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Everything posted by Lupus

  1. In the Muse forums, it can be hard to justify as a problem But no, posting too much isn't, unless they're all annoying just for the sake of posting. at the bold. Not that I would really know being up North, but I get it Its an ERA now? I'm sorry, but I can't help but feeling so proud Hey, if anyone else is game for a new random thing to search for, bring it on! If I had the money to give out prizes, I would in a heartbeat! I always say to people that when I'm at concerts, I always know I'm in the right place when 1. 80% of the people there are men 2. Most of the people are over their twenties (you get one or two brave enough to bring the kids, depending on the venue restrictions) 3. Almost everyone has a drink in their hand 4. Half the people are drunk 5. Half the people are covered in tattoos, some piercings maybe 6. Generally, what people consider to be "scary people" are the norm. I will not disclose which categories I actually fit into and which I don't, and I know they are stereotypes, but simply put, I know I'm the one that looks like the odd one out
  2. Considering the name, I'm not surprised... For a while there, this thread was reeeeaaaallly off topic, so barely any are Muse dreams I have no idea how many times I've posted, but I've only had one Muse dream, and I posted about it here (the purple shirt one that seemed to stir up a search) As I just said, I've only had one. But I'd rather have one good one to remember than a bunch I won't or anything. Not all dreams have to be Muse--I just like dreams Kay, I'll shut up
  3. Where did you get them? I want a pair to go with everything else leopard that I have ( I know your not supposed to wear it all at once, but I dont follow fashion rules) And no, I tend to think Dom doesn't care But he cares about us fans as... well, fans
  4. J'espere que le Bloc Quebecois est disparu :chuckle:

  5. OUI! L'entier chose! C'est passionnant! Mais, une majorite... Je pense que mes idees ont ete donner quand j'ai dit j'ai ete une "Lefty Libertarianist" :chuckle: L'histoire a ete faire! (History has been made, in butcher french :) )

  6. Ah oui, NPD :chuckle: oops!

  7. That's pretty nifty... see if its any good Maybe they'll discover another reason why Matt dropped out, but what do I know. I was gonna ask the same question!
  8. L'election d'annee est interessant... peut-etre NDP sera l'opposition?

  9. Bien! Je me suis nettoye, mais c'est ok, parce qu'il soulage la tension.

  10. :chuckle: c'est ok.

    Non, je ne suis pas religieux aussi. Je "celebre" seulement les vacances aussi :)

  11. As-tu voulu dire "beaucoup de personne ont Facebook"? :chuckle:

    De toute facon, celebres-tu Paques? Ou les vacances seulement? haha.

  12. Non, je lis ses "tweets" seulement. Je n'ai pas Facebook aussi!

  13. Dude trust me, its the same thing for me!

  14. On the contrary, I've learned to appreciate sound mixing. I went to a workshop by the engineer for many acts like the Blue Man Group and Our Lady Peace; really taught me a lot in a short amount of time. I mean, I couldn't jump on and do it! But I had no idea of that whole world before I went to that workshop! Makes you look at the making of an album in a slightly different way. Its always cool to have more than one perspective. Oh damn, I went rambling again :$

  15. Grant est le dude de physique :chuckle: Je suive Grant, Adam et Kari a Twitter :)

  16. I've done lots of different stuff; I used to just act, but then I did some stage managing as well as acting (not during the same production of course) Good times... well, stressful times, I'll admit, but good all the same. :)

  17. Problement Adam, mais, il est un choix difficile. J'aime Grant aussi; il est tres intelligent. Et-toi?

  18. Perhaps you forgot the detail that you were eating someone's intestines as pasta...? Before I get any questions, the translation is maybe you forgot some key part of the dream that triggered you to cry.
  19. Just saw there, your a techie as well? I remember those days... :chuckle:

  20. Tu aimes Mythbusters aussi? J'ai regarde une conference par Adam sur la resolution de problemes. http://fora.tv/2010/05/22/Adam_Savage_Presents_Problem_Solving_How_I_Do_It#fullprogram Il est longue, mais bien.

  21. Il est une honte

  22. Haha! Nous sommes similaire!

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