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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Just had to check And of course more complex=/= better - if it did Drones would probably be one of their best albums - but it's an interesting point, because despite all the claims that they're some of the best musicians in rock, they'e clearly outclassed by a lot of acts (although Matt does seem to be a better pianist than many of his peers). Honestly if be happy with a simple album from them so long as the music is still interesting.
  2. Well they have played with time signatures a bit here and there: Animals is in 5/4, and Micro Cuts fluctuates between 4/4 and 6/4. I don't see them writing something as complex as Schism or Rosetta Stoned, but I think they're entirely capable of writing more difficult music than what they have been. I'm assuming that it's less of an issue of their skill than them just not wanting to write anything particularly hard.
  3. Funny, I was just listening to the soundtrack. But yes, regardless of whether or not they go heavy with the next album (I seriously doubt they will), I'd love it if they would adopt a similar mindset as Mick Gordon, particularly in their approach to genres. As Tjet said, it's when they try to write in a particular style that they do little more than emulate, which has unfortunately been the go to for the past few albums. It's frustrating, because despite wearing their influences on their sleeves in the early years, they still found a quite a distinctive sound. I honestly couldn't tell you what the last two albums sound like without just listing a bunch of other bands and composers.
  4. Likewise. I got into them around the BH&R era, but I wasn't really that into the community and live show stuff until a good while after that. I also had no money to buy the CD's, so I would download random songs from Limewire. Half of them were mislabeled, which kind of added to the mystery. It was a fun way to get into a band. Still, it feels like I've missed out on a lot of great stuff. Curse myself for not being older.
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