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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. ahhh i know im going to die ugh


    Me and Emily are watching the whole season five. Rory is homgisuhfoihas;ijas SOOO CUTE.. I can't believe he remembered me ahhhhhhh

  2. Okay okay. So I went through the line once and we didn't get any good pictures and I was really upset. I also was squeeking. Literally my voice was a high squeek. Arthur was like, "woah you are excited". We luckily bought 2 box sets so we could go through twice. We were almost last the second time so it was less rushed. Before we went out to see them some kid gave Matt a card or something and I thought,'ZOMG LIAMS SCRIPT' so I talked to Arthur(who remembered me btw) first, then when I got to Matt I took it out and I was like, 'well, I have a friend whosan aspiring screenwriter and he doesn't want you to use it in the show or anything he just wants feedback also it would be nice of Steven Moffat saw this too...' Matt said he didn't know how to give feedback and I was like, 'the email/adress/phone number is on the front' but by the time I said that he and Arthur were already engrossed. So there went my talking to Matt time. So I took a pic with Karen and yeah. The guy behind us in line took some picturesof them and he said that they were all complimenting the script. They said it was written like an actual DW episode and it was really well paced.

  3. *cough* well...erm...I got something for Liz...umm


    Aahahahahhhhhhh that was so amazing im going to die omg aqhjraeklehtrsdklu

  4. skuhdflkasjh;kih I want to get something signed for Liz because she got my Dom signiature but I don't think I'll be able to...D:

    Hahaha if I somehow don't happen to get the wristband, then I'll be going to that one...so


    River. Duh. I think they're going to end River. I read somewhere that it was Amy, but I don't know...I'LL ASK THEM :awesome:

  5. Yeahh they're doing a season 5 box set signing :awesome: They're also premiering this seasons first two episodes on Monday, but I can't go to that...

    I wish I could because then I'd be able to tell you who dies and ruin it for you! :LOL:


    I'm so excited I can't wait ashhdhdjfghksjdhfjdksdjhf

  6. Haha, its did :awesome: And good thing too because if I went to the Harry Potter thing I wouldn't be going to meet Matt Smith! :awesome:


    Same here bro...

  7. Pants. My mom and dad wouldn't take me to the Harry Potter opening in NYC yesterday. Which would have been the most perfect pick-me-up. But they didn't. So I took the alternative route and cried/took a nap and slept through it so I didn't feel bad about myself.


    Yeah there's like, one person who is my real actual friend, I've noticed. Well, maybe two.

  8. Ahhh You make me feel so good about myself. I've just been moping around all day and stuff...

    Okay new outlook time.


    Meh I need better friends. The only people who I actually like are on the internet :chuckle:

  9. K here I go.

    So my friend has been dating this girl for a while, then hey "made an oops" as they would say. Basically, his parents took away his texting and all relations with other people for a long time. I barely got to see him. Somehow or another, they kept talking. He talked to me on Facebook sometimes too.

    Well, a few weeks ago we hung out, but of course, he brought his girlfriend and they were laying on tp of eachother the whole time. I'm not lying, Fast forward to this weekend. I kept hearing about all these times they were hanging out and stuff and obviosly I felt a little left out. I mean, if they can hang out with eachother, surely he can hang out with me? Last night, when I saw him again since last week, he didn't even say hi to me. When I talked to his girlfriend a bit later, she was told me he could text again, and that they had been texting 24/7, once again this is obvious since they're dating. Well, I saw him and said, "Wow it feels great that you didn't tell me you had texting back" at this he texted me, "Hi" then sat somewhere with his girlfriend.

    Okay at this point I left. I also got really mad and told him all my feelings via text(I just can't get the courage to talk to him face to face >_>). He texted me back like 3 hours later saying "I'm sorry. I have reasons but I won't say them right now" Um, now would be the perfect time? But whatever. I knew the reasons were something along the lines of, "My girlfriend is more important then you." So I just told him I didn't want to hear it. And yeah...He said I wouldn't want to hear his reasons too.


    So there ya go. Life sucks and then you die.

  10. Yeah maybe. dfkghlaskrjgl I don't know, I'll just talk to them.


    Well...:'( The Wombats are having a show in New York...its $16, and I would be able to go to it...

    BUT ITS 18+. *eternal creys*

  11. Yeah I feel like everyone else is alot closer to eachother than I am to any of them ;_; I'm sure it'll pass...maybe...hopefully.

    This doesn't help adding on to The Wombats news...:'(

  12. Bleh I feel like poop and I have no one else to say this to so:

    All my friends are hanging out without me. Like, my friends from school all went bowling today or yesterday, my friends Evan and (another)Emily keep doing things without me then they tell me about it and these people I used to be friends with totally rejected me for some reason and we haven't hung out since like October and DDDD: I hate my life my only friend is Emily and you guys who are in an entirely different country mehh



  13. I know. :chuckle:

    He is quite silly! Same. Really, have some respect for the guy, just because they're having an unexpected baby out of wedlock doesn't mean he's totally flipping out and cheating on her.


    Ugh whatever D:

  14. Matt called it "all lies"

    My dad was like, "Hannah why are you reading that its all lies" then when he read the part about Matt he was like, "Hannah he is a terrible persn! Why do you look up to him!" I was like, "DAD you just said it was all lies!" :rolleyes: so incosistent.


    To be talking to an American? :'( creys.


    YEAHH! >D

  15. I know! The picture with the caption: "He flirts with fans" is him at Teenage Cancer Trust. :facepalm:


    Who the pants cares about your brother? You're talking to an American :cool:


    Also: My Twitter :awesome:

  16. Okay so can you do Tinychat with me and Liz on your Saturday morning at like...9-ish?




    Fuuuuuuuuuuuu I want to die. This sucks. I'm going to kill myself h8lyfe


    Okay, besides that...


    It has all this BS about Matt hooking up with girls all the time and cheating on Kate with fans ololololol its so funny. It makes all these assumtions and crap its hilar.

  18. There's no snow around here now...its just a bit nippy. No one feels like going outside yet :LOL:


    uuhhhh Why must he do this to us?? :'(

  20. Yeah well you're in the Pocanos, so...its a bit colder :p

    That happened to us too! It was 70, and the next night it snowed an inch :eek:

  21. Hehehe. We are such terrible friends.


    See I don't know what that means so it just makes it worse for me D:

    ...did that make sense or

  22. I need to see them. And Liz said if she meets them she might possibly call me to talk to them.

    But if that doesn't work out she'll get something signed for me. I feel like such a moocher...but it would make my life.


    I'm looking forward to yours :awesome:

  23. Everything's really chilly in Philly D:

    We get a few nice, 70 F days, then it bounces back to cold D:

  24. Oheyyy Pennsylvania Muser!

  25. Holyxfligulskinycilksluaeyunxaliernc I love The Wombats so much omg I can't even tell you. They are my entire life right now. Liz told me about them and then I went out and bought their album the next day and I covered my shoes with their lyrics and the little wombat guy and omg I just love them so much I might cry ;__;



    Fine D:! But I can't wait to see/hear/whatever your reaction to mine :awesome: Its nothing big, but...I put effort into it...

    kuhselrashlneiurhnckel fine.

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