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Infact, Id rather speak english, I need to practise every now and then or people wont have a clue of what Im saying, and I wont have my englishspeaking friends laugh at me one more time!! grr! :p


Ohhhh, Im obviusly not very well updated, just saw the new starlight video, damnit, Im right back in the groupie-mood again...Its teh sexxxxxey... mmm very dreamy. Soooo Major, I heard you tried to steal my future husband on the Depeche-evening!!


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Infact, Id rather speak english, I need to practise every now and then or people wont have a clue of what Im saying, and I wont have my englishspeaking friends laugh at me one more time!! grr! :p


Ohhhh, Im obviusly not very well updated, just saw the new starlight video, damnit, Im right back in the groupie-mood again...Its teh sexxxxxey... mmm very dreamy. Soooo Major, I heard you tried to steal my future husband on the Depeche-evening!!



Name's Mona. You may call me that. And yes, this board is particularly helpful when it comes to learning English. Of course, your English will remain colloquial, but better than that Swedish accent we usually have. "Aj cänn nått äxpräss maj fiiilings får diss." :noey:


Steal him? Honey, he's been mine all the time. Besides, he was the one winking at me.

Starlight video: Well. I guess each rock band needs a video like that sometime. It's alright.

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Nån annan än jag som tycker det är konstigt att det visas så mycket reklam om MUSE senaste platta på tv men att det inte är nån spelning bokad (förutom att de var förband åt Depeche)?


Det är skumt, men inte sådär jättemkt.

Kanske nästa år? De lär dyka upp på någon festival tror jag.

Välkommen förresten.

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Bara hoppas de kommer till hultan eller nåt. Hamnfestivalen i Enköping kanske är lite för mycket att hoppas på :D Fast se dem på en klubbspelning vore nästan roligast, lite personlingare om man får säga.

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