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Status Updates posted by RebelPoet

  1. :D YAY!! Glad you like it
  2. No problem at all. Luckily the delivery wasn't too far off Christmas. I'm really glad you liked it, hopefully you enjoy the cds as well. And I'm also not on the board as much as I used to be either but all the same, yay for new friends :D

  3. Glad you're all alright, my Aunty went through cyclone Tracy and she said the one thing she remembered was the sound of the wind. I'm so happy I've never had to witness one. I did escape from the floods (my boyfriend was in a flood area but luckily he didn't get hit either), I'm in a small pocket that has been unaffected by any natural disaster so my family and I have been very lucky.

  4. Hope everything is ok and you're bunkered down and staying safe...it's really been a shit few months for living in QLD. It's not much, but know you and your family are in my thoughts during this terrible time.

  5. Thank you for the birthday message

  6. Thank you for the Christmas card :)

  7. Thank you for the Christmas card :)

  8. Thank you for the Christmas card :)

  9. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card, it arrived yesterday :).

  10. I loved your card, I've got no doubt that mine are stuck in the snow, but they're on their way :-D. Merry Christmas to you too

  11. Waiting is good, but trust me when I say they never really get off our backs :LOL:

  12. There may be a way around this not allowing a Brisboardian loveboat...we just create one for a Brisboardian member...they shouldn't be able to lock it is it's for one of us...if I read correctly, the loveboat sticky by Gem states that "Remember the love boat is for your appreciation of members of our board"

  13. Awesome :D I might be going back next year to study Law just waiting to graduate then should hear from QTAC...I didn't do too well with my QCS results, lost interest in my subjects big time...so if I can get crap high school marks and still go on to graduate uni, there's hope for everyone :LOL:

  14. :D Well done, that's awesome...which campus? I've just finished at Griffith Nathan :). I'm sure your HSC results will be impressive too
  15. Yeah I finished Uni in November...just waiting for graduation on Saturday :D. Which Uni/what degree have you gotten into/want to get into?

  16. Oh god :facepalm: I miss everything...especially when I'm not switched on the the forums 24/7 like I used to be...I blame uni for that - but now that's over I can get back to the boards :dance:

  17. Haha we could do that, but then we'd probably get kicked out...and we have a FB page? :eek: why am I always the last to find out things

  18. Now where are we going to plan our 2014 Brisboardian take over of Glastonbury? :LOL:

  19. We may have to make another and quote that sticky by Gem about what the love boat is all about...then we'll make sure we make it clear that we love ALL Brisboardians...and then talk random shit :D

  20. I've officially decided, Olly is a dick...he closed the Brisboardian Boat...

  21. It took me a while to realise that I Muse punned :facepalm: then I saw what I said :chuckle:


    Well have fun, I shall be seeing you a bit later then :kiss:

  22. I know :eek: I went searching for you and couldn't believe you weren't on my friends list. I feel so ashamed :chuckle:

  23. Yeah I know it's confusing but it's a part of politics, they say one thing and do another - you get used to it after a while (well I have anyway) :LOL:


    Haha I don't know if life under a me government would be win, but it would come close to it :awesome::chuckle:

  24. Oh and I've seen that...isn't it a classic

  25. There's a discrepancy with the paid parental leave and one of the business taxes, in my thing it says the coalition are reducing the tax but they said that in order to put their paid parental leave scheme in place they'd have to raise tax on business but lets face it the coalition aren't big fans of taxing business/rich people anyway that's the main way they get their votes through the rich...but anyway if they changed it to what I put up then it should be easily found in a google search. I'm just far too nice to tell people to google it themselves :facepalm:


    Oh and yay for a vote - I also forgot to put that I'd rock out to Muse at the polling stations on election day and during the campaign :awesome:

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