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Status Updates posted by Glorious.

  1. lol ye fingz nt 2 do in publik. i fink u shud av 1 doe. itz guna b rite laff.


    I was gonna ring you last night to go on chat roulette together but then I realised it was a bit late lol. LEGEND.

  2. lulz. LETS DO IT!

    i fink we shud init. il c u on sunday mrnin bbz. luv u. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :kiss:

  3. Me either really:(. I did stuff for the first few weeks but it's all died down so now I'm pretty much bored every day. I have some coursework to do but I can't bring myself to do it. I have done a bit though...

  4. Blame georgia.

    Ill be right there ;)

  5. Hello :D

    Its good thanks, but the holidays are over soon :(

    You? :D

  6. there was two, i hope you found the other one ;)

  7. ALERT.

    New user. :D

  8. :eek: Im not doing my job very well!

    Ill be right on it ;)

  9. Dont think there is anybody yet... :p

  10. Im pretty crap also :LOL:

    Something like 'the official welcomers'? :awesome:

  11. Us two, welcoming new musers to the boards :awesome: what shall our name be? ;)

  12. I couldn't agree more :supersad:

  13. You have no self control :noey: no resistance ;):facepalm:

    I just listened to Exo-politics; oh well I tried ;)

  14. I'm proud of myself! I've not listened to muse in 4 days! :awesome: I'm trying not to watch haarp either, so far it's going well! ;)

  15. WOOO! :awesome::awesome::dance:

    You can now get excited! :D

  16. If you insist ;)

    Do it, :D

    And take a photo

  17. Ive just never been a big fan of it :p

    See I can now because ours came this afternoon! :dance:!

    Therefore, i am officially excited. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.

  18. Fit fit fit fit.

    I want everything! :LOL: (exept IBTY :ninja)

    Ahh Map of your Head! Im getting into this too much :facepalm:

  19. Awww. Yep, the photos are up on bookface! :awesome: Its my favourite off the album MK and when I heard that I went mad :LOL: It would be immense. Blackout would be good yes :D And fury :happy:

  20. Itll be that epic Ill probably cry. My friend just told me the tickets came and I had a few tears... :$:chuckle:

    I heard MK Ultra first time it was played live :dance: But I do want to hear it again :D Im wanting sing for, its not one of my favourites but I think that at a stadium will be beautiful. I know it wont happen though.

    That will be good. get some of Matts LED glasses :awesome:

  21. Im hoping to hear it at Wemberzz. They just have to, its only fair. It will make my life.

    Which pair are you planning on wearing to the gig? :happy:

  22. I saw it a while ago, but I really waned to keep a map of from somewhere but most things were taken but I noticed that wasnt :D It is epic :awesome:

    Yep I love his yellow skinnies. (But I love the red ones when he has the tartan waistcoat) Youve made a good choice! :D

  23. I was very lucky to get it :happy:

    Map of is my favourite, and at abbey road it is just epic :D

  24. We said there should be a GCSE on them because we'd do so well :chuckle:

    I'll tell you if they ran away or not ;) if they really are that bad... :p

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