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  1. Thought it was too good to be true. Looks like we have been had. Not good at all.
  2. I have pre ordered the dvd and cd from the shop. Payment has been taken from my PayPal. I have had no acknowledgement of my order from Warner and also not received my free digital downloads. Not good and does not fill me with confidence. You know when you get this feeling when something has gone wrong? I have that now oh and btw.....the links in the origanl post do not work.
  3. I managed to get two tickets for me and the better half. I also managed to get another for my son. just had an email from TM saying I have purchased too many tickets and they have reverted me back to two. I really didn't know we were limited to two. It's horrible watching a twenty year old cry when he realised he can't go. So, if soemone has a spare we can meet you there and pay you. And by the way, the nearest station is Manchester Oxford road.
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