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Everything posted by ChrisAbbott22

  1. at 2:20 it goes from a wide sound to very narrow, but the song actually picks up pace and power, it seems like it should be the other way round if anything... but a great song!
  2. Song I did called Anymore.. take a listen if you want. http://soundcloud.com/user9367616/anymore-2
  3. I am doing this cover for someone of Mr. Jones by Counting Crows... i don't have any monitors, just a cheap pair of headphones and some basic recording equipment.. decent mic.. guitar rig is for the guitars, a guitar with a octave pedal for the bass lol... so here is a quick minute clip of it... can anyone tell me what obvious recording issues you can hear right off the bat that i might not be able to really notice through my headphones and/or something i just don't know because i'm not that good at it thanks! http://soundcloud.com/user9367616/jonestest/s-OvRSI
  4. well you didn't use every two seconds... the sad thing is i have to agree with the zaphrod character... if we're claiming it's head voice and not falsetto you can hear a distinct difference when he changes to head voice... for example, listen to shobiz at 4:37... within about two seconds he moves up a note or two and you can hear the change in power and strength behind the note.. before that it is slightly weaker. he often does this both studio and live, a quick change.... bellamy does have naturally strong falsetto, and he also has a strange head voice, so it can be tricky to notice the difference sometimes if he doesn't switch between the two... most of the verse (if not all of it) in micro cuts is falsetto, but the higher screams, especially the last notes on the bridgey section, are head voice.
  5. the vocals seem a bit quiet on Sirens.. to me at least...? otherwise the mix sounds pretty good. not my style of music though haha
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