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HannahG123 last won the day on January 24 2022

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About HannahG123

  • Birthday 01/04/1996

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    I can't spell
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    Professional Impersinator
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    Pretty much anything
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Glasgow SECC 24th October 2012
    Manchester Ethihad 1st June 2013
    Glasgow Barrowlands 2015
    Brussels 2016
    London Olympic Stadium 2019
    Tempelhof Sounds Fest 2022

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  1. It's my first too! :awesome: I wasa fan a before TR came out, but for some reason I barely followed the release, even though I was so excited I couldn't talk :chuckle:


    They normally come for Big Day Out at the beginning of next year, and if they do I can see them there. It's annoying though, cos they never do sideshows which is a shame, cos that's where I'd really wanna see them. They claim that it's because they'll come back at the end of the year, which is a silly excuse because they manage to do like four legs everywhere else and they could easily support it here. Oh well, at least they put on one hell of a show! :awesome: I don't think our setlist was particuarly amazing, but it wasn't bad, either. We got stuff like Sunburn and MotP, so I'm happy. They important part is that they just put on an amazing performance. Plus, hands down the best lighting show I've ever seen! I wish I had been standing though. Next time! If you can't get standing in the end, don't worry though, you'll still have an amazing time. Let me know how it goes :happy:

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