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Status Updates posted by RebelPoet

  1. Haha I know having twitter down must be fun for some people :LOL: for me not so much, I've lost my politics feed till it comes back up. But I'm alright, facepalmed due to lolrens reply to my epic political break down post - if I missed something or messed something up so be it, but seriously I don't think I did and besides it's not overly hard to take your question to Google and find the answer yourself :facepalm:




    I think I covered almost everything :chuckle:

  2. Someone broke twitter :'( stupid maintenance...how are you lovely??

  3. Oh I forgot to type the name of the show I saw :facepalm: I went and saw Closer...silly me :chuckle:


    I think every uni has 'in jokes' that aren't funny - I'm sick of the competition. I'm happy going to Griffith even if UQ calls it GriffTafe, at least we have a better political science school at Griffith then they do at UQ, I have been able to do more at Griffith then I would have if I'd been accepted to UQ.


    Haha gambling is fun, all the pretty lights and funny noises :chuckle:. I'm so slack today, didn't wake up till 11, haven't even opened my text book to study and I start work in 3 hours :S not getting anything done today I think.


    Have a good day, I'll pop in after work probably while watching the world cup

  4. So I've returned from the show, it was long and kind of boring - I think I prefer the movie version :chuckle:


    Yeah that's true...but remember you're at QUT they're all about helping - I'm at Griffith where they tend not to care, we don't have a reputation for being good :chuckle:. Nah some things are changing with our Law department so we're waiting to see what happens and what we stand to lose when the changes happen. I know we've already lost our law librarian and I think one key lecturer because of it.


    I haven't even put my paperwork in yet, so don't go betting your Muse collection at the moment. My final decision rests on the marks gained this semester - I pass the forms go in, I fail and I hold off till next year - maybe.

  5. I know one QUT lecturer changed his subject because of the notes :chuckle: I'd be making my own notes too if I get into law but it's nice to know there's help of some sort out there should I need it - if only to point my in the right direction.


    I'm freaking a bit watching the boy stress through his study second guessing myself...but we'll see - first I have to actually put in the paperwork before I can worry about even getting accepted.


    Yeah it's not a lot of time, but luckily he's home now and he's going to drive me to the venue so we get a little more time :awesome:

  6. No I don't want it to rain for days on end, not in my final week of exams and certainly not at all during break.


    YAY I remembered something :chuckle:. The only reason I asked is because I have been shown an awesome QUT Law exam notes page - http://www.nickdowse.com/lawnotes/

    you may or may not know about it so thought I'd link it to you just in case :awesome:


    I'm waiting for the boy to come home from work so I can spend at least half an hour with him today, I'm heading out to see the play Closer tonight so by the time I get home I'll probably be wanting to head to be :rolleyes: study makes me so friggin tired :mad:

  7. I haven't managed much study today but at least I've read a few more chapters - I'll just type my notes out tomorrow.


    I do love holidays, I can't wait to be free for a little while - I just need to find a job and my life would be complete :chuckle:. Yeah the weather is a tad depressing today but I don't think it's rained yet...although I haven't been outside today to see :LOL:


    You do Law at QUT don't you...or am I thinking of someone else??? I've had a complete mental blank (usually happens during exam study) :chuckle:

  8. Yeah I managed to stick it out, didn't get much more study done but today's a new day.


    I'm looking forward to 3:45 next Friday then I'll be free from uni for a month :awesome:.


    Have a good day, I'll pop in every now and then

  9. Yeah I'll be here till about 8 :( it wouldn't be so bad if I was still motivated to study but that flew out the window about 4:30 :chuckle:


    Oh my health and safety exam is next Thursday at 8:30 (which is the same day as Australia's last match in the world cup) so I'm not impressed :indiff:. Hate early morning/late afternoon exams. Lucky my last exam is at 1:30 so I'm happy with that one

  10. YAY for :awesome: b-sides :chuckle:


    I've pretty much given up on study for today, I'm still in the uni library though because I'm waiting for the boy to finish his exam. Damn law exams being scheduled for a 5pm starting time ><. I managed to answer a few questions from an old Workplace Health and Safety Officer exam, so fingers crossed I can remember where everything is in the legislation lol. Still have 6 days to get something to stick in my head for it :LOL:

  11. I thought I did have Hullabaloo but turns out it's on my playlist :( so I'm going to add that to my collection very soon :)


    Oh I've still got a heap of internet money to use so I can blow it on the forums :chuckle:. I've managed to summarise 3 weeks worth of topics into 9 pages of notes I can understand - unlike the lecturers 90 lecture slides :eek:

  12. I don't think I've heard The Gallery, shall have to check it out...


    I'm at uni trying to do a bit of study for international HR, so far I've managed to summarise an entire chapter to 2 pages :awesome: and with 10 chapters to summarise I'm very happy with my progress :facepalm::chuckle:


    I reckon I'll be busting out the Muse soon to help me through my day :D oh and jump on here regularly to break up the boring IHRM readings

  13. I know, epic wait is epic :chuckle: but I'm making a note to not forget the tickets on the day - I'll put a reminder in my phone :awesome:


    How could I forget Feeling Good :facepalm: and the freaky teddies from Uprising...I love them :LOL: but yeah I guess it all depends on my mood as well, I'm starting to get into the b-sides (I'm hopeless with the names of them though) I'm really loving Matt's Conerto I think it's called the piano just takes me away...I'm big on instrumental music (as long as it's got the right tone to transport me to another place of course)

  14. Oh of course there's a next time...I'm not up here for tonight and then not again till December :chuckle: I just can't believe I forgot them after saying I didn't want to forget them on the day :facepalm:


    Um I really like the vid for Starlight but I also like Undisclosed Desires for some reason - I don't know why :/ lol. How about yourself?

  15. It was a good idea until I forgot to bring them to Brisbane with me :chuckle::rolleyes:


    I'm all for making things easier for myself and not trying too hard to pass exams :LOL: Oh I did require a lot of seriously strong drugs Muse to get through the insane amount of lecture slides :LOL:

  16. I'm thinking of taking my tickets to my boyfriend's place so that at least they're in Brissy and I have less chance of forgetting them on the day that way.


    I know I squee whenever I get a reply back from him - it's only little things but I feel so loved by a celebrity :chuckle:. And yeah she was really clueless and I was a tad disappointed by her - I love her in NCIS so this was a little bit of a let down :(


    Don't worry I have no plans to get sick between now and my exams - I'm currently in the process of printing out all my semester notes to bind them up tomorrow so I can start studying. One of my lectures for International HR has 90 slides :eek: I hope I can learn something to get me at least 20 marks (which is what I figure I'll need to pass but since I only know I've gotten 2 C's out of a total of 50 marks I'm only guessing I need another 20 marks to pass :stunned:)


    Oh and you're not annoying at all...I enjoy our little chat/rant sessions :)


    Have a good day, talk later :kiss:

  17. Uh I have one thing that could be better...getting paid to watch the Muse concerts :awesome: but alas I'm not contracted to the BEC, only the Gabba :( so I won't be getting paid to watch them...but on the upside - I GOT MY TICKETS TODAY :awesome::D:party:


    Yeah I love Sammy J, he's quirky and plays with puppets so what's not to love :chuckle: plus he writes to me on facebook :O. But yes Wil is crazy too I always laugh myself to tears when he's on the show :D


    Oh I know all about burning out, don't think I've gone a semester (apart from this one) which hasn't been full of late nights/all nighters which resulted in me getting incredibly sick...I've already sort of learnt not to do that again :rolleyes:. And there's always a place in my life for living procrastination :chuckle:


    Yes I'll let you know the moment I watch them so we can share thoughts on it all...I probably won't get them till after exams due to me thinking that if I get them this/next week I'm not going to get any study done :LOL:

  18. :LOL: I don't envy exam markers one bit...unless it's a shocking lecturer/tutor then they deserve everything they get :shifty:


    Oh GNW is always crude but I love it that way...and Sammy J and Wil are two of my favourite comedians so I'm absolutely loving it tonight :awesome:. I so shouldn't have a life outside of study during exam period should be all study :stunned::LOL:


    Yeah I've noticed that the dvds are cheap at JB so I'm waiting for my pay check to come in from my upcoming shift and I'm blowing it on the dvds :D

  19. Oh my writing starts out alright but by the hour mark it goes downhill until it's pretty much just a scrawl :chuckle:


    Just have Good News Week to watch and then I'm calling in a night. Just think I could have used this extra awake time to study but I chose to watch soccer, Masterchef, go to uni with the boy so he can hand in his assignment, go get dinner etc. Everything but study :rolleyes:


    Hmmm favourite Muse dvd...well to be honest I haven't seen them all so can't really comment properly but I do love watching HAARP. How about yours?

  20. Yes I want exams to be on computers...I think one of mine for next semester will be but that's because it's a HR information systems subject so it would make sense :chuckle:


    I only snoozed for about 2 hours this morning, can't believe I'm still going - pretty much been up since 7am yesterday with a 2 hour snooze break YAY :D. I'm sure I'm going to sleep well tonight :LOL:

  21. Nah it didn't look rude at all so don't worry about that :). I hope I ace it, it was a shit course - 104hrs of political work experience which didn't count for a mark and 4 assignments...wasn't impressed with the layout of it too much effort.


    I'm sure you did fine, just keep being optimistic...I'll be optimistic for you :D. Oh I hate hand cramps, after not using my hands to write all semester I'm preparing myself for a world of pain come next week :chuckle:


    Oh it was commitment, and it was all for nothing. Got our asses handed to us on a platter and we will be missing one of our best players for the next match because of a red card that shouldn't have been a red card...friggin Mexican ref can't see for shit :chuckle: rant over hehe. Oh he didn't run out of voice, but I think he got a bit pissed at us when the boys started shutting him down...so he went to bed before the Aussie match.


    Have a good one, I'm going to be snoozing on and off today I think...I've stayed up for way too long :LOL:

  22. :eek: I wondered where you'd got to - thought you may have fallen off the face of the earth after celebrating the end of your exams :chuckle:


    Well I finished the essay with a mix of word count cheating and bullshitting :LOL: so hopefully it's enough to get me through but it sounds like everyone had trouble with that one. One of my friends only had 2 references, at least I managed to find the 10 required :happy:


    And congrats on finishing your exams, I'm sure you knocked it out of the ball park :D. But yeah I have no idea how they'd mark a personal non academic exam question, kind of threw me to see it on the paper but I had to do it when I saw it - I'm so badass :chuckle:


    I'm pulling an all nighter for the Australia v Germany world cup match...we're waiting on a few of my boyfriend's friends to rock up...which I'm hoping will be soon because the only other person here at the moment is my boyfriend's brother and as much as he's a nice guy he's really starting to annoy me. He hasn't stopped talking since he got here at 5 this arvo :stunned:. So I'll be here for a little while, but if I don't hear from you again tonight have a good one - and hopefully you get notified of my message :LOL:

  23. I'm now semi-cheating and using my references in my word count. It's all good though the lecturer is a tad loopy she won't realise :chuckle:


    Oh I wish I could write about that, but alas I will have to write about a case study and how this chick has stuffed up her career by trying to change her workplace into the one she used to manage...or something along those lines :LOL:...your comment kind of reminded me of an exam I sat for a subject called Intro to Asia - the lecturer loved China so every week we spoke about China pretty much for the duration of the lecture. Anyway one of the essay questions on the exam was "how has this subject helped to change the way you think about Asia?" well I just tore strips off the subject basically saying that it hasn't changed the way I thought about Asia but it's made me hate China...I think that's probably the reason I only got a Pass mark overall for that class :chuckle:


    Yeah he's a good one to have...we share the same taste in music pretty much which helps but I've made him put Muse on the study playlist :D

  24. Thanks I think I'll need it...I'm out of ideas :facepalm: oh well still have over 24 hours till it's due so that's something I guess. I'll just rummage through my notes yet again and see if I can add anything else in. Although my argument is pretty solid - this is so not an essay that requires 2000-2500 words :/


    Oh you can so come and do my international human resource management exam :D it's the one that freaks me out...stupid friggin C/25 class grrr...


    And it will be two weeks of note-taking and listening to Muse...by boyfriend has Muse playing now for me ah he's so thoughtful that way :awesome:

  25. Oh I'm 300 words short from the minimum word limit on my essay :facepalm: I must find an extra 300 odd words and about a million more references argh


    You're so lucky you finish tomorrow, I've still got two weeks before I even sit my exams :(

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