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Can we do something to bring MUSE to the InMusic Festival 2011?


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Well I can't know if this will work, but the thing is the people behind the Croatian InMusic festival have put a form on the website for us to fill in who we'd love to see on the festival in 2011.

So you're already guessing what i'm asking for here, right!? :D


Just take a few minutes, go to this site (MUSE fans are the best, so i know many of you will try to help :D):




You'll see a green thingy on the middle of the page that says WISHLIST. Click it and add MUSE on the list. Thats all!


THX in advance :)




Just be sure to check your inbox for the confirmation e-mail.

It seems to land in junk mail folder on hotmail.... Probably outlook aswell :-s


THX once more

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Might do that too

might go if it happens. Always wanted to go to croatia


Well since the festival is in summer, you might wanna plan a bit longer stay than just attending InMusic which is in Zagreb. There's plenty to see. Google it a bit. Realy much to see although a small country. You shouldn't miss Plitvice lakes and will want to see the coastline, maybe even the north/northwest part of the country which is hilly and has some old castles....


Well google it. Eva Longoria was thrilled :)


Thx for the adding muse to the list to all :)

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