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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. D: poor baby.

    Non-concerting sucks.


    Liz got my package today and it only took 6 days!

  2. Yeah by the time I go to my next concert I won't have been to one for 3 months! D: poooooop!

    Yay for non-overprotective mothers! :awesome:

  3. Yeah that was a long time ago and you haven't been to any since :p *rubbing in all my concert expirience*


    0mg shUt Up yu t|2oLL!

  4. fffyeahhh.


    Ha. The last time I paid for a ticket was twelve friggin bucks put that in your sandwhich and eat it.

    xD That didn't even make sense.


    The re@son The Resistanc3 sucked s0 much waz bcuz of K@te! Sh3 suck$$ and make$ MUSE go s00 sofT! DDDD::::<<<<<

  5. Well I enjoy the more unknown indie bands now, don't I?


    Thats stupid D:< I was going to see Crystal Castles here, but it was like, $50 D:


    I know. He's such an idiot sometimes D: How do Dom and Chris put up with him all the time? I probably would've punched him by now. "Hehe imma drop these songs after this festival" "No. Matt. Shut up."

  6. Well there's also The Naked and Famous and Crystal Castles... I like them.

    But I'm going to see The Naked and Famous anywayyyy so


    ...Same D:

  7. I was talking about the lineup.


    Not Matt being an idiot.

    I know its not going to be the last time they play any of that crap.

  8. I know! Which is why I need to be in it :shifty:



    There's actually a place called Reading near me...but obviosly its not the same one D:

  9. I know :LOL: It was amazing, so I NEEED to be in the GL one/all the other ones after xD

  10. Yess :happy: I think I've read about 10/11 so far...

  11. Yess. Right away I read the Red-headed Society(I think its called) and it mentioned Lebanon, PA, which made me really excited/hooked on to Sherlock Holmes because thats near me! :awesome:

  12. Why? Because you weren't in it? Or because it was just soooo good?

  13. Okay good, now that that's settled.


    Same! I'm so impatient! D:

  14. Same. Lets share a flat in England, okay okay?


    I just did mine :awesome:

    With my teddy bear.

    It was pretty cheesey.

  15. Btw, are you doing Bee's GL video? :awesome:

  16. I think that is so funny.

    It gets down to 15 F here and you guys catch colds in 70 F. :noey:



    I want to live there T_T

  17. In 70 F weather! D:<


    But its back down to 50 now..........D:

    I hate our weather. Its already done this like, 2 times before! Like, been really warm then bouncing back to cold D:<

  18. I knoww. And its exactly like the books :awesome:

    I'm going through the collection right now :happy:

  19. You guys are such losers. Liz said she got a cold in 70 F weather. Gosh! Wimps!


    I went to a party and it was soo warm I was in a tank top and shorts alll night.

  20. lkuxdhfiushiu yeah. same.



  21. Oh geez I just realized I talked to you before! :chuckle: yay!


    Yess. my friend just introduced me to Sherlock and I am head-over-heels. Its just all so perfect and uunf Cumberbacth is sooooooo attractive

  22. Oh geez I just realized I talked to you before! :chuckle: yay!


    Yess. my friend just introduced me to Sherlock and I am head-over-heels. Its just all so perfect and uunf Cumberbacth is sooooooo attractive I can barely stand it.

  23. I believe we have quite a few things in common :happy:

    DW and Sherlock being a few. :awesome:

  24. I can't wait to go! :awesome: :awesome:


    I would loooo00o0o0ooove to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate's play :'( But its only in London, obviosly.

    Idk, though, Daniel Radcliffe is pret-ty awesome :D

  25. Yess! My dad said we'd go some Saturday afternoon BEFORE summer :awesome:

    *dying* Its my dream come true to see an actor/actress I look up to on stage. Seriously, though.

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