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Status Updates posted by Glorious.

  1. Do it! You only live once.


    He does look quite nice there and im not even a Matt lover :eyebrows:


    I lol'd at Ponny.

    Miss Bitch :fear: IM GONNA GET HER. I hate her for everything.


    12 Days :stunned::stunned:

  2. really? you love him? :eek::stunned:



    You should have put your life story in there and then asked him to marry you :LOL:

    Theres not alot of people you dont ask to marry you ;)

  3. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

    should have put a picture next to it with you doing your michael bay grin :awesome:

  4. I now am in love with a few Libertines songs.


    I BLAME YOU. :fear:

  5. :LOL::LOL:

    m'julie is soooo cool :supersad:

  6. :LOL::LOL:

    Just dont tell him. And make sure hes in the torture room ;)

  7. I love him so much. :stunned:

    I think it happened when I seen a video of him dissing Bon Jovi on tubeyou. I knew then he was perfect :LOL: comedy genius.


    It was! But I loved loved loved it :D

  8. I love Rise as well :stunned:


    I want too. :eyebrows: So Ill ask mum if I can later on.

    I actually have the moniezz for once! :eek:

  9. I do too :ninja:


    It was acutally so epic :stunned:

    T E N D ER O N I! :awesome:

  10. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

    Help, Im a midget. Im stuck in the keyhole, get me out.


    The mixed accent would be funny too ;)

  11. There was this thing on tv the other day.

    About midgets and they were saying your not allowed to call them that you have to call them dwarfs.

    It made me laugh even more... (Mum now thinks im insensitive) :LOL:

  12. :LOL:



    :awesome: saaaaame!

    Im loving The Libertines after last night :$:p

  13. :LOL::LOL:


    Yes I did! It made me laugh! I text you back but then I went on my phone this morning to realise it hadnt been sent :shifty:

    So i text you apologizing ;)

  14. That t-shirt needs to be made!


    You got beef?!

    (Said in Leeds accent ;))

  15. Your names Shannon, mine is too :happy:

    Welcome to the board!

  16. I know.




  17. It made my day :LOL:

    YEAAAS. They were complaining saying they wont have good enough spaces.


  18. For stade de france the people at the entrances that were the furthest away from the stage were being let in first and they got better spaces because they didnt let closer people in as quickly. They were complaining about it on the wemberly thread hoping they dont do it for wembley.

  19. yo yo yo.

    I dont know if you seen. But in the wemberz thread they were saying that the exits further away were being let in first for stade de france and stuff :D

  20. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

    Play our own game and make the ball go on the pitch.

  21. That would be so weird :LOL: But funneh. Id love to see his face as we all show up.

  22. It was so funny! :LOL:

    And then when we went to cricket that one time and we were early. *walks round the corner* OMG HES HERE.

    You: YOUR JOKING *runs away*

    It was so obvious it was us LOL he just looked at me and Kel and carried on playing catch ;)

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