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Everything posted by Finn.

  1. A bigger venue? Tom Kirk complained about how the stadium in the LA Rising was half empty last time Muse and RATM played there. Edit: Nevermind. http://www.losanjealous.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/la_rising_07-30-11_big.jpg
  2. Semi-realistic one Knights of Cydonia Panic Station Sing For Absolution Animals Plug in Baby Butterflies & Hurricanes Ruled by Secrecy United States of Eurasia New Born Hysteria Time is Running Out Starlight Glorious Blackout Unnatural Selection Uprising Citizen Erased Take a Bow Supremacy Space Dementia Survival
  3. The lack of Ashamed, Jimmy Kane, Falling Down and Blackout in the poll probably means they will play Ashamed, Jimmy Kane, Falling Down and Blackout in every gig. Now seriously, why no one from Antartica voted in the poll? Muse should have fans in that continent too, some penguins and scientists.
  4. I prefer Unsustainable and Isolated System instrumentals, too. But i understand they work better with voices in the context of the album.
  5. I don't care if is a rarity or not. Some singles and no common songs are better than rarities. And Unnatural Selection wasn't exactly played in all gigs last tour.
  6. I don't think so, Muse just released a live album, so another one will be odd. Of course will be nice a Box Set with Zepp and Sao Paulo, and maybe more of this one-off shows, if Muse play more of this kind of gigs this year.
  7. No, i mean, recorded to release it. It was filmed in 16:9 and with a lot of angles, and not sure, but at that point HAARP gigs were not in schedule, so three nights at Wembley Arena were the best option for a live release.
  8. If i'm not mistaken, Wembley Arena was filmed, too, like Earl's Court.
  9. Sorry for the wrong link, this one should work http://freakshare.com/files/pwhe14dt/Muse-Live-at-Gran-Rex-2008.flv.html
  10. What? Mega isn't banned in US, if they want to watch it, besides, the torrent of the DVD is 4.7 GB while the YT video is 240 MB.
  11. I can upload the HolySheep video to Mega, for the US people, it take 1 or 2 hours
  12. You know YT degrade not only video but audio quality, right? But i guess is better than nothing.
  13. This gig is a good one, the YT quality don't make justice to it. The sound is specially gorgeous.
  14. What that means? i'm just pointing someone is selling the DVD at a very high price, and one muser paid so much money and uploaded to the bootleg site so we the rest can enjoy the gig.
  15. I doublepost but i don't care. I find a site that sells this DVD for 100$. Some people can be bastards.
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