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Swedish ladies and ghetto chants couldn't make them go to a footie match? What are they? Robots? Though I agree, it's not proper football is it. :happy: (I love antagonizing the rabid ladies on this board. Tis muchly fun.)


:LOL::LOL: A documentary on these kepsmänniskor would be very interesting, and the author would surely be a contestant for the Nobel prize. :happy: Too bad there aren't a lot in Stockholm, otherwise you could bring your binoculars and scally-spotting guide and we'd go nuts. :happy:

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Nope. They're rubbish. Absolutly rubbish! Not even my Jag behöver ghetto svenska could convince them. :rolleyes: Well, I'm sure Ms. Pankhurst didn't chain herself to fences so that we could kick a ball around for 90 minutes... *burns bra in protest* :LOL:


Aw. Ooh, apparently, we didn't book accommodation yesterday.. but Laura's found a hostel in teh 'holm on a BOAT! WOW!


Gosh you'd love Blackpool. Full of scallies and people who can't speak properly.. knowing how much you like 'liccle'.

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Jag behöver ghettosvenska didn't work? :indiff: Alla behöver ghettosvenska.


Ooh, I've heard of some boat hostel...can't remember where it's at though...

Also I need some dates written down, I forget it all the time, so I can get a train booked and arrange things with the bloke I know. What time are you getting there? First I though I could go there a day in advance, but if you're arriving in the afternoon, maybe I could go the teh Holmz same day as you. Or sompin, we'll see.


:'( Why is everyone a scallie nowadays, whatever happened to the ruffians?

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The ruffians got tarred and feathered and chased out of town by the scallies. :'(


Right, nous arriverons on the 6th of July at Skavsta Stockholm 11:40 und danach, wir stay i Stockholm until we catch le ferry at about 16:15 on the 7th of July.


One day, the Ruffians will rise again. There are still quite a few very ruffians on Central Drive.

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The ruffians got tarred and feathered and chased out of town by the scallies. :'(


Right, nous arriverons on the 6th of July at Skavsta Stockholm 11:40 und danach, wir stay i Stockholm until we catch le ferry at about 16:15 on the 7th of July.


One day, the Ruffians will rise again. There are still quite a few very ruffians on Central Drive.




I'll see later on if I'm to take le bus or train...can't decide

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Ah, Swedish buses are often filld with funny-speaking foreigners, so it's all good. Bad thing is it takes roughly 4-5 hours to Stockholm, but I can live with that. Just give me some Stendhal and I'm sorted :happy:


What's wrong with ye English buses?

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Gosh, it'll take you longer to get to Stockholm than it will take us.. and we're outlanders!


English busses smell like wee, and you always, always end up sat next to a fat bloke with a beard who's not very familiar with deoderant. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Pretty much, yup. *loves learning literature quotations this much* I've got another intense day in the library planned for tomorrow... since all I've really done today is copy out huge chunks from my Swedish/Polish books in the hope that someone may find my note pad and think I'm mega clever. :happy::LOL:

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:LOL::LOL: That's actually very clever. Remember the lines above the ä's and ö's if you want to be propah Swedish innit.

Oh, à propos de Swedish, my sister and I came up with one of the most beautiful words in svenska, 'spöutbyte'. Isn't acromegally nice? Almost like 'träförädling'. 'Spöutbyte' is probably one of the hardest word to pronounce in Swedish too, for outlanders. :happy:

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