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Oh how incredibly lovely.


I've been listening to the same song over and over again this evening. Cornelis Vreewijk really knows how to do it. Now I've even learned Balladen om Fredrik Åkare och Cecilia Lind. Woo go me!


Okay so school is shite, I'm pretty much alone (and that's what I prefer) and it has actually improved my guitarskills since every break I go and play guitar in our auditorium. Shitloads of fun. Sitting there, all quiet and beautiful.


I just had filmjölk, tea and knäckebröd with cheese. Holländsk Gouda, best cheese there is. Mmmm..

And I am i love with Russian Earl Grey. That tea is addictive. And it gets my stomache going but you probably didn't need that kind of imformation.


If anyone of you two got anything with Cornelis, send me, please?


And I jus discovered I'm bleeding! Must've scratched my arm somewhere. Ew.

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No thanks, all is fine and dandy on the tea front over 'ere, I'm thrifty when it comes to the pointy bag goodness. Mmmmhm.


I love clinical smells, I love hospitals just for the ambience. Maybe it's because I associate it with my mother bribing me with stuff down the hospital cafeteria, Lord only knows :LOL:


A banana? Ooh I'm impressed! Did she get it signed? Bastud Teddy though, you should've mashed it in his face.


Isn't it annoying? Especially the usual scenario with a girl I know who always, always phones me up when I feel a good boy for actually sitting down and studying, really getting into the text or whatever, and rrrrring! :LOL: Like a bloody stopwatch she is. Drunk callers though...they're funny if you hear what they say, and it's all soppy and maudlin, but when it's the screaming 'where are you, let's fucking drink yeeeeeer *distorting signal* woooo', it's not even half as charming :LOL:


Yes you do. <3 Mmmm Lasse. I quite love the docile red-bearded guy, since he's oh so much like me when I was younger :LOL: Awww.


Aww thanks, I shall think about it. No small-flowery shirts in at the moment though. Hmmm. What's wrong with dresses? I wear nylon/polyester tights in the summer, isn't that the same?


Nah, you don't owe me anything (la la laaaaa) :happy: Jag hoppas att ordboken inte är för svensk :D Mmmm å. We get that with Siemens too you know, so I'm not convinced yet. Bounciness does souund intriguing though. IPA errrr. In Rusk it's vile. I'd kill to do an easy language with a non-scary country and only one case, though it'd break my heart in the long run.


Mona, glad that you're making progress on la guitare, hope you're enjoying it :happy: I think I've got a lot of Cornelis, I can gaymail you later should I have the time soon. I could give it a shot when I'm through reading about fucking pelicans. Don't bleed too much, it could kill you. Have you heard Tältet by Jacob Hellman? He's such a great artist it's ridiculous. It's crap that I don't have his record ripped though. Errrr.

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Well let me know when the supplies are low!


Absolutly! Haha! What a mother!


Nah, she just gave it to him apparently. Bless her. Grrrr Teddy.


See that doesn't happen here too often. As I know roughly what time people will phone :D But when it does... gah. I've not drunk phoned/had a drunk call for ages. I guess I'm letting the side down.


Hehe, he reminds me alot of my friend Fisher. Aww Fisher. Not seen him in ages.


There's nowt wrong with dresses, but they should be for girls only I'm afraid. Haha tights. Wonderful.


Pah. I shall think of something sir! Still, I have the PERFECT excuse to do the 10 credits Swedish module next year now though. :D We were reading the dictionary in the kitchen earlier. Cami speaks... interesting Swedish :LOL:

Pah. Nokias get... well they bounce. I decided to stop studying hours ago, and my flatmates and I recorded the Home and Away themetune using cardboard tubes and beer bottles. I have to send you the MP3. It's wonderful. :D I can imagine how awful Russian IPA is. S'bad enough in English/Germs.

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Mona, glad that you're making progress on la guitare, hope you're enjoying it :happy: I think I've got a lot of Cornelis, I can gaymail you later should I have the time soon. I could give it a shot when I'm through reading about fucking pelicans. Don't bleed too much, it could kill you. Have you heard Tältet by Jacob Hellman? He's such a great artist it's ridiculous. It's crap that I don't have his record ripped though. Errrr.


Of course I am enjoying it. I've actually almost learned Cecilia Lind, but there are about a million versions of that song. I found a rather easy one. Pelicans? Haha, oh dear. Yes, I think I lost about 2 litres of blood. I'm all blue. :rolleyes: If I die, then better off that way. Today a girl that's quite cool in my class made this psychoanalysis. She said I was hyper/melancholic and that there was a thin line between the two. I agree. I swear, I choked in the classroom. I was about to just lay down and wait for death to arrive but instead I hit the wall, got all dizzy and laughed in a exhausted way.

Somewhere between depressed and easily amused.


Yeah, we had this evaluation today with our historyteacher. Just to see where we lie and if we're doing well. And since my essay on the British invasion of Syria was the most important thing in the course he judged a lot depending on what I'd have written there.


Rhian I want to marry you, since he told me I was one of the best in class. He loved my thesis on how it all was over oil and economical gain to the British Empire and my critique and my idea of the history repeating itself.

RHIAN, I HEREBY DECLARE MY LOVE FOR YOU. Thank you so much for helping out with the structure and stuff. Thankyouthankyou.

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Haha Mona, all I did was change a couple of words and move full stops about. The real content, labour and work was all your doing, so technically it's all your fault you did so well :)


Now excuse me, I'm going to go and die a phonetics related death and cry over my impending 2,000 word essay on the theme of illiteracy in Der Vorleser.


Then I shall soak my wounds of melancholy in TCP and drown my sorrows with a cup of scalding hot PG.


Oh woe betide the day... woe.

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Best way to tackle an essay: Get drunk. I've come up with some very profound thingymabibs and it's only 8pm. And I'm drunk. And then I will attempt to finish my essay in a bar tonight. Where ARE you people?

It's really hard to include footnotes when you can't see straight.

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Dull? DULL?










One, two, sit, type, three four, finish tonight, five six, eat weetabix, sevem eight, must feel great, nine ten, break my pen!

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Well look at you, crafty studying people! Did you ever finish the essay Rhiân? Damn, I've been good the last couple of days, reading Rusk stuff like I was on a payroll, ended up in a powerful bender yesterday evening, which itself ended up with me leading a way too drunk Lisa around her house, people being taken in by police downstairs, and me wearing pink eyeshadow kissing Erik in front of loads of people. I have now proved, ladies and gents, that pink eyeshadow is the right thing to do for the blue-eyed pack. (Forgive the heroin look, I had to show some eyelid to demonstrate the actual colour of it innit)




*Trots off to actually try to wash it off*

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Finished the essay? Have I heck. I'm nearly there though. I spent the weekend in a drunken haze in Leeds with the wife. Chineese New Year party with Harriet's flat and their neighbours (SWEDISH PEOPLE!), having a full on conversation in Russian with Regina Spektor (it started out as a heckle) and generally being drunk. Shame that classes start tomorrow really...


People being taken in by the police you say? My goodness! Some bender! I'm liking the eyeshadow me dear. Damn how I envy blue eyes.


How is eveyone?

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C'moooon, get it done! But I bet y'have already! :D Woo Leeds! The wife lives there, yeah? And Swedish people too? Wow, quite the weekend! Behövde du something? :D Haha, Russian's only good for drunken conversations is it not? :D Did you enjoy le concert?


It was fabulous! Oh what rum makes you do. Envy blue eyes? Do what I wanted to do and get some of them fake contacts :LOL: I swear my eyes have been getting more and more turquoise though, which is a step in the right direction ohyesfankyverrmuch :happy:


Lund is a mess, I can't see how I'm supposed to get through this course :stunned: One of the Russian ladies in our class told me I should become a spy, based on my 'perfect' pronunciation, which she seems to like, while all the teachers think I'm awful when trying to utter some bloody words. Errr. :D How's Manchester? Heard anything from Sheffield lately?


Blommor: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v66/Krasnojarsk/9c31db09.jpg


I shall send you a song of the band we watched yesterday. Mmm.

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I'm halfway there, should be done easily by Friday I reckon. Only three weeks late... ahem. Yeah she does. Leeds is rather cool, but plenty hilly. Yeah! Real life Swede Thessa. She was quite reclusive though, so no drunk bothering of her. The concert was fabulous! Mainly because of my drunken Russian outburst in the middle of it making me somewhat of a minor celebrity with the Polish girl I met afterwards <3 And the fact I was so hammered...


Haha Rum. What are you? A pirate?! Yarrr. Blue eyes are wonderful. Better than the orange/brown hybrid which is mine. Eugh, contacts are well freaky though. Turquoise?! Bah!


Eesh :( I'm sure you'll do splendidly... see you've got the support of the real Russians. Ignore the staff. They no understand. Manchester's great, well, city and Germanwise... (I got not one, but two firsts!WOOOOOOO!) Russian can go and die in a corner. Especially after todays test where I did only dative and genitive endings, when the test was on the instrumental. Bah. Sheffield lady sent me a simply wonderful email the other day, so I'm muchly happy about that. :D


Ooooh pretty flowers! Seems the only foliage we have in our flat is that on Ayo's saucepans that she refuses to wash up...


Oooh, I shall await it with open ears. Did you manage to harm any of those 14 year olds?

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Wow, that's some proper försening :D Pah, recluse Swedes, we have far too many of those. And someone calling themself Thessa means they're up to no good. :LOL: Mmm Poles! Did you impress her even more with some Polish?


Rum's the best type of booze :happy: Rum and coke is such a highlife drink (quiet you, I say what I want) which makes you think in thirds. Orange is cool! :happy: Nah, I say contacts are underrated...plus, turquoise is the most beautiful eye colour evoh. With dark, black Polish rims. I take pickiness to a new level innit. :LOL:


The staff shall be duly ignored. Woo Sheffield! Mmm, it must surely feel nice to not having to focus that much on Rusk then? Dative endings, pah...but I must admit I'm starting to like that bloody case...I mean писать письма бабушку...there's certainly something in that...speaking of Rusk, I'm seriously considering a term abroad in Vladivostok...I'm must set myself straight soon, or I'll be done for...


Haha, you should get some roses, they're cheap as hell, at least here. Mmm.


Sent it :happy: Same singer as in Vapnet ('Kalla mig'). I was this close to hitting someone in the eye, since the 14-year olds are savage little fuckers, who refuse to move once they've got a place by the mixing table. Try getting through a barrage of black eye shadow and Joy Division shirts if you can. I dare you.


Aaaaand now I'll have to go study. Oh, did I tell you, I got a response from the hairdresser, turns out I could come in for a 'consultation', too fucking bad I'm not in the same city. Bollocks bollocks bollocks.

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ja visssst! It's that formality gene that 90% of your lot have. To give you an indicator of how drunk I was, yes, yes I did speak Polish. Ooh, Harriet and I discovered that the 'brówka is delicious with cheap cider. :D


Never said a word... *sniggers* Nah, contacts are too freaky. Some woman in Boots tried to put mascara on me today and it just ended up in her poking my eye. So contacts.. errrrr.


Excellent. Such is the spirit. It's wonderful. So when I get the fail on this test, it won't matter one bit. I'm going to miss my classmates so much though. *sniff* The dative case is nice, it's selfless and giving. Ahhh. Oooh you should do a term abroad! Although Vladivostok is a bit... far and radioactive and.. bleak, innit? I've got loads of information on Russian courses there that the department keep sending me, if you'd like me to forward the emails? Even if you're not interested, they're worth a read for the hillarious use of the English Language. :LOL:


I'm not a big fan of Roses to be honest.


Oooh it's very bouncy and happy! Haha you should've done. I bit a small Muse fan at Glastonbury once, mainly because he showed NO respect for his elders and elbowed me in the face. Haha, sounds like a typical night out at 5th Ave does that. The best way is to buy the cheapest beer in the house and spill it over people whilst it's still cold. The gig/club world is a dog eat dog one. :D


Oooh no, you didn't! Could they maybe consult you over the phone or something? How is the perm anyway? Is it behaving? Enjoy the studying.

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ja visssst! It's that formality gene that 90% of your lot have. To give you an indicator of how drunk I was, yes, yes I did speak Polish. Ooh, Harriet and I discovered that the 'brówka is delicious with cheap cider. :D


Never said a word... *sniggers* Nah, contacts are too freaky. Some woman in Boots tried to put mascara on me today and it just ended up in her poking my eye. So contacts.. errrrr.


Excellent. Such is the spirit. It's wonderful. So when I get the fail on this test, it won't matter one bit. I'm going to miss my classmates so much though. *sniff* The dative case is nice, it's selfless and giving. Ahhh. Oooh you should do a term abroad! Although Vladivostok is a bit... far and radioactive and.. bleak, innit? I've got loads of information on Russian courses there that the department keep sending me, if you'd like me to forward the emails? Even if you're not interested, they're worth a read for the hillarious use of the English Language. :LOL:


I'm not a big fan of Roses to be honest.


Oooh it's very bouncy and happy! Haha you should've done. I bit a small Muse fan at Glastonbury once, mainly because he showed NO respect for his elders and elbowed me in the face. Haha, sounds like a typical night out at 5th Ave does that. The best way is to buy the cheapest beer in the house and spill it over people whilst it's still cold. The gig/club world is a dog eat dog one. :D


Oooh no, you didn't! Could they maybe consult you over the phone or something? How is the perm anyway? Is it behaving? Enjoy the studying.


That gene is way too inhibiting. Stupid Swedes. Bison wee wódka and cider? Sounds delicious! I'm going vodka shopping tomorrow, and I still don't know which one to buy...I may have to drag home some of the Polish goodness, ig I don't chicken out and get some Smirnoff or something. Errr.


Ah I see! Did you get makeupped then? :happy:


Aww, poor you and your classmates, you should've taken the prison inmate stance, "don't ever connect" :D Vladivostok is really scary in a way, but I'm just...drawn to it. Could be the student rooms with fridges. Could be I've never seen the Pacific. Could be I like the stupid Siberian dialects. Could be it's probably the most wicked thing to do, move from your childhood room to the 'stok. :D Forwarded emails would be great, I'm open for everything! Thanks! :happy:


What flower did you end up getting then?


You bit him? :LOL: That's faaaabulous! I'm hoping to catch Mozzer here in April...I'd better bring the mace and quiff-neutraliser. *shudder* I may have to go back to the same place for Kevin Rowland. I pray to Allah it's at least 20 plus.


My phone isn't working, so no :D Nah, I think they meant they could redo it or something...I'll see. Maybe I'll just do it again someplace else. Today, I've been happy with my fringe.




Congrats on the Smiths Mona. Stay out of the bootleg swamp, it doesn't want the best for you. How is everyone this evening?

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But it vanishes once you lot get drunk. Innit. We were at the vodka section of Tesco for ages today. We decided against Smirnoff and Red Square (far too... brewed in Warrington...) and went for Absolut Citron. Damn that's good stuff.


Just mascara'd. Glad I didn't get fully makeuped though, on the account of the allergic reaction I had to the mascara! I could understand if it had been some cheap one.. but it was a £21 YSL one.


Should've, but they're just all so lovely. Except one. Haha, you're just suicidal, admit it. They have been forwarded. You now will probably know the email addresses for everyone doing Russian Studies at Manc :LOL:


Not a flower, but some form of plant thing. S'quite nice really. No idea what type though.


Good luck getting Mozza tickets. He completely sold out in like... minutes here. Gutted we were, gutted. Claire started trying to book at like 08.30 even though they weren't on release until 9.. and nada. :'( what dates is he playing Sweden?


Still not working?! Oooh the hair looks wonderful. God, I'd seriously kill a small child for your colour. Have you highlighted it?


Wooooo! No uni tomorrow, bottle of Hardy's Chardy in the fridge... haaamazing. :D Lund treating you good?

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