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Everything posted by ZachWithAnH

  1. I know nothing except for the constant octave thing throughout most of the song
  2. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Byj65GCo68H8NmUzODBiYWItNTdmNC00MDk0LWJiZTEtMGU5NmVmMDAwNTM2&hl=en&authkey=CLSkvLoJ on only the second try
  3. Zachary, but i only get called that when im in trouble

  4. i rarely find another person with the same name, and its normally spelled "Zack"

  5. hey thanks, haha your names awesome

  6. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Byj65GCo68H8NDg0ZGNiMGEtMDkwYi00NTMwLTlhYWYtY2FkZjg3NDM0OGVk&hl=en&authkey=CIbY6fMJ bass
  7. well my dad said i could use (i cant remember if is said "have") Creative Zen, the kind you want Tofu, and the recorder works so much better, uploading new version of AP
  8. now i have some free time where i can record, and im off
  9. oh same here, the whole octave thing on bass is just plain hard to play, like on AP, the middle part gets hard after a while
  10. Ello, my name is Zach, and I'm a Museaholic (really bad case)
  11. YES, some one understands, its hard to keep up with and by about the second minute, my hand is in so much pain. New Born is worse though , it only takes until right before the heavy riff to start hurting
  12. oh god, its 10:30 or so, and its still above 100 degrees. GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!
  13. ohhh chicken and dumplings must be one of the best meals in the world
  14. well, i just found out i'm going on vacation before school starts :dance:so another week
  15. okay then, i'll try and re-record and have it on stand-by to upload if needed
  16. Hey Taylor, have you put the song together yet, or do you need me to record bass again?
  17. oh i forgot something... THAT WAS FUCKING AWSOME!!!
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