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have emailed a couple of other places. not too hopeful but you dont get anything if you dont ask!


i would have been spraying this week but fog has descended for the last few days


so iv been working on the baby instead. got the top on it today and will get some sanding done tomorrow probably

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got a bit of colour on


it looks darker in this pic because of the flash



this is a bit more like it is



its gonna be an almost opaque black/dark brown on the back and sides, running over onto the top to hide the two little bits of maple that were stuck on the get the width right

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got a bit of colour on


it looks darker in this pic because of the flash



this is a bit more like it is



its gonna be an almost opaque black/dark brown on the back and sides, running over onto the top to hide the two little bits of maple that were stuck on the get the width right

how do you do a sunburst finish? thats beautiful



you building it for someone? or is this the charity one?

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the charity one is the sakura hanami (the red one with all the inlay on it).


im just making this to use that bit of maple! and i plan on giving it to chantel mcgregor


oh and i use an airbrush to do sunbursts


how much would this go for if you were to sell it?

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how much would this go for if you were to sell it?


would depend on spec. this ones not going to get expensive tuners and pickup etc but if i did one with all that business probably around the £1000 mark. which people might think is a lot for a little guitar, but theres not much difference than doing a normal one

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its olly!!!! hes messing hehe. he did a version and i tried to copy it on another program as he uses script and i have no idea what im doing with it. so hes putting his version up to see what its like and im going to still be messing with mine, taking flash out so it works everywhere and so on

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i redid the site without flash so its up again now. a few bits need tweaking i think but at least its there!


i was thicknessing the headstock on the baby today so i could drill the hole for the truss rod and was half way through when the router stopped. i took the top off and fiddled with the brush as its been them before (its an old one). it clicked into life for half a second then died again. so i fiddled with the other brush and the connector snapped in half. nice.


so i filed the bit that was still there down and pushed it back into its socket and pressed the button and nothing happened. so i randomly started pulling wires to make sure everything was connected and one of the wires from the switch just came off.


so i took the whole damn thing apart to have a look. the coil of the router (its like a massive pickup) has four connectors - two to the brushes and a hot and ground for the switch. the ground for the switch had just frazzled.


so i had to solder a piece of wire to that bit of the coil and connect that up with the ground for the switch and hey presto it works again. but by then i was too annoyed to finish thicknessing. but the fretboard should come tomorrow so i can get on with it then.


also, been thinking about controls. i dont want to do just volume and tone, so was thinking about some kind of varitone or something similar.

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If I wanted a replica of a guitar, and a template isn't available, what would you be able to do?


Guessing you'd have to work with a blown up picture or something to get the shape close? (doesn't have to be exact of course)

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if theres a pic of it full length and you know the scale length its easy. or if you know the scale length and theres only a body shot you can work off the distance from the last fret to the bridge




24.75" scale length, and these pictures










Again, it doesn't have to be exact. There are some things I'd change as well.


also, the neck joint...this is what gave me the idea for the one on that last guitar, so I'd definitely like something like this.







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ah yes i remember it from last time! so what i would need to do with it is draw outlines in photoshop and vectorise it and export it to cad where i can get it scaled properly




i think i'd keep the overall body shape the same, but change a few other features. the headstock shape (since ovation is still using that), and a few other things which i suppose can be done later on. (bridge type, inlays, control placement, etc)


no idea what the body wood is...definitely not mahogany judging by that grain.

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