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Dear Kev,


The forum skins are freaking beastly. As well as the smilies. Well done man!




thank you :D lots of other people deserve credit certainly neither have been solo efforts.


Dear Kev,


I've always wondered, does setting your undertitle to 'Banned' get you banned?


Luffs, daffers


nope it wont let you do that! give it a try, you've got 1 hr 13 mins to give it a go.

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Dear kev,


You need to try reese's pieces! They are proper good. I got some from morrisons today.


ooh i've had them! they are tasty, i think i prefer peanut butter m&m's though, the lack of chocolate is a bit unusual. ooh i recommend coconut m&m's they are right good.


Oh the red skin seems fine now, thanks for getting back to me. :awesome:


excellent! it will have been working fine all along from our end i expect.


Dear Kev,


Love your avatar.




thank you :D

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Coconut M&Ms!? Where do I get them??


And do you know if you're going to the Thursday London gig yet?


the united states of america sadly, although cybercandy might have them... ooh there's a new cybercandy in brum you should see if you can stock up on awesome m&ms!


i don't yet no :( which one is your mother off to?

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the united states of america sadly, although cybercandy might have them... ooh there's a new cybercandy in brum you should see if you can stock up on awesome m&ms!


i don't yet no :( which one is your mother off to?


Brum have a cybercandy? We're already going to Cadbury World, we'll be high on sugar! Not that we need to be :LOL:


That's the one she is going too :LOL:

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