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They Player Building light...(i was there) With the Lightbulp. They played Stockholm Syndrom and unsustainable Full. As a Encore they Played uprising, starlight and survival as a closer. The visuals werd Great, BUT the only Played for 1:40 :/ Reals Short Set.


Sounds like an arena setlist..... but with Building Light in there.

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They Player Building light...(i was there) With the Lightbulp. They played Stockholm Syndrom and unsustainable Full. As a Encore they Played uprising, starlight and survival as a closer. The visuals werd Great, BUT the only Played for 1:40 :/ Reals Short Set.


Hell Yeah! They close with Survival in a gig in the middle of the forest, not in the Olympic Stadium for the film.


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Hoodoo and Space Dementia.


Piano Thing, Hoodoo and Cross Pollination


Only Feeling Goldmann survival were Played in Piano :)


I'm going to believe Kueller and PaulRyan.


Also are you sure that's your auto-correct? It's a quite strong one

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