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They are horrible, I got lucky :( Did you work at a hospice? The doctors told my parents the situation didn't look very good (what a thing to say directly after birth), I was in a half-coma for a few days, had surgery, went home, Roine ripped up my bandage (the doctor had told him not to), turns out I had an infection which could've killed me shouldn't we have found it in time. So now I've got some mighty scars on my stomach and chest, and a really impressive lump in my head. Bring two quid if you want to see it :D


:LOL: :LOL: *dies* Aaaahh those Finns. Too bad we don't have enough of them on the Denmark ferry. Errr. Y'know, it probably was. Crap humour, taking the piss, making crap jokes about someone in the audience. *shudder*


That sounds a dream mix to me! :LOL: Throw a wee bit Yorkshire in there, and it's poifect! Believe me, your accent is really pretty. Don't waste it. :D


They do? Haha cool! When he grows up, he should follow me on my tour of Ghana :D


:( But they're so looovely!


Errrrrr I have to read crappy stories which haven't got vocab lists tomorrow. So it's read one word, look it up, it not being in the dictionary, looking it up on Google, it not being in existance, and repeat. And then, in the more glorious moments, stumble upon some basic dialogue, finally get the plot, laugh at stupid Russian puns and jokes, and read it all over again. Mmmmm. I'm heading off to t'kip in a bit. Hope to see you tomorrow :happy: Nos daaaa dear!

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Eesh. I did for about 18 months. Oh that's awful Poor you and your parents. :( Still, you're here now, annoying us all which is all that matters. :D Good old Roine and his inability to follow instruction :happy: Imagine what Malcolm would've done without you... Two quid? That's possibly the biggest ripoff since they tried to charge me 20p to walk down North Pier. I'll give you 30p and a Blackjack. Still, scars are pretty cool. Not worth £2 though. Thems Swedish prices.


Still, I can imagine Danes getting pretty leery.. lairy... lary.. laery... (I've never had to write that word before) arguing about the size of their mountains and taste of their bacon. I was going to fly to Denmark, but sod that. Ferry all the way. Yep, sounds like North Pier that. Roy Chubby Brown, Jim Davidson, that bloke with the blonde hair... it's the place that taste forgot is Blackpool.


That's because you don't know what's best. Not Yorksire. Not on this side of the Pennines. Although the Pilling accent, no, dialect my Grandad Coggin speaks with... ever heard of kecks and boggarts? Nope, neither have I. Bugger me the Boggart Walk is scary though. The reason why you think my accent pretty, is that you've forgotten it. So you've made up one. A pretty one. :LOL: There is no such thing as a pretty Blackpewel accent.


Yeah! Easy life. haha he can be the support act. I'll expect a commission.


Haha story of a linguist's life is that. Try altavista. That's amusing, if not semi reliable. Have fun with your reading and have a good day :) Slaaaaaap lekker!

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As an orderly or something similar? 'S a grand thing to do! Yup, Roine's been duly thanked, so has mother :D There are a lot of blondes with blue eyes out there for Malcolm, I'm not worried about him :D 40p, some chish n fips and a UK North bus pass, and we have a deal. No more, no less.


:LOL: Awww Danes. They really have far too few things to be proud of :LOL: The Denmark ferry is fun. Especially if you go from Helsingborg, a behayootiful city! Mmmm I'm quite fond of it. Mmhm. Haha Blackpool sounds a right dump does it not :LOL: Awww.


But the Billy Liar accent is great! :happy: Pah, wrong side of the Pennines...we are too you know :D Haha, I may have made one up, 's true. 'S the same thing about you liking my hair :D


Of course! Free Star, and 10% royalties. Not for him though, since we still go by the Ghanaian-Soviet pass-on system.


Argh, this is so boring! (Though I have to admit the Russians are the wittiest people in the world) I'm quite happy that my hair curled up a bit after shower and Frieda. Mmmmm Simply. How's your deeeeh?

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Something like that yeah. We were lower than Auxillary Nurses but higher than Cleaners in the general scheme of things. The crack team of parents you have there :) Haha but would they be the same? Gah! I should've stuck to the original quote of £2! That deal is crippling! Blahdy UKNorth have upped their fares you know. At the start of term it was 50p from Fallowfield to uni. Now it's 60p! Granted it's still nothing...


I don't trust danes. The one we met was intent on getting me drunk. I need to look into trains and ferry stuff at some point. Sod it. I'll walk. Haha no, now your hair is definately not made up. Cause it's great. :D


Excellent. The good thing about Ed is, he's like me and doesn't grow. So he'll be still small enough for you to swing him about by his ankles or pick him up and throw him onto the sofa if he gets out of line. Also, this 10% is real money right, not cedis?


They've got that great deadpan sense of timing, don't they? My day's been pointless. Spent about 3 hours at the piano, arguing with it then trying to stop the cat from being sick on my bed. :indiff::D Y'reet?

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Aha right, quite high up then really. :happy: Good parents they are, very much so. :) They would be the same yus, we all are innit. Nah, I think the deal is quite fair really. After all, there are about 40 of them stitches. I'd take the chips with vinegar and salt only though, so that's bound to be cheaper right? :D 60p is nowt. Errr.


:LOL: You shouldn't. Haha, well Lisa and Erik walked to Malmö from here, so it's definately possible :D Aw, at least it's fluffy and bouncy when dry. I think I'll lay off the curl reactivator for a bit, since it's much comfier au naturel. Mmmhm.


:LOL: :LOL: That's convenient! So if you say you don't grow either, does that mean I can swing you by the ankles as well? :D The 10% are official svenska enkronor. Mmmhm.


Indeed, indeed. That sounds like a nice enough day to my ears :D I hope you haven't been feeding the car Star. Err. Argh I miss the piano. There's nothing better than faffing about on a piano for a whole day. Except dicking about on the guitar. Which I'm about to do if mr Il'f and mr. Petrov don't shape up and start writing understandable nouns. Errr.

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This is so irritating. My computer keeps closing windows. Gah! As I was saying...


Absolutly! We got a tea break and everything! So long as we didn't stain Dr. Cooper's table with out mugs. 40 stiches you say... nah. I still fail to see why I should dispense about £4 on that :LOL: I tell you what, I'll trade you my jaw stiches I'll have next month for a scar... :LOL: Mmm gore. *is deeply sick inside*


Well it only takes about 10 minutes to fly over that massive bridge, so it could probably be done in a day. Less if I hire a bike or summit. *plots*


Thing is though, Ed's got that advantage of being about 15kg so swinging him is easy peasy. He's nearly as tall as me now though. haha. Excellent. Real money.


Haha! Good plan! I may do that. I really want a Star, but I can't justify it cause it's just too cold here! Mmm. Piano is so much fun. Especially when singing Barbara at stupid volumes to an empty house. Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis! Quand reviendraaas tuuuuuuuu, diiiiiis! au moooin... Excellent.

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It's blardy annoying it is, my old one used to do that. Argh.


You're British and I'm supposed to be surprised about a tea break? :D Oh, them 40 stitches are worth it. Also, remember how many cigarettes you could buy with £4 :D Jaw stitches? :eek: Why? Have you taken up boxing?


Or maybe you could hijack a Ukrainian contraband lorry, might work. Plus you'd have some nice company :D


15kg? Awwww adorable :happy: I wonder if he'd be able to hold a bass guitar up :D


Take a long shower, put on one of them jungle hats and go sit in the steam with a crate of Star. :D Haha, Barbara singing must be great! Especially when there are no volume restrictions. :D I decided against my reading plan, collapsed on the bed with the guitar, playing trippy Cmaj7's with reverb at 10 through the Twin Reverb. 'S heaven it is :D Then beer at Lisa's with Erik. Mmmhm. Wore my new black silk scarf too. Mmmmmhm.


Did you get the Pipettes song? :D

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It is. Especially when the cursor decides to dance about on screen... and my cupholder pops out at any given chance. Ah well. It keeps me warm. :D


Well currently I'm working without any breaks. Tossers. I don't think you could even buy 10 ciggys with four quid now. Duty's so high on them. Last time I was rebelious (read hammered) and bought a packet it was £5.20.


Oooh! Good idea!


He's tiny! But he's getting fatter. I'm struggling to lift him onto my shoulders now. Ah well, at least he's started to eat :D


Barbara singing is so much fun. The neighbours are away too. Just the cats to entertain :D That's such the wise move. I collapsing on the bed is always wonderful. Especially with a cup of tea and a copy of The Bell Jar. Ahh silk scarves. :happy:


I did! It's brilliant. Also that Fast Boyfriends song has really got under my skin. Even though it's so damn Smack the Pony.

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Haha! :LOL: Warmness is always good! Not from laptops though, since that warmth tends to unfertilize people a bit too much :D


Harsh! Is there no union you could bitch to? Social democrats would never put up with that :D 5.20!? Oh dear. I don't know the Swedish prices though (never bought my own pack ever, so I wouldn't be able to compare though. Errr.


Roll on the day he swings you by the ankles then :LOL:


Mmmmmmm wonderful! Mmm tea and reading...if I can get away from the Rusk tomorrow I may do some Woolf...or Wilde...or that Mental Grammar book, though I got so scared the last time I opened it I might not be able to do it again. Plus, with PG and Earl Grey, fiction is needed. The scarf is brilliant! A bit short, but really nice with a thin Topshop one underneath, and this on top covering the neck. So private school.


You have to Google pictures of them, such beautiful clothes! Fast Boyfriends is quite nice too. Mmmmmmhm.


I'm going to bed after a wee shave. G'night dear, remember to sleep a loooong time tomorrow, since it's söööööndag! :happy:

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It's brilliant. Just think of it as a vasectomy without surgery. The less kids the better. Unless they're clever kids like Ed. Not too clever though.


There probably is somewhere, but I'm British. We don't bitch. We just moan about how unhappy we are, and continue in the same routine, loathing it, but sticking at it. Or that could just be me and my pig-headded stubbornness.


I'm dreading it, don't worry :LOL:


Mmm. Noo, you can't read grammar on a bed. It's a place of mindlessness is a bed. As soon as you start doing work related things on it, it becomes evil. S'why you should never do work on a bed either. Just nice things. Grammar is nice... but yeah. You're spot on with the tea and reading though. S'why we brits always have a cup of tea whilst reading the newspaper :D Oooh very middle England chic! Sounds nice :D


Polkadot dresses :D :D Oh how I want!


G'night :happy: Enjoy your Sunday. Make sure it's lazy and spent in pyjamas.

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:LOL: Haha, like cycling, vasectomy through exercise. Errr. Kids are vile though. If you find someone clever, there's always adoption.


:LOL: Awwww. Well, that actually sounds like us. But the union is a good, general thing to bitch to/at. We're clever folks we are.


We can always threaten him with cancelled royalties innit. (Even though he isn't getting any of them in the first place, but he doesn't need to know that.)


I didn't even get any fictional reading done, meaning no tea :( woke up at 11, tried to find my ties for an hour, shower at 12, put makeup and perfume on till 13, tried to keep perm from dying (that's not a pun, but maybe it's misspelled :D ), had a walk, hair died, read the stupid stories where some people at a company, all called Ivanóv, (stupid people are called Ivanóv, clever ones Ivánov) had to change their names into something flowery, so now I'll have to memorise all these stupid floral things. Errrr. :LOL: That along with all the fish in the next stories. I need a new black scarf I think, this one's just a taaad too short.


I know, they're adorable! Too bad they have all that blue stuff on. Errr. Though the left one once again proved that blue eyes belong with darker hair. Errr.




I wonder what eyeliner I should get next? Blue one just wasn't me...I'm thinking of Makeup Store's 'Small Wonder', a brownish one...pink/purple is beautiful with brown eyes, but not blue. Hmmm. 'S a pickle.


Songs of the day/year/ever: Trashcan Sinatras - Only Tongue Can Tell, and finally, remembered this one at midnight, Maria McKee - Show Me Heaven! Wooo! Just had to hum half a bar of the chorus, and say 'something something heaven', and Lisa had it. Mmmmhm. Damn I'm too långrandig.

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:LOL: I live by the theory that kids are great when they don't belong to you. (Even though they're vile) because, you can play with them, wind them up, make them cry and at the first sign of trouble, tears or dirty nappies hand them straight back to their owners. :D Henceforth I shall be the cool Auntie, rather than a mum on the brink. Much to my mum's dissappointment.


Haha! He'd not fall for that. Unfortunately he's not that financially astute. Such was illustrated when I said "Ed, I will swap you these 4 shiny coins, for your dirty note" (the coins being worth about 0.1p and the note about a quid.) Joke's on you, small boy. HAHA. :LOL:


Oh that's just rubbish :( Good job I've had enough tea today for the both of us then. You're turning into quite the well groomed woman sir :happy: Nah, dying's right. We're versatile in our word usage :LOL: Is the hair OK now though? You should try moooosse and rollers. That should set yer perm good'n proppeh. Does for Nana Jean anyway :LOL: Haha Russian stories. Brilliant.


Blue eyes belong with any hair really. Damn blue eyes. :indiff: How about a kind of... greeny grey colour? I'm surprised the blue didn't look good. Maybe it was the wrong colour. I can't wear blue at all. S'quite sad. Neon pink? Kind of emo that though. See, I quite like the blue. Maybe would be better in red, but it breaks up the overall big spottyness.


Hehe infectious songs. I found my Nu album tonight. S'made me feel all nostalgic and 16 again. Back in the day I was cool, complete with Yeah Yeah Yeahs obsession and Karen O haircut.


101 Reykjavik is possibly the best film this week.

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Haha, too true, too true! I'm always scared I'm might scar them too much though, and the owners will beat me. Cool Auntie sounds quite a plan. :D Remember to spoil them way too much and ruin the parents' harsh upbringing plan. Like me granddad. :D


Haha, silly kid :D You're really evil though. 'S a good quality that innit :D Damn, I actually never tricked a child moneywise. I once bribed my little cousin with 10kr (them are gold coins) so that he'd like me for the rest of the evening though.


Mmm 's a good job indeed. I'm hoping for tea in tomorrow, I've actually planned an early day, going up at 10 (hahahaha I will laugh at that come morning :LOL: ), and translate all day, but I have to record stuff too, so I'm guessing I won't be doing Rusk until at least late evening. But there's always hope innit. Errr. Why thank you, I was hoping my womandom was progressing. I use lip gloss way too much though. The hair is pretty much exactly the same as it was. :( Rollers work, but they're temporary...I'm seriously considering calling/writing the hairdressers teeling them what happened...I just don't see what I could have done to fuck it up? And, again, paying 745 kr and 2 hours for a weekly perm? Errrrrrr.


That's true, but dark hair/complexion (read Rusks and Poles) bring them out more innit. Lisa's said that both blue and pink should work, but they don't...brown's just better, but I can't help thinking there's some colour I must've missed...Erik looks fabulous in pink though, but he's got really dark, beautiful brown eyes. Plus he's wearing it for his first day of his Psychology studies :D Damn, I should've worn makeup the first day at the Rusk, I couldn't start now. Stupid me. :D Maybe a mix of dark/light brown would work? I need professional advice soon innit :LOL: I'm thinking my mascara's too black/strong too. Hmmmm.


Nu? :$ Who're they? Oh to be 16 again. Mmmmhm. Naaah, 20's better, back then I hardly ever listened to Maria McKee :D


Ooh I was going to read that, but I didn't for some reason...how good is it?

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The owners will never beat you, they'll be too busy apologising to you for their bairn's behaviour and beating themselves up inside for being bad parents. Trust me. :D


Of course I am! It serves him right for being the little one. You must've had grief from your big siblings? Still, I balance it all out by teaching him Russian, playing wrestling with him for 2 hours whilst dying of Malaria and letting him sit on my shoulders. Then I give him dead arms. Circle of life.


Sounds like a nice day you've got planned there. :D Maybe with the perm, it's just your hair type? If you've got stupidly fine hair like me then maybe it just won't stay because curls are too heavy for your hair. You should definately phone them and ask for advice though, cause that's... shite that's like 50 quid.


Have you gone for the right shades of blue/pink though? Cause peachy pinks would look washed out, whereas more vibrant ones could work... Then blues... you're lucky cause you could pretty much go through the whole blue spectrum. Grrr. It sucks having brown eyes. You're so bloody restricted. Ah start wearing it. You've been on holiday long enough. Hell, I've already forgotten most of my coursemates. :LOL: Go to a department store and ask for a free makeover :D


See how cool I was? Bands you've never heard of. :D Bah I don't want to be 20 next year. It seems so... aged.


It's actually a really good film. Quite funny in that dark sort of way. Plus the lead actor is absolutly gorgeous and has a great Icelandic accent when he speaks English :happy:

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Haha, is that so? :LOL: Well in that case, I shall do my worst on the next barn I find (see, the Vikings didn't just rape, they gave you words too :LOL: )


I'm too loveable too be messed with :LOL: Nah, but they knew I could take them down anyday. I'm like Ed. :LOL: You sound like quite the big sister though. Mmmmhm. Such the grand gestures :D


Mmhm, indeed. Well, I thought it might be that...but shouldn't they have noticed it beforehand and told me I shouldn't have one? I mean, it was fine for...2 showers? But still, showers shouldn't be a problem, since I mean, it's all chemical isn't it? So it should be able to withstand some showering...hmmm. If they tell me the hurr's just not fit for it, I'm jumping in front of the 10.08 to Malmö.


Hmm, it was quite vibrant...but then again I might've disliked it because I looked like a worn out Polish mother of twelve in Radom. Brown eyes can always be easily perfected with either glittery pink or brown, in my opinion, blue's just too hard...if I had a lighter blue shade I'd definately go with any brown one, but mine are too dull for that. Hmmm. I didn't know being a lady would be so hard, and still I don't get the pregnancies :LOL: Are there any of your course-mates skipping the rest? I have no idea which ones are carrying on into the B-course, but I pray to Allah it's the funny ones :D Haha a makeover would be a blast innit. I'll bug Lisa to help me instead. :D


:D Indeed. OI! 21 is no fun! No fun! I mean, just listen to it. Before that is even worse though...20 years...7 months...and 27 days...I'm so celebrating that day with bitching and listening to Queen is Dead. :LOL: Be glad though, you can finally buy alcohol in Sweeeeden :LOL:


Ooh, I shall have to find it! What's the actor's name? What do they sound like? Icelanders always sound like they have an english accent when they speak Swedish...well at least the Faroe people, but they're the same innit. Strange.


How's your uni preparations going anyways?

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Well, we stole that word from the filthy Scots... All goes back to them. Filthy gets.


Pah! Perhaps I'm just really evil then. Well I try. I make him do all the stuff I loved when I was 5... like feeding ducks and going on the boating lake. Then getting him drunk... Honestly that was so funny.


At nearly 800kr for a perm, would you tell your client that their hair isn't suitable... when you're set to make a comission on that?! :LOL: Wikipedia it. I'm sure that will have sollutions :D


Haha! That's the best look! Exactly. Pink or brown or green. That's it. Even pink can make us look like heroin addicts. At least blue goes with anything. Except some browns. Pah. Of course being a lady is hard! Just wait till you start waxing and painting nails and gah it's a pain. I doubt it. We're pretty much stuck for the year. We don't find out if we're crap until after the August resits.


Ah 21's quite the age over here. I dunno if it's the same in Sweden. :LOL: Indeed.


Thanks to IMDB I can tell you it's Hilmir Snær Guðnason. I was surprised at how... Welsh Icelandic sounds. The vowels and everything. Next place to visit is Iceland I think.


bah don't ask. I'm back on Thursday... exam on the 25th. Essay due at some point. The sooner I'm back into the routine again the better.

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Stealing bastards they are. You aaaaall are :D Except for 'bird' though, word is that's the only word you haven't stolen, or something. Cleptomania galore. :D


You are, you are :D Mmmm feeding ducks. You shall have to ship him off to Sweden so I can try snaps on him. That could be well interesting.


:LOL: That's true! The girl who did it seemed to good-hearted for that though :D Must've been the silly, silly dialect she had. Gorgeous broad-strpied blue/white shirt though, silly me for not asking where it was from. Wikipedia refuses to help me. So does Google, but I shall try it again soon for cures...I take it there's no way of getting the curly back after it's gone straight though? It is a bit curly when I get out of the shower, in the forehead, but that just...dies out.


But if a colour's perfect enough, you don't have to cycle through all the others see? :LOL: Painting nails? Errrr. Waxing? Errrrrr. Venus Divine's too good to even make you consider waxing :D August resits!? Oh dear that's harsh :(


No 21's crap, since you can't do nowt new! It's just one step closer to death.


Naah, he's too wood-chopper for me :D (most of them are though) I know! First thing I thought when I watched to cooking show you sent me was how Icelandic Welsh sounded haha. Iceland must be beautiful, the Faeroes are great anyway. Really nice ferry over there too. Mmmhm. Full of drunken, scary people and cheap night-clubs.


Ouch, exam so soon :( I hope I don't have to do my translation for some time...there's no chance I'm done in time. Any new cases promised for this year? <3


Nähäpp, if I'm to keep my promise of the 10 o'clock getting up, I shall have to get ready for bed. God natt dear, sov gott. :happy:

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Malmö's the city in Sweden with most knife/gunpoint robberies, and it's feels generally dangerous to be there. But you're from Blackpool, I'm sure it's a walk in the park for you lot :D 'S probably nice and touristy though. Only 15 odd minutes from Lund should you decide to visit our fair city :happy:


:LOL: :LOL: Awwwwww. Reet sistaaaaah Rheeeeeanne! :happy:


At least do caffeine pills to ease the pain.


It probably is Swedish, what with the midnight sun and all :LOL: It's quite scary actually. Light's better in Lund though. Finished packing now. Mmm. I think. I wanted to steal all my dad's tin whistles, but I'd have to sacrifice too much then. Screw it. Turn your light ooooon Rhiân, don't ruin your eyes! :D

Argh I need a new camera, it's supposedly like 4-4.5 megapixles but when I try to make the picture smaller in Paint it looks like it's comprised of...a half pixel and his mother :stunned: After bouncy thingie dicking about, plus lip gloss, plus blandness:




Oooh cool! But the bastard! I thought you'd hate Ghana after it being so mean to you and all. What's holding you back? Want to play bass in me baaaahnd? :D



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Don't blame us Celts. We had one of the first ever languages apparently. It's those Saesnegs your beef is with. S'not like we wanted to be raped and pillaged and forced to speak Saxon and Breton and all those shit ones.


I'm not letting you anywhere near my little brother! I still have my reservations about you from you as good as force feeding me Jägermeister.


Ah maybe. I was discussing perming with mum earlier today. It's a shame the hairdresser I used to babysit for is now in prison... could've phoned her for her say :LOL: That top sounds very H&M... actually there's stripes everywhere at the moment. Time I switch to spots. How's the hair looking today? OOH! Have you been brushing your hair when wet? That could be it.


Nah you can do loads at 21. You could stand for parliament, drive an HGV, join KLM as cabin crew... And if you were a 1940s female, you could finally vote. They don't call it "the key of the door" for nothing :LOL:


He has a great nose... pretty eyes too. You must see the film though, it's grand. It looks pretty, with its perpetual darkness, snow and streets. A ferry you say? I bet that takes weeks...


Yep. It's for the 10 credits as well, so I'll really have to learn those damn three term lables at some point. Gah. We've finished all the cases now :D eehehheheehe! Katya's promised us some well hard grammar though. Rhabbish.


Did you manage to stirr at 10am?


¡hola Fernanda! ¡Buenas tardes! aand that's my knowlege of 2nd year Spanish totally exhausted aside from ¿Dónde está el aseo?

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Right then, that only fuelled my aversion contre les ddim saesnicks innit. You should force uni to do IPA in Welsh. Mmmhm.


Don't worry, 's not like I'm having Jägermeister again ever either :LOL: But snaps is only good for you, 's like milk. Plus, you haven't lived until you've had a good Linieakvavit (though that's Norse)


Prison? did she cut someone's ear off? :LOL: It actually got better today, it's not like the first days, but when I get out of the shower it's curly, and now it turns above the eyes again (what is that called in English? It's called 'fall' in Swedish, I'm guessing it's not the same.) Very H&M yes indeed. Spots could be nice! Too bad I'm no good with them, but girls always are innit. Mmmm. I'd kill to be able to buy the fabulous red/white spotted top at H&M <3. I never brushed my hair in my life. Is that supposed to be good or bad for perm you mean? I tried blowdrying it for the first time today too, with reactivator, no dfifuser though. Feels a bit light.


:LOL: Finally my chance to get heard! Hey, reminds me, it's election year in Sweden! 'S always fun that innit. You should so apply for a job at KLM when you turn sweet 21. Innit. :D


Hmmm, maybe a bit. He's too Nordic for me I'm afraid. Perpetual darkness I can do. :D The ferry did take ages, but it was really worth it. Mmmhm. The Shetlands are wonderful as well (but then again, that was my first visit to an English speaking country, so my perception might've been blurred. Errr. :D)


Three term labels? What're those? :$ Woo! Now on to all the stupid words! :D Well hard grammar is fun...I'm dreading it though, I feel like sleeping off this term. Errrr.


Errr. My clock went on at 11, I woke up scared to death, tried to set it at 12, failed :LOL: and had to drag myself up. Errr. :D


El perro esta bajo la mesa innit.


I now have Makeup Store's 'Small Wonder' (brown eyeshadow) on, mixed with some black. Actually quite nice, but the camera won't let me capture it. Hmmm.

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Haha, well I shall take your word for that. I'm not too desperate for first hand experience. Especially after my trauma of necking various flavour Absoluts on Christmas day.


If only! She got three years for drug dealing at Wigan Pier :stunned: Said hair is a fringe, assuming you're refering to the bit that covers your for'ed? Perhaps it was just being tempramental... Sometimes if you brush curly hair it can make it just.. not behave.


Election year? Excellent! How many will be shot? Well hopefully if my degree transfer works out alright, I'll be able to apply for citizenship there and everything :LOL:


Ahh, s'prolly why I wouldn't say no. The Shitlands? Full of sheep and inbread scots. A bit like Wales...


Like, voiceless labiodental fricative, or alveolar something trill. The three terms which correspond to the IPA.


Haha! Disgusting! Although it is Monday.... so it's excusable. Maybe.


That sounds superb :happy:

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You should, next time, you choose beverages to be consumed :D Errr those Absoluts can be really vile on a bad day...vanilla errrrrrrr. 'S quite treacherous though, since some smell lovely.


Oh dear :stunned: Aha, fringe (that's bangs in AE right? I loathe that word)...damn me for not even having a Swedish-English dictionary here, 's quite disturbing to have a Welsh and Kikongo one, and not English...errr. :D I'm starting to think I might be developing bad and good hairdays, I've never had those before, since every day's been...well, the same. :stunned:


:LOL: Haha, that's what I was thinking, I mean, if there's something we're good at, it's politicide innit. Degree transfer? Whassat? (God I'm ignorant sorry :$) Is that you being shipped out for not liking Blair? Get both Dutch and Swedish citizenships, so you can vote in September plus fly the shuttle transport 'tween Amsterdam and Stockholm. Mmhm. Raw fish and mossels.


I must adore Wales then :D I really feel like going to some countryside town in Britain again...especially a rich, small one whose main sport is polo. Mmmmmmidhurst :LOL:


Oh dear, I just realised I forgot all those phrases over Christmas. Errrrr.


Hmmm, don't know if it's excusable, I shall repent tomorrow. Repent!


Shit, I'm so tired of Rusk right now...I shall have a serious discussion with someone in charge, because I honestly don't see the point in smost of their teaching methods. Hmmmm. Oh, about that dictionary, I think I'll have to do with the one I have coming at the moment to see if it's any good. If it's not, I'm certainly interested :)

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I'll bring Star over then. I forgot to get akpateshi. Still, I'm going back to Ghana in July (HOORAY for KLM doing a special deal on Africa flights then) so there's plenty time. The raspberry one is so good though. Especially with orange juice and a dash of lime. Mmmm.


Yep. Bangs in that horrid English dialect. Haha, like you need a dictionary. Unless secretly you're really shit at English yet do a fantastic job of pulling the wool over our eyes. *will now speak only in idioms and colloquialisms to confuse* Bad hairdays are part and parcel of having a 'fro. I bet when you rise and shine you cop a look in the old mirror and find your hair's made a break fer it. (Ok, talking in idioms I am not doing anymore.)


The politicides make up for actual lack of politics in Sweden, innit. I'm hopefully going to swap degrees in September and move to Sheffield to do German and Dutch since... well... yes. Russian and I aren't seeing eye to eye and haven't been since about October. I was kidding myself we were. I've just got to speak to the admissions tutor this week. She was nice enough in her emails though.


Yes, yes you must! How about Royal Lytham and St. Annes. That place is very pretentious but still retains its northerness. Like mum says its for the "fur coat and no knicker jobs who've dragged themselves out of the gutter"


Bah tell me about it. I've become so disilusioned with it. The iziik made me cry today. Bastard. Well, like I say, you're the first port of call before it goes on Amazon market place/ebay. :)

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Let's hope Sweden's hot enough for Star :D The akpateshi would've killed me anyway haha. Ooh raspberry sounds good! Mixing it up is cheating though! Delicious, but cheating :D


Haha, I shall steal one from home maybe :D Pah, all the vocab I need, I learn from kitchen-sink, I don't have to know what effervescent means, since pregnant sixteen year old Rose in Wigan probably didn't. :D (I do know what it means though, I'm not stooopid innit) Speak in idioms if you will, and I shall do the same in Swedish. That, you can jump up and clap yourself on :LOL: Haha, I'm getting this whole new outlook on life with my perm...now when I want to go out, it doesn't all depend on whether I can find a certain scarf or mittens, I also have to accept the fact that my hair might have exploded.


That's true! :D You're moving from Manchester? As long as you're happy, it will all be fine. After all, you wanted to do German and Dutch more than Russian to begin with right?


:LOL: Sounds a right paradise innit! I should apply for some posh hotel job like Lisa innit and take up polo.


Awww :( It's beginning to wear me out as well, I think it's great you have other languages you want to study as well! Plus, you're horridly young, so you can pretty much do as you like, right?


Shit, what am I doing up again? Stupid Rusk.

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I'm sure it won't be. I hope it's still scarf and big coat weather in April though. I like that type. Yep. Shame though, I would've shown you how to drink the Ghanaian way, with the token libation.


Hehe. It's a nice word is effervescent. It's kind of onomatopoeic. Why on *earth* do you know that word anyway? I didn't use that till about 2 years ago. Fizzable is much better :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Jump and clap yourself on :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: That's made my day. Haha yep, the joys of hair with its own personality is that :D


If I get a place at Sheffield, aye. S'only an hour away from Manc mind. I hope I'll be happy. I'm pretty sure I will be. And yep, I did. Only NOWHERE on god's green earth offers dutch. Bastards.


Oh believe me, if you like the nouveau riche then yes. Ahh get a job at the Grand Hotel. I played clarinet there once for a load of old women. Haha.


Ah but you're the Russian master. Or infact the language master. Horridly young? Christ I'm on the shelf man!


I haven't a clue. More to the point, why am I still awake, watching skiing? *sleep on the sofa tonight* mmm coal fire.

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