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Everything posted by alibros

  1. That's exactly what I mean. The way the industry works forces content creators to be marketing slaves. But in any case playing a song live isn't giving it away. I think if anything things like the Psycho tour and now Reaper's proshot have served better at "marketing" the album than typical approaches.
  2. it's such a shame this whole label BS gets to dictate the band what to do. For a long time they're going to be doing festivals to mix crowds and not just fans who don't want to hear new stuff and these past gigs were the best place to debut new songs. I hate the "industry"
  3. it actually is. Pitch correction tools give you options to set the correction speed and the scale/notes to correct to, the faster the speed is and the fewer notes you allow the more "T-Pain" it'll get. Almost every mainstream record uses some form of pitch correction but they're usually very subtle that you don't notice it.
  4. "Autotune" is dead. There's Melodyne that is widely used and it is ridiculously good at pitch correction and so clean that unless it's intentional you can't notice it anyway. There are a whole bunch of other effects on the vocals though but certainly no "autotune".
  5. lol no surely my opinion can't be right lol. you asked " Seriously who listens to music and cares what the lyrics are like in text " and I said I do which is true. it doesn't mean I don't care about the music. it's a balance. To me lyrics are not less important than the composition. What I don't agree is "bright and poppy regardless of lyrics = not dark" edit - note to myself: english mofo, do you speak it?
  6. I only like the first few seconds before the vocals start The part after the second chorus is so meh ... btw, JJ told you it'd be hosted under the same structure! we should have discovered it after the gig!
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