When will it end? WHEN WILL IT END?


Yeah, boring day at work.

Edited by _Ed_
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Ok who can help me here i spotted a strange looking bird in the backyard it had a black body with white dots all over it,long tail and a weka type head meaning long sharp wood peckery type beak, tawny brown eyebrow, and a tawny brown underbelly what bird was it.


and before i was able to take a pic it flew off typical huh...


I have a feeling it is a native but what it is i have no idea

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i have no idea. i'm thinking thrush but they aren't black.


i'm so sick of packing and cleaning.


def not a thrush i answered my own question it was a long tailed cuckoo....


I know what you mean about the whole packing thing it annoys me too thankfully i havent had to pack for awhile the thing i find most tedious is having to think of where you are going to put the items but at the same time its a good opportunity to throw out what you dont want, find the things you thought you had thrown out or keep the stuff you want so its like a bit of a spring clean at the same time as packing to go to the new house to collect more junk.

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def not a thrush i answered my own question it was a long tailed cuckoo....


Yay me, I was thinking it could be that bird from your description :LOL: I don't think I've ever seen one before though. You might end up seeing more birds passing by from the now growing populations on Rangitoto and Motutapu from the pest eradication :)


A moth just hit me in the eye. It wasn't pleasurable.




I'm in the postgrad uni lab, and a guy just laughed very loud at something. We all looked at him, and he suddenly stopped laughing and went like :stunned:.


A bit awkward, really.




I'm just at home reading papers. I get so tired from reading them with my head ending up on the desk for a rest. I will probably go to uni tomorrow so hopefully the occasional outbursts by others will keep me awake :LOL:


Im in school in Australia -_- I wish I was in Nz


edit: someone save me!!!!


Aww, poor you!

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Hey guys, I haven't been around for a while because my internet at home gave up the ghost a few days ago, and I haven't had a chance to log on anywhere else until now. I'm typing this from the uni commons, which makes me feel awkward and like people are judging me :LOL: Luckily its not that crowded. There were two people next to me earlier who were sitting at the computer for about an hour and a half just chatting away and not even using the comp for anything :rolleyes:. I learnt more about those people's emotional lives than I ever wanted to :LOL: Anyways, I think once we pay the internet bill then I can stop lurking at uni and using up their bandwidth. I went on facebook before and it took me like an hour to go through all the piled up messages!

Oh and I might be going down to Wellington in April for Armageddon, I don't remember if you still work there or go to uni there Jo?

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