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Status Updates posted by Glorious.

  1. Muse are the only reason it will be A* I'm a genius on the subject! :LOL:

    Uea your right :chuckle: although they'll probably be that bad they'll run away as they don't want me to see them :p

  2. I can assure you it will :D and good, that makes my job a little easier :LOL:

    Im happy im going away, but I want to get the results but I dont mind, Ill just get them when I get back :)

  3. Celebrating one more time...


    1 MONTH 1 MONTH 1 MONTH 1 MONTH! :dance::dance::dance:

  4. Grade me eh? It will A* worthy, no doubt about it! :LOL: when it comes to muse I can put alot into it:p

    Yeaa, we did these exams early June. But I go away when we can collect them so I have to wait slightly longer. :chuckle:

  5. I hope I have fun too ;) I will :D I'll give you an essay on it :D EVERYTHING ABOUT MY DAY. from when I wake up ;)

    I am nervous but I just want to know :chuckle: I hate waiting :LOL:

  6. My life will be complete when a muse gig I go to is televised/on a DVD but I'm very satisfied just seeing them, that's more than enough for me :p

    Ice cream will always be a best friend when people are feeling sorry for themselves :happy: we almost didn't get tickets though, were very lucky. And thanks I'm sure I will have fun. :D

  7. The Seattle one? The myspace one? If so that really was brilliant :D

    Yes I am going to wembley :D the first night :D (I know my mums going to love it ;)) And I went to see them at Birmingham last year :D

    Too bad your not going again though :(

  8. I want to see this redneck-ness now! :chuckle:

    I know! Sometimes it can go fast, but it mostly goes slow. These holidays are going quite fast... But that maybe because wemberzz is the other side of them. Have you seen muse before? :D

  9. Good :chuckle:

    Deliciously redneck, Ive never heard that before :LOL: sounds good though! ;)

    Im fine thankyou! :D I go on a little holiday in two weeks, so right now Im slightly bored, holidays can go quite slowly.

  10. Yes :chuckle:

    You became agressive, I became defensive. Water under the bridge. :happy: Im hoping thats the right saying :LOL:

    anywaaayyy, how are you? :D

  11. Hello :D


    Ive realised I didnt apologize for my behaviour before ;)

    I am sorry :D

  12. Its very sad :( But after it will mean that Wembley is only a week away! IVE WAITED TEN MONTHS FOR THIS. :eek: Its come so fast! :supersad:

    Plus we get our exam results soon, so im nervous about that :p

  13. Ahhh yes... i did :indiff: Puss put my phone under the chair earlier, it took me half an hour to get it out...:facepalm:

    You can stop over later if you would like :D

  14. Seen you were on, wanted to ask you something :D

    What you doing today? :happy:

  15. :D

    They are going good thankyou, but too quickly! Were almost on the fourth week! :eek: only two and a bit weeks left! I cant believe they have gone so fast, they normally go so slowly. Its probably because Wemberzz is the otherside of them :D;)

  16. Definately :D

    Nice to meet you nichole :happy:

    How are your holidays going? :)

  17. Yeaaa its the same around here really. Yesterday I was in Leicester and i seen someone in a muse t-shirt! :happy: just had to tell somebody ;)

    When we came out of the arena everyone was still buzzing it was brilliant, I loved the atmosphere of it after. It was november, and we walked out in t-shirts because we were still so hot after going mad at Knights :D yess, all brought together by one love ;) Im Shannon by the way :D

  18. I thought we were the only two until the day after aswell, even my English teacher went! Which really surprised me.

    We go on quite alot, so our friends know quite alot about muse now too!

    Yes it is good to talk to people who share the same love, especially as everyone is from so many different places :D

  19. One of my best friends loves muse just as much as me, and we go to the gigs together. But im quite lucky because we do have people who like justin beiber, jls and n-dubz but the people I stay with we all like the same sort of music, even if it is different bands which is always good :D but I was surprised, when we went school the day after the gig there was so many sixth formers in muse t-shirts as they had been the night before, it was great! We couldnt wear ours though as we had to wear uniform :LOL:

  20. It's okay :D

    And I know! I was busy when it was shown here so I recorded it, and my stupid tv cut half of plug in baby off :( and I missed the rest! I was so annoyed :p

    It's only really me and my friend that love muse in our group so we went, but my friends get annoyed at how much we go on about it! But they know how good they are live so they have to agree ;)

  21. Don't worry I'll give you a full report! :D ON EVERYTHING!

    Wembley is the best ;) so of course it will beat it! I have HAARP too and me and my friend watch it all the time, it's epic. I wish I went too :( but I was a bit young at the time ;) I wish I went teignmouth as well.

    That's really cool! You can watch it back knowing you were there, your own DVD of the day you went. Reliving the moment ;)

  22. its okay :D

    Its good for me, because im in the middle, quite close to most places and London is only about 2 hours away and easy to get too :D I hope i have a good time too ;)

    Is that the one that was shown on myspace? If so it was a really good gig :D I seen them at Birmingham last year in November and that was the best night of mine, im sure wembley will beat it though :D

  23. I love the holidays the first few weeks, but then I start getting bored :chuckle: but then the last week I never want go back!

    Ahh camping, I've never been :p glad you had a good time :D

    Yea I'm going the first night of Wembley :D I cannot wait! Where did you go and see them in april? :)

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