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Everything posted by ZachWithAnH

  1. never mind, my ma's sleeping

  2. okay then haha, im off to record then

  3. hey i'll have a helsinki up within the next 20-30 min or so, but it wont be the best qwawity :LOL:

  4. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Byj65GCo68H8M2JlY2QwOGUtNDI1Yy00ZGI2LWIwZjUtOWFkZDI1ZGUwZGUx&hl=en&authkey=CLaw4eoJ woot woot
  5. loveing the avatar tofu, i shoud be getting a new one soon
  6. oh god that was funny. you know, i can sing the start of the cowardly lion song quite well, to the point where i sometimes have to sing it in front of people
  7. uhh it doesnt seem to be working tofu. I'm such a noob, how do you do the spoiler and what-not
  8. 2 things 1: how did typing fonts come in? 2: I have somewhat given up on recording with Cubase for a while, sorry all
  9. arrrggg blasted cubase, wish me luck so that i dont chuck my computer across the room
  10. ill try my best to figure out how to work cubase

  11. the next two weeks are the last for a while because school starts, blasted school

  12. oh boy liz, i have no idea when i'll be able to record, hows drums going?

  13. well tofu, you said "A BASS" so i thought bass guitar
  14. a bass as in an instrument, or bass as in like deep bass coming for your laptop?
  15. somewhat yes, but at the same time not really, here's some vids

    Les Claypool

    and Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers

  16. its actually kinda funny, ive been playing bass for a shorter time than playing guitar, put i play bass better

  17. i think i should get a Zune HD, somewhat inexpensive for a refurbished one
  18. Oh good Lord, my MP3 just stopped working, screen's busted. It was time for a new one anyways
  19. The weirdest thing happend the other day. I was talking to my youth minister about the music we would be playing this coming year. For some odd reason, my voice changed from the way I normally talk, to British and Australian accents, and back. I had to say like 4 words like 2 or 3 times over before I said it right.
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