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only in your head hehe. i told you it was the same as if the neck had 24 frets thats all


ohh i couldn't remember - i thought it was something else, as i originally wanted two humbuckers.


hmm do you remember that manson strat with the top with the odd figuring? it was maple, but had a bit of a unique figure to it. do you think you can get a piece of maple for a top that has a unique look to it?


it's really between that purpleheart topped one at the moment, and something like the last one (sort of)

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i dont know what you're talking about. was it spalted? i should be able to get spalted. but the shipping cost of where i normally get it has gone up a LOT last time i looked. but yeah i could get some of that. if thats what it was


it was just maple with some random figuring - i don't think it was spalted, but it looked pretty nice.


i'll have a look to see if i can find any examples of that type. also, what types of mahogany are readily available?

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Im still interested in getting that Neck off you Hooglebug! Just been getting funds together so im can buy everything at once :p


Just out of interest, how cheap do you think you could get a pair of planks of mahogany for a two piece body? Given that you get yours from a timber yard, I expect you could get it cheaper than I would be able to buy it online. I've looked around locally and no one seems to have any mahogany :(

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the place i go has lots of african and something else - cant remember what it was now or how much it was. the african i think was about £30 for two metres maybe. but then you have to pick around the knots and so on


Well that could save me money on the 60 quid two piece body that I was looking at getting... If you are interested and have any free time do you think you could have a look for me? I would gladly pay 10-15 quid on top of the wood cost, plus p&p! :)

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Ahhh fair enough then, but cheers anyway! So how long did you think making that neck would take? I'll hopefully be ordering all of the other shit this next week to get started asap, basically hoping to have this all ready before the 20th of september and I go off to uni, which, given that I have absolutely SWEET F. A. else to do, I will pretty much spend ever unfatigued hour of each day working on it.. :LOL:

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if you take care of it it wont get dinged. its obviously not as tough as other finishes as its only oil, although tru-oil isnt a true oil its a blend of oils and poly i think. so it can be built up more. but then it wouldnt feel as natural and nice. and if it does get dinged, because its so thin you could probably steam the ding out and slap some more wax over it and it would be fine

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Right, I have another proposition... :LOL:


Given that I absolutely loooooove the look of the deco/tri-caster, and would dearly want one, I has idea.


So the neck was going to be around £275 (for a MoC neck without tuners iirc), then the rest of the costs on my end for me to make the body was going to be something like another £140 ish for the body, finishing materials, tools etc. I already have the pups for it (Nailbomb and Hot P90) and tuners, though they are for a 6 as side headstock and a Deco would need 3x3, so I'll probably sell these.


Now, Im on quite a tight budget, but how much do you think it would cost me if you were to make me a flat top mahogany body deco, nailbomb in the bridge, p90 in the neck, 3 way pup selector, volume, pull/push tone pot for splitting the nailbomb, and a killswitch.


as for finish, whilst I realise there is no flamed maple involved so It probably wont look the same, I really loved James' guitar's finish at this point:






I really like the non-uber-shiny satin-y look to it, I'd probably have it red rather than blue, and a slightly more prominant black burst around the edge.


If you just give me your thoughts on that, Sorry for being so indecisive and everything! :LOL: but if you can give me a general idea of how much on top of the £275 the rest of the body is going to cost. I will probably just do the electronics myself to save you the time and save me a little money, but yeah, I'd love a flat top Deco :supersad:

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Ahhh :LOL:


Well In that case, given that I am on such a tight budget with Uni coming up, I think I will have to revert back to plan A, and you just build me a MoC neck and I'll make the rest :p


The moment I have enough cash though, I am deeeeeeefinitely getting that guitar though!


So the original neck spec was:


AAA Flame maple MoC neck, Same spec's as them etc.

Ebony fret board

Stainless Steel Frets

No front inlays, aluminium tube side inlays

Unfinished headstock with 3mm off for the mirror

MoC style truss rod, ie. at the bottom of the neck rather than the top

tru-oil/wax finish on the neck.


Thats about it I think. So £275 + P&P jahh?

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Groovy. Well I will be able to give you the go on that by the end of the week once I has all my monies together.


Then just expect a constant whining in your ears for the next few weeks as I keep coming to you with my little problems and such with my build... :LOL:

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