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Kok kayak lagunya britney ya.....:stunned:


Tapi... keren juga electronic nya....



wahaha... tadinya ak kaget. ko kyk musik amerika ya?:stunned:

cek2 .... satu lagi muser dari indonesia .... ikut nimbrung ah .... *watching* ..:D



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g juga ah .. hehehe ... newbie nya do forum ini doank ... males ... forum nya g enak di pandang mata ... wkwkkw...sumpah ... sekarang juga muselive.com sama forum nya jadi g enak di pandang mata ... warna nya ampun deh ...no offense ... but i like MUSE ... goooo :D

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g juga ah .. hehehe ... newbie nya do forum ini doank ... males ... forum nya g enak di pandang mata ... wkwkkw...sumpah ... sekarang juga muselive.com sama forum nya jadi g enak di pandang mata ... warna nya ampun deh ...no offense ... but i like MUSE ... goooo :D


ooh... bgtu. ga suka forum tp suka muse? hahaha... :LOL:

aaaaa this is what im afraid offf :facepalm:

kenapa muse jadi kyk gini dehh, give me back the old OOS and abso style! :'(


i want it noow!

Tenang, tenang, sodara-sodara

Sejauh ini kan kita belum mendengar keseluruhan album

Jadi belum bisa ditentukan gimana album ini sebenarnya.

Tapi emang sih, denger 2 lagu yg sudah ada rasanya totally different.... ;)


naah, bener nih si yolana !:D saia suka banget klo muse lebih banyak porsi orkesnyaa:D

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Hey guys, sorry to intrude... I'm a muser from Malaysia but I'm seriously considering flying to Jakarta next weekend for Mew (and Third Eye Blind!). Only problem is, I haven't exactly got my tickets yet, and I've been told if I want to get the student price tix, I'll have to buy it personally from the Java Festival Production office? No other way round this? Sigh, guess I'll just have to grab the online tickets... Anyone headed to Java Rockin' Land next weekend? :)

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I really want to see Vertical Horizon and Mew.

But I don't think my work schedule would allow me to go.... :(


Yeah, you could get cheaper rate if you buy ticket earlier, via Online, or Daily Pass.

Just check the website.


Hey guys, sorry to intrude... I'm a muser from Malaysia but I'm seriously considering flying to Jakarta next weekend for Mew (and Third Eye Blind!). Only problem is, I haven't exactly got my tickets yet, and I've been told if I want to get the student price tix, I'll have to buy it personally from the Java Festival Production office? No other way round this? Sigh, guess I'll just have to grab the online tickets... Anyone headed to Java Rockin' Land next weekend? :)
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Hey guys, sorry to intrude... I'm a muser from Malaysia but I'm seriously considering flying to Jakarta next weekend for Mew (and Third Eye Blind!). Only problem is, I haven't exactly got my tickets yet, and I've been told if I want to get the student price tix, I'll have to buy it personally from the Java Festival Production office? No other way round this? Sigh, guess I'll just have to grab the online tickets... Anyone headed to Java Rockin' Land next weekend? :)


whuut?!? you are going to Jakarta for Mew?!?


i want it noow too!!!!

saya ingin sekali pergi ke Jakarta melihat concert Java RockinLand, tetapi 'My Money' tidak cukup untuk membiayainya. saya tinggal di luar kota Jakarta.


but, in Indonesia tidak ada yang namanya Tiket untuk Mahasiswa/Student.

[if i'm not wrong]

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whuut?!? you are going to Jakarta for Mew?!?


i want it noow too!!!!

saya ingin sekali pergi ke Jakarta melihat concert Java RockinLand, tetapi 'My Money' tidak cukup untuk membiayainya. saya tinggal di luar kota Jakarta.


but, in Indonesia tidak ada yang namanya Tiket untuk Mahasiswa/Student.

[if i'm not wrong]


Aq juga pengen nonton Mew.. Tp apa daya... Uang dan waktu tak ada...


Ya sudahlah..

Menabung buat Muse saja... Hehehe...

Moga2 taun depan mereka kesini...

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g juga ah .. hehehe ... newbie nya do forum ini doank ... males ... forum nya g enak di pandang mata ... wkwkkw...sumpah ... sekarang juga muselive.com sama forum nya jadi g enak di pandang mata ... warna nya ampun deh ...no offense ... but i like MUSE ... goooo :D

welcome :D kalo ga enak skinnya diganti ajah. kan bisa tuuh


aaaaa this is what im afraid offf :facepalm:

kenapa muse jadi kyk gini dehh, give me back the old OOS and abso style! :'(

iya sih sebenernya saya sedikit kecewa, berhubung saya [mantan] pembenci musik elektronika :unsure: tapi saya suka USoE :D


Hey guys, sorry to intrude... I'm a muser from Malaysia but I'm seriously considering flying to Jakarta next weekend for Mew (and Third Eye Blind!). Only problem is, I haven't exactly got my tickets yet, and I've been told if I want to get the student price tix, I'll have to buy it personally from the Java Festival Production office? No other way round this? Sigh, guess I'll just have to grab the online tickets... Anyone headed to Java Rockin' Land next weekend? :)


hey :D Yolana's right. buy the cheaper one online is more saving time. if you buy the ticket unofficially [i mean you don't get it from the Java Festival Production] you just got a higher price. and you'd better hurry before it sold out :D

I want to see Mew but I don't have any money, so I just saved it for muse :musesign:

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Oh my God, aku baru saja denger Uprising yang full version.

Wow...it would really make a good dance track in a club...:LOL:


Yang paling aku suka dalah cara Matt bernyanti.

It's totally awesome!!!

Beda cara dia nyanyi kali ini tp aku suka :D


Hah??? Dapat dimana????

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Hah??? Dapat dimana????


Hehehe... gak boleh dulu posting sumbernya darimana. ;)

Itu kan sdh ada warning di pasang di NOTICES di atas.

Bisa kena ban aku kalau sdh ngasih sekarang :$


Yg pasti, lagunya asyik banget...

Tunggu saja bentar lagi Zane Lowe di BBC Radio 1 bakalan muternya.

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Hehehe... gak boleh dulu posting sumbernya darimana. ;)

Itu kan sdh ada warning di pasang di NOTICES di atas.

Bisa kena ban aku kalau sdh ngasih sekarang :$


Yg pasti, lagunya asyik banget...

Tunggu saja bentar lagi Zane Lowe di BBC Radio 1 bakalan muternya.








Dengerin Womanizer nya Britney ah...

Kan sama... Hehehe


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ah masa sih? Klo menurut gw agak2 marilyn manson gt...ada jg yg bilang skilas ky atlas, wedding white, trus theme nya dr. Who



Aq udah donlot jg akhirnya..


Well pas bagian "so come on" jadi inget ama Jacko-style..



Well, kayaknya di The Resistance ini Muse lebih berani n fresh... Jadi ga sabar nunggu full album nya..

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