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Everything posted by ZachWithAnH

  1. Awww, that means alot. Thanks LIz. A freind of mine is really good at piano. She's been playing for 9 years or close to that at least. She's the kind of player that can play just by looking a score. I can only do that halfway, if there is a halfway. You're really awsome as well at drums. I really wish I could play

  2. ive only been playing for a year and a half. how long have you been playing drums?

  3. oh yea, people even say "how the hell did you get that good so soon?". i just tell them "Muse" and then they have the :wtf: face for a while

  4. just guitar and bass, i didnt start to get better until i found out about muse

  5. oh and only idiots wouldn't go to a muse concert if they had the chance

  6. My mom loves to listen to the harder stuff like STP, Foo Fighters, QOTSA, (Muse), Radiohead, and quite a bit of others.

  7. Oh nobody assumes that with me, they think i learned guitar and bass just because of Muse, they do have a point though. I didn't get as good until I started playing Muse stuff

  8. thats cool. I found out a long time ago that i use the same guitar picks as Matt, before i knew about Muse, just without the Muse logo

  9. :wtf:

    Well when I had asked the weather question, it was quite stormy here and there where tropical storm force winds. High winds in a flat desert=bad bad bad

  10. i was became the most addicted at "We Are The Universe". My mom who took me says it was the most amazing concert she had seen since U2 in the 70s-80s.

  11. Okey dokey then. Is it still winter and cold there?

  12. Thats really cool actually. My mom had bought Abso and I started to get a bit hooked then and I only liked Hysteria and TiRO. Then my guitar teacher showed me new born and I became an addict :)

  13. ehh, its going a bit better than I expected (Oh and one of my posts in YKYATMW :) ). Really? I've gotten a bit better at it.

  14. Haha, originaly had the Matt smoking weed one since I was just up on the indian reservations near the Grand Canyon (you've probably heard of it) and I thought it was funny. But Captian America Chris was funnier.


    P.S. I can't wait until it's put together and see how it sounds. I will re-record in a few weeks. It's been a tad busy with school

  15. hey, if you want to have the new tour start, take that vid you posted and use this http://dirpy.com/. put the vid url, put when you want it to start and end, and viola! you play guitar too?. Thats awsome :)

  16. That's cool. I've been playing for a year and a half with lessons. It was actually my guitar teacher that really got me listening to Muse. Oh and don't worry every guitarist says that they are not good or that they say that they aren't that wonderful. I still say it at times. Just keep practicing a crap-load and you'll get real good real fast. Oh and if you ever go into the chat room, don't ever say Muse or anything that has to do with them. It's some stupid rule that a mod made. How did you find out about Muse?

  17. hey, my name is zach, you play guitar?

  18. well, is there too much gain on the bass? do i need to re-record it with less gain?
  19. i cant sing very high, but for some reason, i could while singing that. anyone want a listen?
  20. i could try . I could try AP as well, i think i have a recording of it somewhere. of course i dont sing very often, so i have little control over my voice and its very shaky. it happens every time i sing
  21. yes ma'am, I belive you do you cant do it right now
  22. have you ever tried muse wiki?
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