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Ahh you must. Polish people. Ahhh.


Haha, that could be fun. It was hard enough explaining why coffee is sto eta and dad was kto.


Ooooh, fair enough. Well there's plenty more where that came from. One about kofi boy and a snake in the grass. Shame I dunno the artists or owt. Ahh it's great. Spåååååååår. Possibly for the best you don't get Swedish iTunes then :LOL:


Haha just do the "stop being a lazy git" or "are you making me do it because you're too old to do it yourself?" Works with most people over 40 does thems. :D Are they good CDs? If they're trite you could always not do it on principal. Or principle. *shrug*

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I actually had a dream about Polish people last night. Fabulous. Imagine if they're even better in real life :D


:LOL: I see how that could be...hard to understand :D


Artist names shan't be needed, I'm sure it's all fabulous anyway :happy: Mmmmmmmore Mbarga. Thank you Emule. I shall steer clear of Swedish iTunes I shall. Kålröta is a better word :LOL:


Nah it wouldn't work, since he likes being a lazy git, and considers it a compliment. They were for some bloody game his mate had to have for tomorrow. Ah well, he brings me beer and lets me drive the espresso machine (I'm quite the barista I am innit)


I'm going to beeed to dream of perms. Last day in Jönköping tomorrow :( G'night dear! :happy:

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Wow! I bet that was a great dream!


Yep. Especially as Ed's one of these really clever kids so he won't rest until he knows why.


Mmm illegal downloading. I've been good and bought stuff off iTunes. Men of Harlech. WHAT a song. Ah. Men of Harlech march toooo gloooory..


Ah well in that case... My dad complained when he let me fly the coffee pot at his. I snuck a cheeky 4th spoon into it. The damn man could tell.


Aww last day? :( I dunno when I'm back in Manchester... must go to that horrid library.... gah.

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It was! We didn't speak much Polish though, he told me he didn't like cases so we went around in Stockholm speaking English. Pah. :(


Haha, I'm so bad with those kids :D Nosey bastards.


A Welsh fighting song? :D iTunes is crap, I never find what I want...I won't be able to download stuff once I get back to Lund though. Argh.


Haha sneaky indeed :LOL: A Swede would spot that in a sec too. Don't mess with the coffee. (Mess with the beer, since there we wouldn't notice the difference. Errrr.)


Yeah :( I don't start until the 24th though, and I have Fridays and Mondays off :happy: Too bad I have to finish the reading stuff. Lisa got interviewed by our local rag while being out studying today, I managed to avoid them even though I was sat at the same table with a miffed muttering 'I have to study, thankyvermuch' :D God I hate that paper.


Oh, Lisa bought a ukulele today! :D

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Aw that's a shame :( Still, your dream was invaded by a Pole. That's all that matters.


Ah they're the best ones, cause you just blind them with science and they never ask again. :D


Absolutly :D I think it's on the end of Zulu too. What a song. Aha.


Perhaps my dad secretly is Swedish. He had the hair for it. Jammy git.


Fridays and Mondays? Gah! Lucky you! Oooh, was it on the state of Yernshurping in the 21st century or something pointless which local rags always ask?


She... did... WHAT? Oh my, words cannot express just how full of envy I am right now. Firstly because I've wanted one for months and secondly cause you've got a big sister who sounds infinately cool. She could join th'orchestra and everything.

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It is indeed. Pale and drab and evryfinn.


Haha, 's true that. 'S a bitch when you make something up, they look it up and later come back to correct you :LOL:


Zulu? Is it better than Land of our fathers? Or Cwm Rhondda? :happy:


'T would explain your penchant, would it not? :D


Lucky me indeed! They've said the B course is really hard though...so I'll probably have to work on my self-discipline...I start at 9.15 each day too. Now that's torture! Haha no, they asked about study methods, and they asked the most postponing and procrastinating people in the world :LOL: 'T was hard not to start giggling at Lisa and all the crap she came up with haha :D


Haha, we even got a ukulele book to go with it. Something's dodgy with the tuning, though I was able to play Plug in baby by the minute :LOL: It was dead cheap too, 260 spänn! Plus a cute red gigbag :D Now for my Jazz Bass and our own orchestra will be complete enough! Mmmmm.


Mmmm had a shower...the shampoo was wonderful, oh oh I love my hair! 'S faaaabulous! Why did I put off this perm for so long? Craaaazy innit

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Ahhh. It came to me today why there are so many Poles in Blackpool. We have the same climate.


Heh, thankfully Ed's still writing his name as Eb and then crossing it out, so it'll be a while before he can check the lies his sister's been feeding him.


Have you not seen the film Zulu? With Michael wassisface. We kill a load of black people, then they all sing Men of Harlech. :D You should try and get a copy. It's brilliant. :happy:


Oooh good luck :) I'm sure you'll walz through it. 9.15 every day though? Youch! I'm hoping my Semester 2 modules won't get me out of bed too early. Haha what a bizare question for a local paper.


Woooow! Haha what a thing to play on the uke. You should soup it up and make it into a rock uke. That was my ambition. A deathmetal uke band. Ahhh. One day. That is cheap! Possibly why the tuning is a tad... off.


Hehe excellent! Did Frieda pull through then?

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Oooh yer, makes sense! :LOL: Maybe they really go abroad looking for places similar to Poland...them going to Blackpool would mean there's something special about the place :D


:LOL: Awww bless. Does he write S's the right way? Lord knows I probably didn't until I was like...8 :LOL:


I don't think I haven't, only heard of the name I believe. I shall have to get a copy! (Especially since I found out my laptop can play DVD's. Mmm.


Good luck to you too! :happy: 'S a good job we do have coffee/tea for those horrid mornings/sleepy afternoons. How would one manage without? The local paper here is bizare, Christian and fucked up, I'm not surprised :D


Haha yeeeer :D I'd like to get a bass one too :D I'll have to make her get a more expensive one later on, once she gets playing it down. Clever me.


Mmmmm yes. Yes yes. I can't really tell the difference in shinyness though since it's too dark in bloody Sweden all day long. Mmmm lip gloss.

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Haha, "work their asses off" and "Ghanaian" are not usually things which go in the same sentences. Especially when their mantra is "No, I wasn't sleeping sir, just relaxing small"


I now know the perfect excuse for sleepingin class. Thank you Rhian, thank you Ghana!

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I gave up coffee as one of my new year's resolutions. :stunned: WHYYYYYYY. Haha that sounds a superb newspaper. Does it have as many spelling mistakes as the Blackpool rag?


Oooh ooh... A highlife band, on ukes. Could be the next best thing.


Awww. Plenty hours of darkness.

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Mona, that's the best excuse ever isn't it? :D




I am so incredibly tired. Two days in school and I'm already sick of it.

I remember yesterday, exactly 8 minutes after the first lesson began, I aksed the girl beside me if she could hang me.


Today at chemistry, I was so exhausted, I noticed the tiniest unnecessary - in fact boring - things. they made me laugh hysterically. My chemistry teacher didn't notice since I actually put my fist in my mouth.


He was sitting on his desk and when he spoke the desk started to make weird noises. Probably because he gesticulates (y'say that?) so much. then each time he was quiet, everything else was quiet. So when he started to speak again, the desk made funny noises.

I couldn't help it.

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Awwww cashpoint Poles <3. Too bad we hardly get those here. Perhaps in Malmö. Errrr. Noone wants to go to Malmö though. Plus, we've got our own Polish specialty store in Lund now! Woooo! Pole hunting!


Hahahahaha awwwwww such cuteties :happy:


You what!? Gave up coffee? Silly, silly bint! What will you do instead? T'old 'phetamine and orange juice? Jönköpingsposten is so zealously Christian, so God himself does the spell-checks in the morning <3.


Oh yes, oh yes. I can inform you that 'Sweet Mother' is divine on the ukulele :LOL:


I'm having a lamp stuck in my at the computer for light therapy :LOL: Our whole house is filles with a yellowy-like light at the moment. Must be all the plutonium we keep in the fridge <3.


Ahhh Mona, teachers sitting on desks :LOL: I miss that. I miss laughing in Chemistry class (I miss laughing in any class :D)


*Goes to get drama queen pic with lip gloss and a bit more fluffed up hair* My brother wanted to show his family in Australia :LOL: 'This is my sis...errrrr brother'.

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Gotta love em! What's wrong with Malmö? I was thinking of a day there on my weg naar Copenhagen since my guidebook bigs it up. A speciality store?! Wooow!


He's wonderful now. Love him to bits. He's got such wit and all, but accidental wit. Like, we were watching a film called Alive to which Ed turned round and said "ah, but daddy, why is it called alive, because everybody is dead?" Haha course you can, so long as you say it "seeestahhhh" like Ed.


Yep. Foolish I know. I'll find away around it. Haha what a paper.




Haha how bizare. I assume it's some Swedish thing? *is sat in the dark*


:LOL: I found out today my favourite Cousin returns from his year jaunt in Australia on the 27th :D Then in Feb the bastard's off to Ghana for two months. Garrrrr.

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Malmö's the city in Sweden with most knife/gunpoint robberies, and it's feels generally dangerous to be there. But you're from Blackpool, I'm sure it's a walk in the park for you lot :D 'S probably nice and touristy though. Only 15 odd minutes from Lund should you decide to visit our fair city :happy:


:LOL: :LOL: Awwwwww. Reet sistaaaaah Rheeeeeanne! :happy:


At least do caffeine pills to ease the pain.


It probably is Swedish, what with the midnight sun and all :LOL: It's quite scary actually. Light's better in Lund though. Finished packing now. Mmm. I think. I wanted to steal all my dad's tin whistles, but I'd have to sacrifice too much then. Screw it. Turn your light ooooon Rhiân, don't ruin your eyes! :D

Argh I need a new camera, it's supposedly like 4-4.5 megapixles but when I try to make the picture smaller in Paint it looks like it's comprised of...a half pixel and his mother :stunned: After bouncy thingie dicking about, plus lip gloss, plus blandness:




Oooh cool! But the bastard! I thought you'd hate Ghana after it being so mean to you and all. What's holding you back? Want to play bass in me baaaahnd? :D

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Woah, like Manchester. I'll take on the docile swedish gun crime. :D The guidebook bigs up Lund too, and its Cathedral.


Does this mean now then that I can call you akola? :LOL:


It sounds it. Ooh back tomorrow? I'm debating as to whether I should go back to Manc tomorrow evening, and come back Friday evening, or just go for the day on Friday. Hard life decisions. Nahh, I've got the glow of the landing light which is nice. Since I'm in mum's bedroom, being a sheep to watching Lost on't telly.

Don't talk about cameras :'( mine broke on holiday and I took it back to the shop today and it'll be FIVE WEEKS before I get it back :'( AND I have Regina Spektor and Teddy Thompson small gigs to go to :'( However, the hairstyle... I really like it now. Wasn't sure at first, but it suits you :D


I do hate Ghana. But... I just can't stop going back. Mainly for dad and Ed.. but seriously, once you go, you always want to go back. It's like a drug.

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Haha do that, laugh at our petty ruffians! :D The cathedral's nice, always full of Poles in the summer. Mmmhm.


:happy: Depends. What's it mean? (I know akula is shark in Russian, but I'm guessing it's not very likely to be that innit :D )


Do you have a nice bed in Blackpool? That's how I make most of my 'where to stay' decisions. Which is why also I shouldn't be going to Lund. Lost...I never got into that...just like 24. Argh. 5 weeks? :( Is there no camera you can borrow/steal? When're the gigs?

And fankoo :happy:


Ah I see, like Russia then :D

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Ahh god fearing Poles. They try to be disco, but you can never take the Catholic gene out of them.


Akola, it's smally girl/boy. You use it to the youngest in the family or as a general insult :happy: The best word is boduminso which is a mad man, but literally means dog without home:D


Well, it's an ok bed. It'd be cheeper to go just for the day, but then I'd have to get up really early. Bah sod it, I'll go this evening. S'only an hour away. Nope, no camera at all :'( The gigs are next weekend and the weekend after.


Just like Russia.

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Mmmmhm, so true. Piety and zealousness is the new black innit.


:LOL: Right then, apply it to me as you see fit. 'S funny how being a smaller brother automatically becomes something to insult :D


So you're in Blackpool now then? Monitor your Enya listening closely. Errr. Awww *hugs* I'm sure you can take some pictures at some other date, since you live in a more concert riddled country than us. Errrr.


I never thought I could like The Arcade Fire, then BAM! Tunnels! Mmmmmmhm. 'S the shit it is.


Argh I have to go to TopShop tomorrow...let's see how much I can try not to spend in a day. :indiff:

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Absolutly. Combine them with actual black and you'd make a fine Pole.


Oh I sure will. You know the youngest of a ghanaian family has to do everything the older ones tell them. Bizare. Usually it's the other way round :LOL:


Ooh they are quite good. I remember seeing them on Jules Holland a few months back. It's the Arctic Monkeys who are shite. I always confuse the two. Still. Keep your modern music. I'm stuck in the 80s, and apparently my mother's music tastes. DAMN YOU ENYA. DAMN YOU STEELEYE SPAN. Aye I'm still in Blackpool. Doing the trip to the Dental Hospital in a day and then coming home for a few more days I think. I've got a doctors note, so I can put off my coursework deadline for longer :D


ooh you poor thing! Story of my life is not spending money in Topshop. Thankfully they've only got shite stuff in at the moment... but this means I'm shopping in Monsoon and that place is so expensive. AND they don't do student discount.

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Good idea :D I've actually got so much mascara mashed out under my eyes it's not even funny, I look quite dead. Mmmm the copper eyeshadow is great though :happy:


But you're younger than me, wouldn't that put me in any advantage situation? Or does me being a little brother void that? :D


The Arctic Monkeys are vile. OMD is great, really, really. I remember almost failing a swimming test in school when Milky Way came on really loudly in the building and I froze up from it being so infinately good. Mmmmmmhm. 'S also fun to ruin the vocal cords by singing the last part up like 5 octaves :D Enya's even worse than the Monkeys though. Errrr.


Wooo deadline putting off! Hmm, I wonder if they don't care when I do the individual exam for the stuff we have to read...I should aim for April or something at this rate :LOL: What're you doing for coursework again?


Yer, I'm thinking I've also bought all I can buy in there without a sex change. Lisa told me Body Shop has their body butter scents as perfumes though! :eek: Never knew that! That'd be faaaabulous, since I mostly want the butter for the smell anyway :D Ooh, we don't have Monsoon here I don't think.

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Haha wonderful! Oooh I've got some coppery eyeshadows. It's the best colour, innit?


Well technically, yes. You can send me. Then I can send Ed, so it's all ok. Neither of us really have to move a finger.


They are shite, however really good on a night out at 5th Ave when you've had so many bottles of 80p orange alcohol flavour poison the bus journey home is fun. Mmm OMD. Enooolaaaa gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


S'fun, innit. Especially when the doctor is providing the excuse :D They probably do care, but they'll pretend not to. I'm either doing an essay on the theme of guilt or the theme of illiteracy in Der Vorleser. Not quite sure cause both seem really good topics... best get to the library and photocopy some journals.


:LOL: You'd love Monsoon. They do such beautiful clothes. Don't bother with Bodyshop perfumes though. They smell cheap. Especially not the Dewberry one. Stick to the body butters and showergels. Or the massage oils. Mm they are SO nice.

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It's really great! I bought some 'Clueless' today, a blue one from the Makeup Store. Quite nice actually, though I'm not sure I'd dare wear it outside the closest circle of friends om man säger så :LOL:


:LOL: The Soviet-Ghanaian system innit!


:LOL: I see, makes sense dunnit. Mmmm orange. OMD is really, really good when drunk too. Mmmmhm. Hespecially Enola Gay. 'S so...mmmmm. 'S good for car rides too, if you're not driving that is. :D


:LOL: Damn straight! Ooooh that sounds really cool! I think we'll get to analyse some Russian literature this term, but I want to study Russian, not anything else...'s only fun to read at home, in my opinion anyway. Though literature essays are fun!


Lisa said they might have Monsoon in Stockholm! We went scent shopping today (after Lisa won the clothing consumer race by far, the poor sod :D). We skipped Body Shop too, so I now have Chanel no.5 on my right wrist, Clinique Simply on my right hand, Clinique Happy Heart on my left hand, and Clinique Happy on my left wrist :D I had to test them all, since Lisa didn't want to wear them. Hmmm. I went for some Simply, 's quite subtle, but nice. :happy: My hair was quite straight today. Awful.

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Ooh very nice! You know should I find you this April, I'm expecting a full parade of scent, makeup, scarves and hair.


Absolutly, speaking of which I will send you lots of Highlife now, since I'm back in Manchester killing time before my train home this evening. I foolishly left a loaf and milk in the freezer over Christmas, so now all I have to eat is Läkerol and... well, green bread and home made cheese. :LOL:


Bah I hate analysing literature. S'a pain in the arse.


Ooohoho! Monsoon is so nice. It's so middle class and cardigan friendly. I have Clinique Happy. It's a wonderful smell. You should've tried Gucci Rush though. Mmm.

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:LOL: Happsalutely! I got a new, smaller black silk scarf from Lisa she doesn't use. <3 Plus a pretty green handbag. Mmm. I wonder if I'd have to a new perm round April...or if it'll be gone in a few weeks :( Y'know, I never knew a change in hairstyle could change my attitude this much :D Also, thank Allah for the bouncy curl reactivator :D


Woo cool, thanks! :happy: What time are you leaving? Haha, I wonder how filling Läkerol could be :D You'd have to go out for curry innit. Hmmm I hope there's nothing in the fridge I've got hidden somewhere...since I'm positive I threw everything away before Christmas.


It is, it is, takes away the fun it does.


Oooh cardigans? I've been looking for a mud brown one, but the only ones I've found are with golden buttons and all that...and I'm not quite ready for that :LOL: Clinique Happy is really nice. I think Lisa got that, or maybe Happy Heart. Gucci Rush? I'll try it out the next time :happy:


Ooh I got 'Mental Grammar' from Amazon too, 's that fabulous Russian grammar book I told you about some time ago, it's so philosophical and smart. As if I wouldn't have enough problems with Rusk this year :LOL: Silly.

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