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Status Updates posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. heya! You still around on here? I left for a long time due to school etc. I'm sorry I never got back to you :(. Hope you are well!

  2. Hello you!! How have you been? :D

  3. That sucks about your school! Yeah I agree, if they're going to teach a language at least teach a language that's interesting lol. So how have you been? Are you still able to ride in the winter? I can't believe how fast this year went by!


    Thanks! I had an awesome lesson! Unfortunately my instructor forgot her saddle but we just did a bunch of ground work instead. It was so much fun! I'm honestly happy she forgot her saddle :LOL:


    So do you have any plans for Halloween? :awesome:


    I'm so sorry for being late again! Please know I never forget, it just takes me a while sometimes. Especially with the amount of family drama lately (:LOL:) I hope you're doing well! :kiss:

  4. It's incredibly annoying when it happens lol.

    Haha! I'll tell him for you! xD

    Ah that majorly sucks.. I think some people have gone really overboard as to how important education is. I don't know if it's the same for you in the U.K. but here we have to take 2 years of a language (the options being Spanish or French). That's completely pointless and will never be used. If people felt it so friggin necessary to learn a language, teach us Latin! That's where are language originates from right?So friggin annoying :indiff: I hope school doesn't completely wear you down :kiss: it's friggin hard! Schools been pretty meh for me :LOL: Not a lot going on :l.

    That's brilliant now that she's all healed up! :awesome: Have you been able to ride other horses while she was lame? Mikey is doing good! Having some issues because the field he's turned out in sucks in many ways, but we're figuring stuff out. I have a lesson with him on Saturday though :awesome: It's with his previous owner who is super awesome! :awesome:

    You have any plans for the holidays coming up? :)

  5. Hey! Okay, usually I would apologize for being late (once again grrr) but something got screwed up. I actually replied to your message and hit the 'Post Message' button and it appeared like it had posted, when I come back today to double check nothing is there :LOL: sorry bout that :$

    Anyways, thank you! I'm all better now :happy: but my dad loved to make fun of me about getting the rabies shots :rolleyes:


    How has school been? Hopefully not too terrible :p. Awww the poor pony! I'm glad she's okay! Is it all healed up now?? I hate when that happens :(. How have you been? Anything new or exciting? :)

  6. Yeah it did hurt lol (it wasn't that bad though x). But thankfully they don't give the shots in the stomach anymore! So I ended up getting 2 in my left leg, 1 in my right leg, and 1 in my left arm. And I'm going back tomorrow to get another shot in my left arm :p.

    Omg the ones that race are crazy! I've only met 3 that were off-the-track and seemed to have a brain! :facepalm::LOL: . True! The ecstasy parts were awesome xD. I've been doing school all year so I never really went back. I think the only difference is that we're more strict with our schedule now :p. How has school been for you so far? :)

    SAME! omg I was so sad that I missed it :'(. But I'm so happy for those that got to go! I heard some people on barrier got broken ribs because of the crush. It sounded crazy!

    Riding is always good :yesey: . Mikey's thrush has gotten worse (though he still isn't lame which is awesome). We're gonna ask if we can move him to another field because the one he is in now has a natural water source and he likes to stand in it apparently :p. Hopefully that will clear things up for him :). The weekend is almost here! :awesome: Any plans??

  7. It bit me last Wednesday. Really? That's nice you don't have to worry about it :). It would be really rare for me to get it but it's such a serious thing we don't want to take any chances. Thank you! :kiss:

    Aww I wish we had more cobs over here. Everybody here seems to have lunatic Thoroughbreds. We need more cobs lol. My summer has been a strange mixture of going from absolute ecstasy and complete disaster within a day. You could ask my parents and they would agree :LOL:. One minute my dad's job is great! The next minute he might not have a job. Then somebody hurts them self and we have a medical bill with no insurance :facepalm:. But I suppose it could be loads worse. Omg did you see the stage Muse have for Reading/Leeds???? :awesome: It was amazing :D

    Awww hopefully your summer was better than mine :happy:

  8. Hey! I'm sorry for the late reply :(. Things have been crazy. I got bit by a stray kitten and we've been trying to catch it so animal control can observe it to make sure it doesn't have rabies. And if we can't catch it then I'll have to get rabies shots which are crazy expensive :l.


    Aw that's ashame about the Mustangs :l. Aren't cobs generally pretty big over there?


    That part was crazy sad :(. Aw well I hope you had a good summer! My summer has been really weird :facepalm: xD

  9. Stupid little ponies! lol They're so friggin cheeky. I want to ride a pony again sometime :). They're so much fun! Misty looks like such a darling! :awesome: I wish I could meet him! Have you done any mounted games on him before?

    Mustangs are one of the best horses you will ever get! They're the hardiest, smartest, and have so much energy! (or so I've heard) x)

    Ah yes! Hidalgo is a great film! I really enjoyed it when I watched it :).

    How was your summer? School will be back in soon won't it? Ah, the end of summer must really suck when you know there's school waiting for you at the end :l

  10. Aw that's terrible about the ground. Hopefully it's all better now? Okay, no excuses for how long it took for me to get back. But I am terribly sorry :$

    I'd love to try a treeless saddles sometimes! :) Hopefully they can improve them a bit more. I'd be willing to get one if Mikey felt comfortable in it :).

    Ah stupid mares! Have you managed to fit in a good ride since then?

    I LOVE your new pic! The pony is so cute :awesome:

    I've been good! I haven't been riding because Mikey has had some thrush in his feet that we're treating. But his previous owner is going to help me fit a saddle and give me a lesson on him! I can't wait :awesome:

  11. Hey! Don't worry about it! As you can see I'm guilty of the same thing! (I could've sworn I replied ages ago! :facepalm:)

    Awww Mr.Chips sounds lovely! I would've love to have met him!

    Mikey's doing lovely atm. Unfortunately he has a bit of mud fever and a cracked hoof from all the dryness here lately :l. Ohh! I wanted to ask you, have you ever used a treeless saddle? We were trying to find a saddle for Mikey but we discovered that he's asymmetrical. The more I read about treeless saddles the more I think they're a good idea. What do you think?

    How have you been? Enjoying your summer break hopefully?? :awesome:

  12. Good 'ol geldings! Ya can't beat em! :)

    That is a great height to be! I'm 5'7 (maybe 5'8) so I can't even ride a 14hh horse without looking weird :LOL:. Oh-- I forgot to ask! You have any plans for the summer? :awesome:


    Aw! Thank you for the lovely compliment! Means a lot :')

    He's really lovely to handle! Sometimes he can get himself all worked up over nothing; but he really tries hard to please you :). I wish you could have seen him today! A helicopter flew 50 feet over us and he didn't even flinch! About 30 minutes later my mom turns on the hose and he basically jumps out of his skin! :LOL:

  13. Aw! It's funny that the horses who are always evil have the sweetest name! That's a shame about her being such an idiot when she's in season. That's one reason I didn't want a mare for a horse :LOL:. How long have you been riding her now? Ohhh really? How tall are you? (If you don't mind me asking) Being tall isn't that great because you can find a horse you love and be too big for them lol.


    Mikey is lovely to ride! He really responds well to your seat. He's gonna really help me ride with my seat more instead of my hands. In America we like to ride with our hands a lot. I prefer to ride the other way around :p. I haven't cantered him yet. Probably wont for a while. I really want to get comfortable with him first :)



    There's a video of him :)

  14. That's brilliant! She sounds lovely! What's her name? How tall is she?


    Thanks! I really love him! He's 16.2hh :) . His show name is Lord Smellington :facepalm: I hate it so much :LOL:

  15. No worries! I was getting worried about you! I thought something terrible had happened, I was really worried lol!


    YAY for summer break!!! :awesome: You must be wicked excited! Any plans for the summer???


    Things have been GREAT for me! We found a horse! :awesome: His name is Mikey! He's an 8 year old OTTB gelding. I got at the end of May! He's soooo lovely! He's the new picture for my avatar :)

  16. Riding to KOC would be absolutely EPIC! If you do that have someone record it so I can see it! :awesome:

    Pirates of the Caribbean is epic :yesey: Johnny Depp was absolutely amazing in those movies!

    That's great news about you being able to ride the pony! Let me know how it goes! Fingers crossed that it's a cheeky pony! I know those are the ones you like best lol.

    Ugh I know what you mean about school :/. It's a major pain for me right now as well. But it looks like summer break is really close for you guys! :awesome:

  17. I know right? If you want an adrenaline rush with horses cross country will do it for ya! :LOL:

    I'd love to do a freestyle one day (dressage to music). I'd try to use an instrumental version of Plug In Baby. If that couldn't work then I'd find some way to use a Muse song lol.

    Aww no I'm sorry. It must be terribly hard to have to do all that work on your house :(.


    Tim Burton is good :yesey: I love The Nightmare Before Christmas and I really enjoyed Corpse Bride.


    I've been good! School is keeping me really busy. We went to go see another horse last week! His name is Mikey. He's an 8 year old OTTB. I'm going to have a lesson on him this Thursday! :awesome: I'll let you know how it goes!


    How's everything been for you? :)

  18. Aww thanks so much! :happy:

    In that case I think you would like Cross Country the best :). Cross Country was always my least favorite because it can be so dangerous. But that's just me :p.

    Oh no! I feel really bad for your dog :(. Have you tried showing your parents videos of pet rats on youtube? That's what I did to convince my parents the weren't sewer creatures. My mom fell in love with them :happy:.


    Oh-oh I was watching some movies this week. My favorite director is officially Wes Anderson! :awesome:


    How have you been? Hope you are well :)

  19. There's a video of me riding him followed by a couple of pictures :). Have you tried eventing before? It's my favorite kind of showing :).

    I'm going to try and get two more little ones. I feel really bad for my other rat. They were never, ever separated for as long as I had them. I'm hoping they can keep her company. Rats do make absolutely wonderful pets! Picture little miniature dogs that are easy to care for and can fit in a cage lol.

  20. Frankie was absolutely brilliant! :D We're going to take him on a two month foster period and then adopt him if everything goes well! :awesome:

    And I know what you mean about birthdays. I don't even like my mom making a cake for me anymore lol.

    Ah no. Honestly that race sounds horrific. I don't like when they put the riders and horses in that much danger. I honestly think it gets out hand sometimes :(.

    I'm super happy that you had a good birthday!

    I've been better heh. I noticed one of my pet rats was sick on the 12th. It looked like she had diarrhea so we tried a few home remedies. When it didn't get better we took her to the vet (on Thursday). Well turns out she had a uterus infection (her uterus was filled with puss (sp?) ) So we had to put her down that day :(. (sorry for the ramble :$)

  21. I know right? We talked to the lady who is fostering him and she said he is an absolute sweetheart! :happy: And yes I will be able to ride him! I'm so excited! I really hope it goes well! :D

    Happy birthday! I hope it's awesome! Is there a present you really, really want?

    Aww! Cute horsie! What's the Grand Nationals? I've never heard of it before :O

    You gonna watch any special movies for your birthday? :)

  22. Hey you! What's up? I haven't heard from you in ages! :)

  23. Isn't it an epic name? Although I'm finding out that everybody calls him Frankie which I like a lot better :)

    Here's a picture of him of you want to see him :)


    The movie was so well done! I was fighting back tears near the end. It was so sad *sniffsniff* (:p)

    He's an awesome actor! lol

    I'm doing really good! I'm going out to visit Frankie on Sunday! I'll let you know how it goes! :awesome:

    How have you been? Any plans for the weekend? :)

  24. That's a bit of a weird effect don't ya think? :LOL:

    Thanks! She's doing really good :)

    I've been really good. I found a horse I want to go look at. He's actually at a humane center available for adoption. A paint gelding. His name is Sinatra :)

    -Oh! And I'm watching a movie called Awakenings. It's based on a true story. It's got Robin Williams in it. And my new favorite actor is Jeff Goldblum :awesome:

    How have you been?? :happy:

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