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Posts posted by jacjens

  1. Don't really like Matt's vocal fucking at the beginning and the guitar is too weak.


    Don't get what's wrong with HAARP. The CD is so much better than the DVD as Matt sounds a lot better and the vocal effects are absolutely ace.


    Admitted, Matt's vocal on HAARP is spot on. MotP gets me every time.


    Knights and Micro Cuts in general, and the vocals on MotP ... the rest on HAARP really is meh to me.

  2. Back when Starlight was a good live song. People jumping during the heavy bits :awesome:


    Personally I love Starlight, and to me it is still one of their best live songs. In Berlin the crowd responded really good to it too with a lot of jumping and singing during the "heavy bits" too. Man, what a great night it was.





    The CD version is better though.


    90% of HAARP is so underwhelming to me, the mix in particular. Starlight here sounds so flat in my opinion.

  3. Nopt sure about having HM and HCM in the same gig / so close together, is it a good thing or a mistake?


    Can't see a problem with it at all since they're so different.


    If these anniversary gigs will happen they should seriously try to close with HCM!

  4. In general. Dead Star is the first coming to mind.


    Yes, the performances of Dead Star in the stadium tour sound so massive. The few times Fury has popped up it has also sounded amazing.


    I'm not so thrilled about the Hysteria-tone this tour though - bass has been too clean and anonymous imo.

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