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Everything posted by alibros

  1. Oh and by the way JFK is 22 seconds long and matt sings "controlled by drones" in falsetto in the background. source: my dream last night. I need help ...
  2. Propellerhead had a really cool article on physical modelling on their blog but I can't find it anymore
  3. I'm pretty sure there's more than one show. as I've heard the words "for the shows in the states" multiple time. wether it's an actual mini tour or just a couple of gigs, we'll find out soon.
  4. For as long as it takes until they're satisfied with it. we've been working on 30sec video for 3 months now. We had to shoot the whole thing again because they didn't like one of the actors' shirt colour
  5. My field of work is very close to the industry and I get to meet people involved with the band. I don't want to reveal their identity as we well know how quickly people start spamming their social media accounts. I hear information and if I think it's worth sharing, I share. It might not be always accurate or a big deal but it's not like everyone here is always talking facts and figures anyway! And no I don't claim inside knowledge. Elaborative enough?
  6. I was talking about the DI video not the US/Canada and you can go back and read your comments there and decide for yourself if you were being a dick or other people. As for this gig, I know people who're working on the show and it's definitely not in Canada or Mexico or any other country not located between the two of them!
  7. there's a difference between making a case and being a dick about it. Also, we're not talking about scientific facts here. there's only so much logic you can apply to it. it's simply a decision they may or may not take based on what they want to do with their music. You can't be so sure of your opinion. because it's yours and not theirs. /end of off topic discussion.
  8. Looks like Amazon's finally been granted permission to fly its UAV in the US. drone delivered Drones confirmed. http://www.faa.gov/uas/legislative_programs/section_333/333_authorizations/media/amazon_com_11290.pdf
  9. I only had 10 minutes with it as had to rush to work but the first thing that really impressed me was the sustain! I'll write more this weekend and will take some more pictures.
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