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You should! I bet it's still there too :LOL: Or at least the new grass should grow around it.


PG must surely be the only known cure both for cancer and several bubonic pandemics <3 In Leningrad? I never would've guessed! Ostalgie is quite right :LOL: People I know still don't see what I see in steely turquoise eyes and dark blonde hair though, preferably with sickly dark eye areas. Errrr. I'm still waiting for the papers proving my being stolen from Poland/Roosha/anywhere in Ost. <- which subsequently means cheese in Swedish. And there's nothing wrong with caws is there? Aaaand the Ciiiiircle of life is complete :LOL:


Haha, you should, set us bloody Swedes straight and save us from the Americans. Cambridge certificates do sound nice...damn me for not giving a shit back then...mmmm...'proficiency' :LOL: Newsweek was horrible, worse was, we had to read all these crappy articles on American superiority (are there any else in that bloody magazine though?). Private Eye, now there's an idea :LOL:


It's awful, apparently Erik has been bugging Lisa and me to get really vamped up, so I'd have to get some posh eyeshadow...errrr. I probably won't though, since I'm bribing Lisa with rum on Friday and in the meantime I'm stealing her makeup. Mmmmhm. Maybe I should look for some curlifying shampoo as well. Frieda's cutting it shine/hue-wise, but not curly-wise...


That sounds terrific! Mmm goo on sandwiches, doesn't get much better than that. Or, freshly baked rolls from a Danish bakery, butter and chemically pink salami. Mmmmmmhm.


Tha'ss aaalways hard innit! You should steal the piano :D

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:LOL: That is great.


You know I think you're right. Since I've moved on in life, mum's gone back to Typhoo. I've got a cup of it now and honestly the bag was in for 5 minutes and it's still weak as milk and water and tastes of death. Bah. It is! I sat through about 18 million hours of DVD extras (for the language, innit) and they basically hired a street in Petrograd and filmed everything there... All th'explosions were real too. Haha yes! I have "Jag heter Pelle och jag *scribble which I've taken to mean smell like* ost" written in my Sweden guide book :LOL:


Perhaps it's your afinity with the underdog. You like the Ossies as much as I like the Jews. No explanation for it, just the great fact of life that no one dare dispute. :D


Haha brilliant! Erik actually sent me a PM on that Last FM thing, saying he refers to you as the boyfriend :LOL: Don't let him down. You should go for shimmer and everything :LOL: They've got a L'oreal curl activating mousse which is pretty good. Makes your hair a bit crispy though.


Oh it is! I've been living off it since coming back from Ghana. It goes well with Salami actually. Goes well with a glass of Star too.


Haha, I dunno if I'll be able to take the pianner on the train tomorrow... What with my hugely sized flight case and all. Jesus.. I have to take about 4 months of clothes in a case that I use for a weekend break... Where's the justice? Granted I could take a suitcase... but that's not the point!

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Haha, that's tough, Typhoo was all we drank on the Shetlands, and I loved it :LOL: But then again I was younger and stupider. Foreign language DVD's are best when there are long interviews in stupid languages :D This movie actually made want to take up German...war movies have done that to be before, but not like this. Too bad I'm too lazy/slavonificated. Plus, German practically is Swedish, with only some added ge- and -ung, 'aus' instead of 'ut' and some randomly added s's after certain words.. Easy life. Haha, are you sure it's not 'gillar'? :LOL:


:LOL: That sounds a good explanation really! Also explains my affinity with Macclesfield and Lincoln :LOL:


He did? :LOL: He never said! Yes, we're *like this*. Shimmer, errrr. I've been experimenting with some eyeshadow tonight, but all I get is 'dirty' :LOL: Looks Polish enough though. (Not with 'turqoise' effect though. How the hell do those people do it? Or do they actually have turquoise eyes? I swear I'm asking the next one I see :LOL: ) Too bad them liquid eyeshadows have to be so bloody heggspensive. I'm thinking of getting some kind of applicator/brush though, since they're cheap as. Curl activating mousse? Ooh I shall look for it tomorrow! My hair need all the help it can get it seems. Errr.


Mmmm goo and a glass of Star, that's all I shall be asking for when I play them Takoradi night clubs :LOL:


Could be difficult yes. Hmm. I had to take a shitload of clothes home in plastic bags, bumishly enough (then again we were poshly taken back by car, so it doesn't count) Take the suitcase though! Be bold! :D


Y'know, I actually just did 20 min of studying. I deserve a 20h break. Plus, I have to be up and ready by 11 tomorrow. Where is the justice?

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SHAME ON YOU! Never admit to liking Typhoo. S'vile. Like Liptons. Bah. My dad actually showed me the correct way to squeeze a teabag with string the other week. S'well fun! I think when (if) I ever get my camera back, I'll do an illustrated guide to tea drinking. Deutsch ist doch einer fantastische Sprache. Ein Leben ohne Deutsch... You need to see Das Experiment, Die Fetten Jahren Sind Vorbeia and... Lola Rennt now. Wonderful. Aus, out uit ut... Mmm gotta love them germanics. <3 I have no idea what it is. It's like.. line, line squiggle line line... :LOL:


Spot on! Haha you need to download some of The Mac Lads then.


:LOL: Yep. Prolly didn't say anything cause he was dishing dirt on you... Oh the stuff I found out :LOL: Have you tried using a little bit of water to apply eyeshadow? It works sooooooo well with MAC and Urban Decay ones. Mmm. Then you can use it as an eyeliner too :happy:


You canny get Dairylea in Ghana :'( Haha Takoradi night clubs... just one. Paragon. Certainly not a Highlife place at all. But if you like prostitutes, the Africa Beach crowd can be found there...


No! I'm being stubborn! Pah. Taken back by car. I could've had that luxury if I'd been arsed to go back today... I'm too big an independent traveller. :LOL:


Back at l'oony tomorrow then? Or is this a painfully early start for your Einkaufenlaufen? Ooh I like that word. *writes to Düden to make them include it*


TV autopsy.. WHY do I keep watching this. Ugh. Times like this I wish I'd asked for a general anesthetic for my tooth op next month. *vomits*


:LOL: Channel 4 drama about Tony Blair the rockstar. :LOL:

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:( I hate it now, I repent, repent! :LOL: An illustrated guide would be sorely needed. I still think I do the PG/Earl Grey thing wrong in some way, I think I may be leaving the bags in there for too short a time...hmmm. Nooo Lola rennt, I hate that film :$ Don't ask me why, but I do...'s just that all of Germany is mostly target for striking wit and sarcasm in Sweden, and it's kinda hard to take them seriously :LOL: Sounds like my writing anyway :LOL: Well, 'luktar' would be 'smell', and 'gillar' would be 'like'. What on Earth induced me to write such crap anyway? :LOL:


The Mac Lads? As long it's nothing bad about Macclesfield, since that town is spotless.


I'm sure he did :D Out with it! I actually thought of trying some water, just though it'd make it too runny. I shall try it. At the moment I only have some cheap H&M one though, since I gave my Clueless one to Lisa. I'm thinking brown eyeliner is the one for me though, after all, plus brown mascara. I've been using black for some time, and brown's just...better with blue.


You can't? Evil! Haha, I shall avoid Takoradi and save myself for Accra then :D


Ah silly you! Is British rail really that good? :LOL:


Naah, uni starts on the 24th, it's the Einkaufenlaufen early tomorrow yer. Haha, that word is fabulous! :LOL: Argh they've said it's going to be hellishly cold tomorrow or soon...with snoooow an' all that. Aaaargh.


:LOL: Turn it oooorrff! Is it a popular show? Damn you Brits and your excellent TV schedules <3

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There we go. Good. Now don't, do it, again. *nods* It will be wrong, because I sent you teabags. You can only do the mix with leaf tea. Tea bags are alot like instant coffee. A quick, working class alternative to the finer things in life. Y'know, I've never actually seen it. I keep meaning to, just like I keep meaning to watch that Fucking Åmål. Haha nice to see that attitudes towards Deutschland are the same Yerp wide. I dunno... but I've written "my name is Lenin and I smell like cheese" there too. Hmmm. Had we been drinking, perchance?


A very vulgar band from Macclesfield my father likes. I've never been to Macclesfield. It strikes me as being like Wigin.


Oh, I couldn't possibly tell. It's far too juicy. *sniggers* :LOL: *hopes paranoia will set in* Yeah, just make your application thingy a little bit damp then you'll be amazed at how different a look you get. Brown and blond is also a good look. I canny believe your H&Ms do makeup... hamazing.


Good man. Accra is fantastic. Although you'd have to speak Ga or Twi there... which is rubbish.


Oh yeah! I can guarantee that tomorrow I'll be sat on my suitcase in the only space by the stinking toilet on the train... damn commuter trains.


Oooooh. Easy life. Wear a scarf! And mittens!


It's not on today, tomorrow. :D Excellent TV? If autopsies and Celebrity Big Brother is excellent TV... then.. strike me down.


:LOL: Boudewijn de Groot singing in English is so funny. Captaiiin Deckerrrrrr... flying Duuuutchmaaaan.

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*Says 5 Ave Maria* I thought the mix tasted quite good though, but maybe I'm just ruined from drinking other teas all my life. Fucking Åmål is really funny, especially if you know Swedish. I haven't seen it for haaages though! I should watch it again really. I feel so sorry for Tyskland, feels like you're travelling twenty years back through time when you pass the border from Denmark :LOL: Drinking? Us? Nooo. Not that I can recall.


:LOL: Every town with it's own vulgar band must surely be vile!


Very well, I shall ask him next time I see him. *looks over shoulders and carries knife* I bought some brown and some white eyeliner today, it's actually quite nice. (I need bigger eyes, hence the white. Mmmm.) Lisa bought so much more than me though, I managed with only a top from H&M and Topshop. Mmmhm. Oh and a black silk scarf with small white dots from the latter shop too! (Plus an eyeliner application thingie)


Nooo I bet they're amazing! :D I thought you liked twi?


You'll have to tell me how it went! :happy:


It didn't get very cold today, thank God. No mittens, only scarf :(


Haha, very well, I shan't be stating further opinions on English TV, I bet it's crap :LOL:


:LOL: I can imagine! Ooooh I got my latest Ebay find in the mail today, a DVD filled with rare Smiths recordings and bootlegs...mmmm *drools*

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Let it be a lesson to you. Ah it could be that. But you've not tasted real tea until it's been made properly. Shame Sid's dead really, that man was the best tea maker in the world, ever. Infact, when I was a baby, rather than putting milk in my bottle, he'd put tea in it :LOL:


:LOL: :LOL: Nah, he said nowt bad at all. I just thought I'd make you squirm for a bit. :happy: Ooh sounds like a productive shopping day :happy: That's right, try and shift the spotlight onto Lisa to justify your spending :LOL:


Twi's ok, it gets you by if you don't speak the local dialect, but being an honorary Fante, I have to stay loyal to my tribe. :D My doctor in Blackpool's a Ga though. S'all in the facial scars.


I'm not leaving till six now. I've been sat at home all day waiting for phonecalls from the Higher Education tutor at my old school. Turns out I can still do my UCAS through them WOOOO! Now to write another personal statement...


It really is shite. Except for Richard and Judy.


Ooh lucky you :happy: I can never be arsed with bootlegs... Terrible, I know. But you always get some idiot talking loudly andspoiling them.

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:LOL: Tha'ss the way to properly raise a Brit innit! You shall have to make me tea someday, so that my conversion from coffee can be completed.


Squirming is fun :D Very productive indeed, once again I got away with size 10 tops :happy: So, blue/white/turqoise stripy top and Clinique Simply, that's the best spring combination thus far! Must be the breast milk in the perfume :LOL:


So is Fante a language as well? In that case you're absolutely correct, loyal to your tribe's the only thing to be.


Ah, so are you going to use the old statement and change Rusk to Dutch? :D


You'd find no consolation in Sweden then :indiff: At least you get the brrrrilliant comedy series every once in a while innit. Mmmmhm.


It's quite sad being excited over a bad recording of Joyce sitting alone and banging his drums along to some barely audible bass line for 10 minutes :LOL: I had most of the concerts before though, only got some new soundchecks and studio outtakes. Mmmhm. 'S like a drug. And actually they're not screaming too much at Smiths concerts, them fans were pretty well behaved :LOL:

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Absolutly! It would explain why I can't go a day without a mug of tea. Haha, well if you're not too busy in April when I'm on my jaunt, I'll bring tea and show you how it's done. Then you'll understand.


Hehe. Ah wonderful! Breast milk in perfume? Eh?!


Yep, there's about 21 official languages in Ghana. It's madness, so Twi is like the generic one.


Nah, I'm writing another one. It's all about Boudewijn, Nijntje and De Tweeling :LOL: you can laugh at this one when I'm done, if you so wish. Oooh, I don't suppose you happen to have the Dutch version of Cornelis Vreeswijk's Veronica do you? (so I can namedrop him in my statement too :LOL: )


I liked the Swedish news we watched on the ferry, cause it was all subtitled when foreign people spoke :D So when old Tone was on, it was just like being at home and watching S4C only with Swedish subtitles instead of Welsh ones.


Hehe yep, yes it is. Ahh they were well behaved because they were all probably too busy crying or self harming :happy: Not like those violent bastard of Morrissey fans. Grrr. Bastards.

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It would indeed! Haha, a proper step to step introduction into the wonderful world of tea. Mmmmmhm.


At least Lisa told me they put it in...not real one obviously, but some chemical thing. Must be why my ovaries are twitching :LOL:


Woo nice! It's like Spain, why learn Spanish when you can do Català? :D


:LOL: Haha, I shall have to take a look yes! I'm searching the computer at the moment, but it's only coming up with Swedish stuff...at least you can put him in there just for what he's given the Swedish people. Mmmm. You could also say, if you ever want to take up Swedish in Sheffield, that you aspire to be as good as him in our wonderful language, since he's so much better than most Swedes :LOL:


:LOL: Isn't it pretty? They have Welsh subtitling though? Wicked cool! :D Make TV easy to watch with sound off subtitles do.


That's probably right innit :LOL: Have Morrissey fans wronged you? They weren't too bad back in '02, but that was when he was still cool. :D (Though there's a rumour spreading here he might be coming to Sweden in April...I'm so there, since last time we were sat at the top, in the back of an ice hockey arena with me having glandular fever/a cyst in the neck which put me a bit off focus :LOL: )

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I made Leonie have a tea lesson when she was over. It's only just that the joy is spread to Sweden. Plus then I can show you the propah way to squeeze a teabag with a string :D


That's so bizare! I wonder if they lace all perfumes with like Oestrogen or something. :LOL:




Excellent! See, it takes an immigrant to be better at a language than the natives. Shame that doesn't quite go for English... then again, if you compare some to Blackpool dialect, then yes.


It is indeed! Yeah! It's compulsary apparently. 888 for English subtitles, 889 for Welsh ones :D Except Pobol y Cwm, which just has English ones you can't get rid of.. .which is good cause they all speak South Walian on that.


Yes. Yes they have. There was a fat dyke with a quiff who kept jumping on my toes during his Glastonbury set in '04. God had I not been jammed next to about 60 million other people, I would've smacked her. Possibly. Should've seen Orbital... Ouch that sounds nasty. Eeh, I hope he goes over in June or something. I don't want to have to share 4 hours on a plane full of Morrissey fans. There are so many here in Manchester who live here because they're obsessed. Gah. Gets me goat it does. Why the hell do we say 'it gets me goat'? *ramble* I think watching Ricky Gervais this evening has worn off on me.

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Y'did? The tea missionary innit. I'm quite enjoying a few cups of Earl Grey now when studying, but I have a feeling it could be better :D Hmm, I'd have to get some powdered milk...hmmm. I wonder if they have that in the Polish store...


I'm sure they do :LOL: That would explain a lot.


It does indeed, I hope to be correcting mr. Putin's aspect mistakes in a few decades :D


That is so cool, I wonder if we can do that in Jönköping where they have BBC Prime...but I'm guessing it's all in stupid Swedish. Guess what, speaking of Cymraeg, me and Lisa are planning on taking a small 5 point course together (one term is 20 points) on 'A language differing a lot from Swedish: Celtic languages' or something like that...which is the closest thing to a Welsh class I'll ever get :LOL: I hope my Rusk doen't collide with it, since it'd be quite wicked.


:(:indiff: I nearly threw up at a club yesterday when people started singing along to the Smiths (never, ever, ever play the Smiths to bloody 'indie' kids on a dancefloor. Especially not from Strangeways. Errrrr) What disturbs me most about most of the Smiffs and Morrissey 'fans' I've met though is that they say they despise rockabilly, funk, country and probably highlife when that's all what The Smiths are...errrrrr. Gets me goat? :LOL: Faaaabulous!


My phone isn't working, such a bloody nuisance. Oh, thanks for the Boudewijn song, 's great! I never heard him sing in English afore I don't think. I shall send you a song in return in a sec. Mmmmmmmmhm so good. Mmmm playing This Charming Man on bass is so much fun, but I don't want to turn into a bass player :LOL:

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Powdered milk... in TEA?! JUST when I thought you were doing so well and getting the hang of how to make a proper brew, you go and suggest powdered milk! :stunned: Next you'll be telling me you use filmjölk or worse still, you add fresh milk before adding the tea. *shakes head*


Haha, perhaps. Maybe HRT for the over 40s isn't actually a drug, but more a quick spray from the Clinique counter.


I'm sure you will be!


Ah, possibly. I wonder if you could tune in to S4C Digidol... You could watch Planed Plant Bach then! Wil Cwac Cwac :D Oooh that's wonderful! Is it like some "we Scandinavians are sorry for all we did to the poor Druids back in the day, so we shall now teach the masses Celtic, so they can apologise for all their wrongs to Rhian's people" type course?


Ouch! They always play the Smiffs in Jenx in Blackpool. People tend not to sing, more, flail their pints around like flowers... :LOL: Ahh Smiffs 'fans'. So suicidal. So narrow minded :happy:


Throw it at a wall. S'what I did with my old one... gave it an extra 10 minutes of life before totally packing up... No worries. S'quite amusing really. Hehe, nowt wrong with being a bass player. They have that command of respect and efortless cool... :D

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Pelle, you are a disgrace to the Swedes! :eek:HEATHEN!


Mona's tea:

Boil water.

Put teabag (Russian Earl Grey) in cup.

Pour water over.

Take out teabag.

Pour some milk. No too much.

Sugar if you like.





And yes.. Läkerol. MMMM.

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Powdered milk... in TEA?! JUST when I thought you were doing so well and getting the hang of how to make a proper brew, you go and suggest powdered milk! :stunned: Next you'll be telling me you use filmjölk or worse still, you add fresh milk before adding the tea. *shakes head*


Haha, perhaps. Maybe HRT for the over 40s isn't actually a drug, but more a quick spray from the Clinique counter.


I'm sure you will be!


Ah, possibly. I wonder if you could tune in to S4C Digidol... You could watch Planed Plant Bach then! Wil Cwac Cwac :D Oooh that's wonderful! Is it like some "we Scandinavians are sorry for all we did to the poor Druids back in the day, so we shall now teach the masses Celtic, so they can apologise for all their wrongs to Rhian's people" type course?


Ouch! They always play the Smiffs in Jenx in Blackpool. People tend not to sing, more, flail their pints around like flowers... :LOL: Ahh Smiffs 'fans'. So suicidal. So narrow minded :happy:


Throw it at a wall. S'what I did with my old one... gave it an extra 10 minutes of life before totally packing up... No worries. S'quite amusing really. Hehe, nowt wrong with being a bass player. They have that command of respect and efortless cool... :D


:( Rhiân, Mona, sorry, the only reason I want powdered milk is that I live about fourty nautical miles from my kitchen, and I cannae be arsed to walk out there half naked every half hour. Errrr. :D I shall never wrong you again, I hope <3


Haha, that's probably true :LOL: I wonder if you can smell the breast milk though...it's a bit sweet, yet quite the odd scent. Hmmm.


Wil Cwac Cwac sounds lovely :happy: Y'know, I think the course is exactly that! Lisa just told be they have classes in quite inopportune hours...when I'm doing Rusk...I hope I'm free on Fridays so I could take one class a week at least...this is too good to slip out of my fingers.


Errrr, sounds lovely :D Mmmm narrow mindedness. So 2000.


Problem is it's my house phone, and it looks too fragile :D It still isn't working though. Errrr. I hope I can gain some respect from my housemates by playing bass too loudly in the night. Mmmm 's heaven.


Two whole days, of studying, spending yesterday evening with Catherine Deneuve and mr. Polański and tonight with Audrey Hepburn, after an exhausting trip to Topshop resulting in an oh so comfy white acryl scarf, made me quite happy <3 How're you then? And how's Mona?

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Ah fair enough, but still. Mini fridge is your solution there my dear! Or at least UHT... OR, hang a pint of milk out of your window in a carrier bag.


I used Clinique Happy to mask the smell of sick that Henry Hoover blasted into my room yesterday... I couldn't help but think about boob juice.


It was absolutly wonderful. Almost as good as Superted in Welsh. Oh that's rubbish, I'd skip Russian for it... but then again that's me.


:D Actually, we met an awesome Morrissey fan at the Teddy Thompson gig tonight. He bought drinks for us and everyfin!


Aaaaaaah. House phone?! Woah, living the life there sir! I'm sure you will do. More respect for that than drum 'n bass in the wee small hours.


Sounds wonderful! I'm absolutly radiant. Ready to face a massive cramming session for Wednesday's exam on Tuesday, essay due for Thursday... Leeds on Friday.. UCAS form to send off... Still, the wife's here and we baked a cake together. Which was nice. :D Studying and Screen Sirens aside, how are you? More importantly, how's the perm?

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A mini fridge sounds great, but the stupid bloody Skåne milk cartons are so tall! Errr. A bag out the window sounds nice, but frozen milk isn't exactly my idea of fun (if it's not shaken and mixed with strawberry/chocolate)


:LOL: It's hard not to obsess about it, is it not?


Mmmm Welsh TV...we've decided not to take the classes though...since I got my schedule at the institution in advance today, and I'll have my hands full, plus a few other's hands, that's a lot of hands, so it's not very appropriate. Plus, there's an oral exam/report, and I'm too crap at general grammar to analyse all the strange w's :D


He did? Wow, there must be nice Mozzer fans out there after all! :happy: Did you enjoy the concert then?


I had to buy a new one today :indiff: I'll have to charge it for 10h, so no calling, though I was quite giddy to phone someone up in celebration. :D Trummor och bas...errrrrrr.


That's quite the filled schedule! Cake must surely lift some stress off too. Mmmmm. What kind of cake was it? Bought some aqua/turquoise eyeliner today in my neverending search for aqua eyes...I saw a pretty girl with a great aqua cardigan/white shirt mix, which looked fabulous, but of course those cardigans are nowhere to be found. Errrrr. The perm is as dead as always, except for directly after the shower. I still haven't written the hairdressers though.


Hmmm, I start school at 9.15 tomorrow. Is the sun even up by then? And how come I haven't been up that early since...forever :'(

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Pah! You'll never make a tea drinker at this rate. I discovered this morning when parting with the wife at the station that Starbucks Coffee isn't named Starbucks Purveyors of Fine Teas for a very good reason. It's impossible to squeeze a teabag with a wooden stick... and the tea... oh dear.


Absolutly! Makes me wonder what they've put in Johnson's baby shampoo to make it stop smelling like babies and start smelling like intensive care units. Still, it makes your hair so divinely soft... and it's cheap :D


Aw that's a shame. Busy semester ahead then? Seems all institutions pile on the work for this one. I just hope Sheffield like my new statement so I can slack a bit :LOL:


He was lovely! The concert was fantastic. He has such an amazing voice. We got chatting to a few members of the band after the gig (mainly the bassist who just plonked himself down at our table and ate the cake) but Teddy was an absolute wanker. It's a shame his ego is bigger than his talent.


Bah rubbish! At least you have a housephone though. Man what I wouldn't give! Having said that, just speaking to relatives once a week for hours is nice enough. :happy: Oh c'm on! Trummor och bas är AMAZING.


Mmm. I've not yet been to bed since I woke up yesterday morning, save for when I dozed off for some of Together earlier. At least UCAS is almost done now and I've started on manner of articulation and got the academic papers I needed.. WHILST taking my wife to the station and visiting the nurse, reading and stuff. I feel... envigorated. Could be the fatigue talking.


Oooh I bet that looks really good! They've got some amazing cardigans in H&M here at the moment, just keep searching the rails. Or have a trip to your nearest Monsoon/Oasis shop. I got a great purpley one t'other day. So warm too. Swedes sure do know how to make knitwear :D You should send them hate mail. :D


Oh dear! However early mornings are better... you get so much more day to enjoy! Morning has broooooooooooooooooooken...

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I know :( I'll have to learn to differ between nice and bad teas...since I certainly wouldn't spot a bad cup of tea as I spot a bad cup of coffee. I thought Starbucks would make an extra effort in Britain though...


Cheap hygiene stuff for kids is probably the best really...I've been thinking of getting some Barnängen lotion or shampoo...but it's not fruity, nor is it John Frieda, nor is it overpriced, so no thank you :D


Really, really busy. But, we get to do accentology in a few months, which must surely be so much fun! So how does it work, can you just neglect this semester, or do you have to finish it/pass it still? Reason says you should have to, but who knows? I hope the statement was ridiculousy ostentatious! :D


That seems to be a recurring problem with good musicians :rolleyes: Band members joining the crowd, I like that! Did you have to buy them pints? :D


But it's so cheap and plastic! Or do you not have a telephone jack in your room? So you never get to have private conversations then? I would never survive something like that. Especially not if they're as nosy as my neighbours are. :D Trummor och bas is too 1999 for me, sorry dear :( The musical style mind, not the instruments themselves :D


Wow, that's impressive! Together? The movie? Errrr...invigorated after that is also quite the achievement, I woke up at 12 today, and I'm more tired than a pregnant ferret.


The eyeliner doesn't quite work like I want it to, it looks quite nice mixed with white though. Hmm, I've been to H&M, all they have is...stripey things I'd like, but the necks are too wide...and no aqua stuff anywhere, save for some really thick, really lady-like sitting by the fire chic cardigans/thick sweaters, which isn't exactly me...hmm. Haha, hate mail sounds tempting, but according to a girl I talked to at the club t'other day (Erik had hyped the perm to her, and she was dissapointed :D), they may very well offer me a voucher for a new perm, since they did it wrong/misinformed me. What's more important, I'd quite like to know whether it was me who fucked it up, wrong shampoo or something, or them.


Early mornings are better yes, but it sucks having to go to bed earlier. Well, hopefully a tad earlier, I'm not going too soon, I hope. What's your average time to start this semester? Or don't you know yet?


That cake looks faaaaabulous! :happy: Mmmm bidet <3 Clever. Is it written in bacon cubes? :LOL:

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Well should I find you at easter, I will give you the full tea education. Including Sainsbury's Basics teabags, which are just the lowest of the low. I'd sooner prostitute myself to afford PG than drink that shite.


I've gone into a complete regression back to my childhood today. I bought baby shampoo, Iodine and TCP. My room now smells like doctors surgery. But it reminds me of being 4 again and randomly falling off everything, into everything and cutting everything. :D All I need is some of mum's Rive Gauche perfume and I'm good to regress fully. I'd forgotton just how much TCP stings on open wounds though. Yow.


Mmm sounds like mine. We've got a literature module with three books we have to do. Well basically, if/when I get my 100% in at Sheffield letter, this year then becomes pointless, because my application to there is based on my A Level grades and I'll be starting 1st year again, just for ease of use, rather than carrying over my 120 credits which I would've done had I been transferring, rather than re-applying. The statement was a tad more relaxed this time. I mean, you can read it if you want... S'nowt special.


Tell me about it. Blahddy tosser. Martha Wainwright was so much nicer. She's got more cause for an ego having the family she does. No pints, they had cake instead. As did most people at the Night&Day :LOL: Even the bar staff. And people on the bus on the way home...


Nope, no telephone. Just the LAN hole. And two plug sockets. We've got a phone on the corridoor, but there's naff all privacy with that, so we stick t'mobiles. Innit. Or Skype. When my father FINALLY gets the hang of it. :LOL:


Yep. I'm like a woman posessed. I think I'm going to hit the wall soon though. So at 11, bed and reading I think. 12?! You lazy get! Yeah the film. S'quite funny.


Ahh you're so picky! I bet it looks just great. Have you tried the Topshop webshite? They usually have some great stuff. Or the Miss Selfridge/Warehouse websites... ah that girl sounds quite well informed.


Tis true. Just do what I do and live on your nerves. That way you only really need about 3 hours sleep a night. I'm not sure. I know that my 9am Reading German seminar on a Thursday will be gone forever, which is nice. So maybe only one 9am.


It was vile. SO gooey and sugary. Cami didn't get it for ages, bless the stupid Frenchie. Hahaha no! It's chocolate! Although bacon could've worked...

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You shall have to...I regressed into Lipton Blackcurrant and Strawberry just now :$ I did try to make it up with some PG though, which is horse-lengths better (as we say). Mmmhm.


Awww that sounds great! I had such the urge for liquorice cough medicine t'other day...one should have colds more often...mmmmm...I only have suicidal grown-up medication at home :indiff: (I.e. paracetamol). What's TCP though?


Mmmmm I could do with a semester like that. I'm sure 99% of the students would enjoy studying more if only they could relieve a bit of pressure. I'm sure they'll love you in Sheffield, no need for ostentatiousness. :D


I always imagined everyone in that family must be so nice :happy: Cake? What's with the cake?


Skype, pah, I loathe it mainly because there's a friend of mine here has it, and I never manage to ring him up properly, so he gets to decide when to ring, which is so unfair :D Thank God he's not a drunk caller though.


Up at 7.15 today I was, pretty duktigt to say so myself. You muuust sleep though. Then again you're not as gruesomly old as me, so I'm sure you kids get by. Mmm I love that film...it's so...my dad :LOL: (not in the hippie aspects, but everything else)


I know :( Topshop won't ship to Sweden, the ffwls, so I sit browsing the site knowing I'll never get to try out those great silk/lace dresses :LOL: I hope our Russian shirts get here soon enough, so that my clothing cravings will be silenced for a bit.


One 9am...mmmm. I found out today we won't be having Mondays off, so there goes my plan for a four day weekend :D


Vile? Nooo how could it have been? Frenchies seem slow in general. Except for the cool banlieue people. Argh my mobile's dead from the cold again! I should use Nokia, since they've got to be made for Nordic winters :D Now it won't even turn on. Sod the surrounding world then, I have to study. Mmm.

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Oh bloody hell! Do you need anymore teabags yet? PG have a limited edition blend on at the moment, I was tempted, but... stuck to what I know.


Mmm. Cough medicine. TCP (or tom cat's piss...) is an antiseptic that smells so, so clinical. It's wonderful. It's that smell you get in hospitals. Assuming Swedish hospitals smell like British ones. Stings like hell when you put it on cuts, but it clears them up so quickly. Works a treat on spots too.


Absolutly! I hope they do...


They are! My flatmate was saying she gave Rufus a banana once. Well, we took the cake we baked to the gig (cause it's in a cafe bar place) for Cami, and then offered it around at the end. Teddy was really rude when we offered him a piece so we're all bitter.


Haha! I hate phonecalls out of the blue. I never know what to say. Ah drunk callers are the best! I'm guilty of that quite alot.


Indeed! That is true, I've still got hair and me own teeth and so on. Good day back then? It's fantastic! I love that Lasse bloke, and the other one who wants to talk about the revolution all the time.


Then ship it to my flat and I'll post it over, you ffwl! Although I do draw the line at forwarding dresses to you. Unles they're for your sister. I wouldn't want your family to hate me for supplying drag to their son...




Nah, it wasn't. Just really sickly. It's because they spend so much time smoking. Ah rubbish! Then I doubt you will have got my thank you text expressing my most HUGE THANK YOUS and eternal gratefulness and adoration for the dictionary and grammar! :D :D :D :D :D :D I owe you serious! Turns out Cami's been hiding the 'please collect your parcel' slip for a good week or so. Nokia's are great. They give you the å and they bounce! Studying destroys your soul. I still have the IPA to learn...


but yes, thank you so much for the stuff! Anything you want/need in return, just yell. :D

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