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Status Updates posted by Glorious.

  1. Hello :) I was just wondering if you had done your work experience yet, and if you had a good time :D


    ...It was you wasn't it? :LOL:

  2. You said about how im from Leicestershire, infact right next to Leicester which is where Kasabian are from :dance: They recorded part of their album a few minutes away from my home :happy:


    (Just thought I would say :LOL:)

  3. I just wanted to say, great work on your video's, they make me laugh so much! I love them.

  4. GET OFF PMT? ohh, thats rich coming from you. You comment on PDT. i iz ashamed.

  5. oh, answer your phone. :fear:

  6. Oh god, im dreading looking :LOL:

  7. My computer is playing up. I can send the picture to you via email, its the only thing thats working :) That okay?

  8. Thats perfect thankyou :D

  9. hello, i was wondering as you post lolz; what font is it that they use? we are trying to make some :D

  10. your so mean. i just want to end my life; knowing your in it.

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