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Status Updates posted by Glorious.

  1. Id leave at 7 in the morning, then get home at 5, then thats when Dom went work till 1. I hardly seen him :LOL:

  2. we had a good laugh at that one :LOL:

  3. Our room, all neutral colours. VERRR NICE.

    goes into yours

    AHHHH MY EYES. just pink love stuff everywhere :LOL: even a hottub and a pwopa fish.

  4. I forgot about tig! :chuckle:

    I love it when we lock the wheel on matt :happy:

  5. When i seen it i was like. WE SO DONT DO THAT.

  6. Sorry I didnt reply I've been busy :) Its all good thanks, I love the holidays. You?


    Sooo, do you have any Muse gigs coming up? :D

  7. Your welcome :happy: It realy is brilliant, I should have thought of something clever like that but my name woudnt fit :p I love HAARP too :D I watch it almost every weekend; doesnt get old.

    Yes I do love MotP, in fact its my favourite :happy: Nice to meet you too, Im Shannon :D

  8. Very good thankyou :happy:

  9. Hello :) can I just say I found your username really clever, if it was meant to refer to H.A.A.R.P if not then its still good ;)

    And from you sig, a fellow Map of fan :D woo!

  10. It says on the tickets that people around you may stand so we didnt really care, we just wanted to enjoy ourselves. We were the last row though, the one by the wall so we didnt block anybodys view but after a whilepeople did stand. That would be brilliant if they did finish it off there and I would definately try to go. But still its not Teignmouth in a way :( No they wernt wrong about the last homecoming shows, so thats something I will have to look out for :D Now im excited :D

    MotP is my favourite song, so I was so happy after it was played. And then to hear MK ultra! I was so happy because that is one I was hoping they would play. But it was brilliant to hear it first as well!

  11. It was, I thought the day after I wonder if anybodys taken it, hoping that it wasnt gone as I about had a fit when it came on the tv. But you beat me fair and square :p enjoy it ;)

  12. It really was. I was so glad to get tickets, especially as we were really late, we were so lucky! We got our wembley tickets 10 days after Brimmy, exactly :chuckle:

    It was good yes :D but when your there you cant help thinking 'I WANT TO BE DOWN THERE!' It wont be my first standing gig, I've been to academy gigs standing, the smaller venues to watch bands but it will be my first Muse standing gig :dance: and its wembley stadium :LOL:

    Im really glad you had such a good view, it makes the whole experience so much better when you can see your hero's just a few feet away.

    Byee! and yes definately :D

  13. OMGGGG


    i want bliss :( i want CE :( i want sing for :supersad: i want showbiz.

    i could go on, but ill get myself worked up :chuckle:

  14. yeaaaaaa why not ;) what'cha having?

    I didnt have any as I told mum not to make me any, then I wanted some so she was annoyed. So I had a cuppasoup pot noodle. I wasnt impressed :mad:

  15. TOTAL B-A-B-E.


    i can see why Kel likes him ;)

    ...LOL, jk. :D

    Tell julie ill be round though, give me five :D

  16. We got the tickets really late so we had to go seating, but we got an AMAZING view, we were the first block, right next to the stage. They came on with the pillar/tower things and we seen Dom get on his before anybody could see anything. And thats when it sunk in, then when the curtains dropped we went mad, nobody around us was standing up and we were going mental :chuckle:! When I heard MotP and MK ultra I about died.

    You went to teignmouth, WOW! I wanted to go, but thats around the time we discoverd our love, Im glad you had a good time, did you get a good view? :D I feel so privalidged to be apart of something like Wembley, i mean its not as if they are going to do it every year. Thats why it would have been brilliant to go to Teignmouth, that wont happen again :supersad:



    Ben will back me up with the questions that you ask :indiff:;)


    pffftt! Dont make me laugh, you need to be put in a padded cell for the things you do :LOL:

  19. I Dont want to think about it :stunned:

    It may not be cool, but im sitting here laughing my head off! :LOL:






  20. I know! STUFF FACEBOOK

    just get all the gang on the muse forums, its all we need ;) People dont have to see us obsessing over them this way. :chuckle:


    I know, we make each other laugh so much. What would I do without you Georgia? :supersad:

  21. Ahhh :D You get to see Biffy and stuff.

    Erm, what am I not looking forward to really ;) I'm just so excited I get the chance to see Muse again, last time was the best night of my life, no joke. They are so good at what they do and I know how good it is going to be. Ill probably cry at the end :$:LOL: I dont really like the big pink though, they were rubbish supporting muse last time :indiff:

    What is it your looking forward too? :D



    i need to get a life, and stop with the impressions :noey:

  23. Hello! :D Im good thankyou, how are you?

    But im not that lucky. I only get to go to the friday, :( no saturday for mee. Which day are you going? :D

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