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Everything posted by Lupus

  1. :chuckle: I just don't want to bother with something permanent unless something that will always be meaningful to me... for example, I totally agree with Chris's tattoo's, because THAT is something I'd brag about.

    In case it wasn't semi obvious, I love wolves, so thats where Lupus really comes from.... interesting though, as I've never heard of that. Learn something new every day!

  2. Sorry to sort of eavesdrop on you and muselee's conversation, but the pen on your arms thing, I do that too! I can't stand veins, so I don't draw that, but I draw interesting designs all up the inside of my arms. I wrote and drew on my hands a lot before I knew of Matt's hobby, but he gave me the idea to extend my creations all over :p It works great, because I don't really want a tattoo, and this just washes off, and you can start over with a clean slate.

  3. I don't say this very often about people, but what a prick! Not only did he waste his money, but he just decided to be an asshole about it and not even sell the tickets to ya! Now that is basically trying to spite yourself to spite others... one of the stupidest qualities of the human race. Running into a wall... well that's problematic... Sorry, I just HAD to It was right there!
  4. Oh APRES Muse :chuckle: Muse t'a fait connaitre RATM? Ou sont-ils distinct?

  5. Daft Punk un peu, mais j'adore LCD Soundsystem. (I've yet to explore the RATM world, but have been meaning to forever :))

  6. Ah, un fan du metal! Je suis indifferent au metal... je ne l'adore pas, mais je ne le deteste pas. La musique electronique est bien aussi... mais je suis tres meticuleux avec ces genre!

  7. The Muse Boards are also apparently used as a therapy session I'm not makin' fun of ya, I actually think its quite awesome that the people here are generally good and are a bit supportive of each other (considering of course this is online). Our similarities unite us, but we are not all the same, and I love that part too. I think that Muse fans tend to still have certain qualities that make us a bit different... probably similar to the band's geeky and outcast/rebel qualities. Not sure of any other way to have it... except the extreme fangirl stuff just has to stop. They are real people any time they talk to anyone, so I can't imagine what it would be like if they all had massive egos. Whoops! I have the same... philosophy? with the opening acts. Some people only come for the main show, but even if I don't think I like an opening band, I want that proven to me and not assumed. I like discovering new music, so I'll listen and encourage opening acts. And yea, gets your moneys worth for sure.
  8. Haha! Le rock... (the simplest I can be... I can't narrow it down any more than that)

  9. Wow, that really does... and it reminds me of one of my uncles, except he's much older No, he doesn't look like Dom or Matt. Yes, that is one of the concerts that hurts the most when I think of how I possibly could have missed it. I'm pretty sure Reading and Leeds will be pretty close up there too now...
  10. Yea, thats pretty interesting actually... there are some similarities! And yes with the continuing dreams, it's amazing how much time it eats up! remind me to do this when waiting in outside for a Muse concert for hours or something You know, there aren't that many other characteristics... And Matt does not look old for his age at all. Perhaps not young, but certainly not old. Only in fashion sense though. ( at how serious I'm discussing this) The non-fangirl type is an important note. Though I think I'd rather bump into someone from the forums at a concert, that way it's more genuine I think. literally!
  11. Ah, oui, j'aime Arcade Fire. J'adore beaucoup de genre de la music. J'adore mes chat noir aussi :chuckle:. Elle m'assoit a la moment (She's sitting on me at the moment)

  12. Arcade Fire a gagne le disque d'annee! Quel autres group aime-tu? (that were nominated)

  13. No, those aren't weird at all... I love continuing dreams afterward! It's so distracting for the rest of the day though, because as your doing this, your trying to not forget the dream, and pay attention to normal life. And that is an interesting talent you have there! Well, others say its weird, but I reckon it's a talent. But you can do Matt's voice? Mumbling, British accent and all?
  14. Accord! Deal! :)

    As-tu regarde le Juno Awards?

  15. Ah! J'espere que tu a eu une bonne vacances! Et la trilogie [sounds] interessant! Quand je vas au magasin de livre :) Il est a la liste! (faute! :chuckle:)

  16. I hate that too! Even with animals, it sounds so wrong calling an animal "it"... so degrading. Shows how much respect people show 'em. Serge too! DAMN! Yep, girls are worse I think. And it would be way cool for Matt to have a little dude... daddy's boy! But if it's a girl, she had better look at least as good as Kate Well that would be awesome wouldn't it? Dream come true for Matt. Hmm... don't see the puppies.. But hey, how many people here can even begin to fathom how Dom is a lion?
  17. Not to directly offend anyone here, but do you really think Matt would let a fan hold his precious, delicate child? Anyway, it should be fabulous for him, because that's gotta be such a proud moment. People are worried he's gonna change, and he will, but it doesn't mean for the worse. Now he's got more than himself to worry about, and it's gonna seriously mess with his head. Theres a difference between "philosopher Matt" and "philosopher Daddy". Oh would that ever be tough to sort out... he can't conclude any theories now as it is, how will he cope with a kid?! But I do wish the best for him. Personally, I'm hoping for a guy, 'cause I think that'd be much more fun for him. However, girls are apparently easier, but what do I know. A child is precious no matter what, and I'm gonna stop rambling
  18. Hah! This sounds awesome. I love wolves (can you tell? ) so it made it double awesome... but still a bit weird... never thought Matt would be the one into a wolf... oh no wait, I think that makes sense. *seriously thinking this over* ... yes, and Dom is the lion and Chris is the bear with a bad hair day. Yes, those were the first animals I associated with Dom and Chris... Matt has always been a tricky one, but for this case, he works as a wolf-like creature Thanks so much for that! I'll be reading this now...
  19. You did, and it makes a hell of a lot more sense that he typed this I've never heard of this rambling site... if it wasn't obvious, I'm a bit of a newbie fan, but I still can't believe I didn't know about this, so could you link it please? Extra sipp-ory dee-vision?
  20. Non? Quel est-il? (What I mean to say is what is it about)

  21. It's a weird thing ain't it? How many times did you go back for that response? Where the hell did that come from? I can see him being a bit embarrassed with that kind of thing, because it is kind of conceded in some ways to want to sign something of someone's. I mean, practical stuff, the bands work makes sense, but once you get to more obscure things, it does get a bit weird. And who's the idiot who gave him some religious book to sign?! They're not a freakin' Christian band eager to sign Bibles! (no insults intended)
  22. So I've been taking a holiday from the computer for a bit, so sorry that this will seem like old news that I'm replying to. And I mean it! I don't lie... if I wasn't impressed, I wouldn't take the time to comment! Yea, it's just his personality. He'd rather leave it up to Matt and Dom, because he has more important people to worry about, which is his family. I'm actually glad to see that he takes this as a priority, and the latest efforts on twitter are really kind of him. The internet is always easier, because there is no eye contact, so there is less concequence. The obvious benefit is the diversity of people you can communicate to. Many people here would not know of a single other Muser if not for the internet. ...but I'll admit, I prefer the art of writing (or typing) because I can think before I put something out. When I'm talking to someone, I often don't say what I mean, because I'm trying to spit it out fast enough while I'm still formulating it in my head. I'm a bit of a perfectionist that way, trying to say things with precise language to convey my ideas exactly. However, in speech, I can come across as a bumbling idiot. Once people read my writing, they seem to always be amazed at something that's actually not a big deal to me. I've never heard of Matt not liking to sign stuff... I mean, bras, I get it, but a harmless album? I don't think he'd have a problem with that. I can understand why bands wouldn't be so crazy over their obsessive fans, and as much as I like a band (and am truly nervous), I try to be formal and respectful. My first gig was JET, and I ran into Nic Cester walking to their rental parked right behind ours to go to dinner. I was nervous, so I fumbled with the words when asking for a picture. (A bit embarassing, I'll admit). Though I think I made up for it when I shook his hand and said thank you. I promised myself that a long time ago (but never thought it would be of any use); always thank a musician for signing something, taking a picture with you, ect., but treat them the same as anyone else you would thank. I think a kind hand shake and polite thank you is just as effective than an "OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!!", and you don't come across as an obsessive fan.
  23. The Subtle Knife... ou The Amber Spyglass... une choix difficile!

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